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姓名 朱奕華(Yi-Hua Chu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 雙通路供應鏈考慮團購門檻之定價和數量決策
(Pricing and quantity decisions in the dual channel supply chain with considering the threshold of group buying.)
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在探討如何整合傳統零售通路和直接銷售渠道,建立雙通路供應鏈,以 滿足多樣化的消費者購買偏好。研究的核心在於供應商如何同時透過這兩種通路銷售 相同的產品。在傳統零售通路中,供應商與零售商合作,確保產品有效進入市場並設 定競爭性的批發價格。而在直營銷售通路中,供應商採用團購銷售策略,通過有效的 團購門檻和定價策略來吸引更廣泛的消費者群體,以最大化整體供應鏈的利益。
本研究聚焦於分析市場消費者對不同銷售通路的偏好,並基於這些偏好設計了雙 通路供應鏈的結構。通過傳統零售通路,供應商與零售商的合作確保了穩定的市場進 入和競爭性的產品定價;而透過直營銷售通路的團購模式,則擴展了消費者群體的覆 蓋範圍,提升了市場銷售的機會。本研究特別強調了如何通過有效的團購門檻設計和 價格策略,來最大化整體供應鏈的效益。
最終,本研究的結果突顯了雙通路供應鏈的實施對整體供應鏈利益的積極影響。 這不僅有助於供應商在競爭激烈的市場中保持競爭力,同時也能夠充分滿足消費者對 不同通路和價格策略的需求。總體而言,本研究的發現提供了實施雙通路供應鏈的策 略指南,有助於業界探索和推行更多元化的市場進入策略,從而促進企業的長期發展 和市場份額的提升。
摘要(英) This study aims to explore how to integrate traditional retail channels and direct sales channels to establish a dual-channel supply chain that caters to diverse consumer purchasing preferences.The focus is on how suppliers can sell the same products through both channels simultaneously.In the traditional retail channel, suppliers collaborate with retailers to ensure effective market entry and competitive wholesale pricing.Conversely, in the direct sales channel, suppliers adopt a group purchasing sales strategy, utilizing effective thresholds and pricing strategies to attract a broader consumer base and maximize overall supply chain benefits.
The study focuses on analyzing consumer preferences for different sales channels and designing the structure of a dual-channel supply chain based on these preferences.Through traditional retail channels, supplier-retailer collaboration ensures stable market entry and competitive product pricing.Meanwhile, the group purchasing model in the direct sales channel expands consumer coverage and enhances market sales opportunities.The study particularly emphasizes maximizing overall supply chain benefits through effective group purchasing thresholds and pricing strategies.
Ultimately, the results underscore the positive impact of implementing a dual-channel supply chain on overall supply chain benefits.This approach not only helps suppliers maintain competitiveness in a competitive market but also meets consumer demands for diverse channels and pricing strategies.Overall, the findings of this study provide strategic guidance for implementing dual-channel supply chains, facilitating the exploration and adoption of diversified market entry strategies in the industry to promote long-term business growth and increase market share.
關鍵字(中) ★ 團購門檻
★ 雙通路供應鏈
★ 定價
關鍵字(英) ★ Group Buying Threshold
★ Dual channel supply chain
★ pricing
論文目次 中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Content iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Motivation and objective 3
Chapter 2 Literature review 6
2.1 Dual channel supply chain 6
2.2 Group buying 8
2.3 Pricing decisions influenced by consumers. 10
Chapter 3 Research methodology 13
3.1 Problem description 13
3.2 Consumer’s purchasing behavior 16
3.3 Group leader’s behavior under the threshold of group buying 17
3.4 Retailer’s problem 18
3.5 Supplier’s problem 18
3.6 Decision model 20
3.7 Coordination mechanism contract 21
Chapter 4 Numerical example 23
4.1 Single channel verse dual channel structure 24
4.2 Coordination mechanism 27
Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis 31
5.1. The sensitivity analysis on agency cost, f 31
5.2. The sensitivity analysis on number of potential group leaders, K 32
5.3. The sensitivity analysis on production cost, pc 36
Chapter 6 Conclusion 40
Reference 44
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指導教授 曾富祥 審核日期 2024-7-17
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