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姓名 龍孟偉(Long, Meng-Wei)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 與槽化相關的GNSS-RO折射率資料品質控管策略及其對強降雨預報影響:2020/05/22大雨個案研究
★ 利用WRF-LETKF同化系統探討掩星折射率觀測對於強降水事件預報之影響★ 改善區域系集卡爾曼濾波器在颱風同化及預報中的spin-up問題-2008年颱風辛樂克個案研究
★ LETKF加速就位法於颱風同化預報之應用★ 利用系集重新定位法改善颱風路徑預報-2011年南瑪都颱風個案研究
★ 利用局地系集轉換卡爾曼濾波器雷達資料同化系統改善定量降水即時預報:莫拉克颱風(2009)★ 利用系集資料同化系統估算區域大氣化學耦合模式中trace物種之排放與吸收:以CO2為例
★ OSSE實驗架構下利用系集預報敏感度工具探討觀測對於颱風路徑預報及結構之影響★ 利用局地系集轉換卡爾曼濾波器雷達資料同化系統改善短期定量降雨預報: SoWMEX IOP8 個案分析
★ 利用系集重新定位法改善對流尺度定量降水即時預報:2009年莫拉克颱風個案研究★ LAPS 短時(0-6小時)系集降水機率預報之評估與應用
★ 利用辛樂克颱風(2008)建立的觀測系統模擬實驗評估系集奇異向量在颱風系集預報之應用★ 雷達資料同化於多重尺度天氣系統(梅雨)的強降雨預報影響:SoWMEX IOP#8 個案研究
★ 基於高解析度系集卡爾曼濾波器之渦旋初始化及其對於颱風強度預報之影響:2010年梅姬颱風個案研究★ 系集轉換卡爾曼漸進式平滑器在資料同化之應用
★ 不同微物理方案在雲可解析模式的系集預報分析: SoWMEX-IOP8 個案★ 利用正交向量改善系集卡爾曼濾波器之系集空間及其對同化與預報之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在探討GNSS-RO折射率觀測中,因槽化所造成的低層資料負偏差。由於無法於觀測資料中直接得知槽化的發生與否,本研究採用全球模式預報資料作為判定的依據。經過比對,當預報中出現槽化時,對應的觀測資料在槽化層以下也出現顯著的負偏差。
為了檢視同化這些含負偏差的GNSS-RO資料對於區域模式預報的影響,吾人選取2020/05/22的鋒面大雨個案作為研究標的,進行四組實驗:1. 未同化GNSS-RO資料的CTRL、2. 同化所有GNSS-RO資料的REF_ALL、3. 使用LSW>35%作為資料檢定(QC)策略的REF_LSW、4. 移除模式槽化層以下資料的REF_NODUCT。經過三天半的資料同化循環後,比較各實驗分析場、預報場。並以其探討降雨預報差異的原因。
摘要(英) This study aims to explore the presence of negative bias in lower-level data in GNSS-RO refractivity data caused by ducting. Since ducting occurrences cannot be directly detected from observational data, this study relies on model data for assessment. Comparisons show that when ducting occur in the model, the significant negative bias exists in corresponding observational data below the ducting layer.
An examination of thermal profiles during ducting occurrences in the model identifies three primary factors contributing to ducting: mixing inversion in boundary layer, cold pools from rainfall systems causing severe near-surface cooling, and subsidence inversions induced by other systems like anticyclone, with sharp vertical temperature and humidity gradients acting as primary drivers.
To evaluate the impact of these negatively biased GNSS-RO data on the model, a heavy rainfall event on May 22, 2020, is selected as the focal case. The study divides experiments into four groups: 1. CTRL, without assimilating GNSS-RO data; 2. REF_ALL, assimilating all GNSS-RO data; 3. REF_LSW, using LSW>35% as a QC strategy; and 4. REF_NODUCT, removing data below the ducting layer. After three and a half days of data assimilation cycles, differences in analysis fields, forecast fields, and forecast rainfall are compared among the experiments.
Analysis reveals that assimilating GNSS-RO data significantly adjusts the dynamical and thermal environments in the region from the South China Sea to South China, making them more conducive to increased frontal intensity. Additionally, the utilization of QC strategies further enhances water vapor content. However, the performance of the dynamic field varies based on the QC strategy employed: removing more data in REF_LSW leads to weakened low-level convergence and decreased frontal strength, while retaining more data in REF_NODUCT yields the strongest low-level convergence and frontal strength, showing the importance of mitigating negative bias and preserving lower-level data.
As for forecast outcomes, REF_NODUCT exhibits the highest rainfall, REF_ALL is comparable to REF_LSW, and CTRL produces the weakest results. However, skill scores suggest that REF_ALL performs the best, followed by CTRL, while the performances of REF_NODUCT and REF_LSW are less satisfactory. This could be attributed to the eastward shift of the southwest vortex in South China caused by the removal of lower-level data, resulting in a faster movement of the front compared to its original speed.
Incremental analysis experiments indicate that assimilating GNSS-RO low-level data leads to a significant reduction in local water vapor and can cause its movement due to the model advection. However, the impact on water vapor transport depends on its interaction with the dynamic field.
This study′s reliance on model data for ducting determination may lead to erroneous data removal due to model errors. Furthermore, removing data could lead to the eastward shift of the southwest vortex, causing rainfall displacement. Future efforts should focus on integrating techniques for directly determining ducting from GNSS-RO observational data and reconstructing data below the ducting layer to address these issues and maximize the utility of GNSS-RO lower-level data.
關鍵字(中) ★ 掩星
★ 折射率
★ 槽化
★ 水氣傳輸
關鍵字(英) ★ GNSS-RO
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究動機及目的 1
1-2 GNSS-RO資料文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究個案簡介 5
二、研究方法與資料 7
2-1 WRF-LETKF資料同化系統 7
2-1-1 WRF模式 7
2-1-2 LETKF資料同化方法 7
2-2 使用資料 9
2-3 局地折射率觀測算符 9
2-4 資料稀化 10
2-5 品質控管 10
2-5-1 LSW QC 10
2-5-2 NODUCT QC 10
2-6 實驗設置 11
三、實驗結果與討論 13
3-1 GNSS-RO資料數量 13
3-2 模式與觀測資料的差異 13
3-2-1 所有atmPrf與echPrf比較 14
3-2-2 LSW QC後的atmPrf與echPrf比較 14
3-2-3 NODUCT QC後的atmPrf與echPrf比較 15
3-3 模式發生槽化時的熱力結構 15
3-4 模式分析場比較 16
3-4-1 同化GNSS-RO資料的影響 16
3-4-2 使用QC策略的影響 17
3-5 模式預報場比較 19
3-5-1 同化GNSS-RO的影響 19
3-5-2 使用QC策略的影響 19
3-6 預報降雨分布及校驗 21
3-6-1 預報降雨分布 21
3-6-2 預報技術得分 22
3-7 增量分析 23
3-7-1 850hPa重力位高度 23
3-7-2 850hPa可降水量 23
3-7-3 850hPa風場 24
3-7-4 850hPa總體水氣傳輸 24
四、結論與未來展望 25
4-1 結論 25
4-2 討論及未來展望 26
參考文獻 27
附表 32
附圖 33
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指導教授 楊舒芝(Yang, Shu-Chih) 審核日期 2024-8-12
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