博碩士論文 111223007 詳細資訊

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姓名 李兆玄(Chao-Hsuan Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學學系
論文名稱 具雙態發光與放大自發輻射之新型染料的開發及其應用潛能探索
(Development of new dyes with dual-state luminescence and amplified spontaneous emission and exploration of their application potential)
★ 含五苯荑及異參茚并苯衍生物之合成與光物理行為之研究★ 具雙光子吸收行為之染料分子的合成與其光學性質探討
★ 新型雙光子吸收材料的分子設計與合成及其光學性質的探討★ 新型多叉及樹枝狀染料分子的合成及其非線性光學性質探討
★ 新穎多叉型之雙光子吸收材料的分子設計、合成與光學性質探討★ 新型四取代乙烯類及喹喔啉類染料分子的合成及其光學性質探討
★ 新型具喹喔啉、三嗪和吡嗪結構之染料分子 的合成及其光學性質探討★ Synthesis and Nonlinear Optical Property Characterizations of Novel Chromophores with Extended π-Conjugation Derived from Functionalized Fluorene Units
★ 含四取代乙烯及類喹喔啉結構單元之多分岐染料分子的合成與其非線性光學性質探討★ Synthesis and Nonlinear Optical Property Characterizations of Novel Fluorophores with Multi-Quinoxalinyl Units
★ 新型含茚并喹喔啉結構單元之樹狀共軛染料分子的合成與其非線性光學性質探討★ 含四取代乙烯乙炔及類喹喔啉結構單元之多分歧染料分子的合成與非線性光學性質探討
★ Two-Photon Absorption and Optical Power-limiting Properties of Three- and Six-Branched Chromophores Derived from 1,3,5-Triazine and Fluorene Units★ 新型含喹喔啉及各類拉電子基之染料分子的合成及其非線性光學性質探討
★ 含咔唑、芴及茚并喹喔啉等雜環單元之共軛染料分子的合成 與其非線性光學性質探討★ 合成各類以雜環為核心的分子並研究其非線性光學性質
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摘要(中) 有機螢光材料由於其有多元的應用,而受到了許多的關注,包含生物體內螢光成像、光動力療法、有機發光二極體、有機雷射材料等等。近年來,我們實驗室致力於開發雙態螢光材料及具放大自發輻射效應之有機雷射材料。本論文主要專注在開發新型螢光分子的雙態發射性質以及放大自發輻射性質,以評估其在雙態螢光材料及有機雷射材料的應用潛力。雙態螢光發射是指分子在固態和溶液態中皆能放出螢光,藉由測定其在固態以及溶液態的螢光量子產率,可以做不同層面上的應用,而放大自發輻射則是指螢光分子自發輻射增強的過程,可作為我們日後設計有機雷射材料的參考。
(1) 第一系列模型分子以苯並三唑接上含有嗎啉(Morpholine)的烷鏈為核心,具有標定細胞溶酶體之應用潛力。
(2) 第二系列模型分子以苯並三唑接上不同長度烷鏈為核心,接上噻吩結構單元,並以此結構作為基礎,向外接上不同推電子基團。
(3) 第三系列模型分子為四取代乙烯系列,經由光學量測發現和第二系列模型分子5、6皆具有放大自發輻射效應。
摘要(英) Organic fluorescent materials have attracted a lot of attention due to their diverse applications, including fluorescence imaging, photodynamic therapy, organic light-emitting diodes, organic laser materials, etc. For the recent years, we have dedicated to the development of dual-state fluo-rescent materials and organic laser materials. This thesis mainly discusses the dual-state emission properties and amplified spontaneous emission properties of our recently developed fluorescent molecules to evaluate their potential applications in dual-state fluorescent emission and organic lasers. Dual-state fluorescence emission means that a molecule can emit fluorescence in both the solid state and the solution state and such materials can be applied to different aspects. Amplified spontaneous emission refers to the process of enhanced spontaneous emission of fluorescent molecules and organic structures exhibiting such a feature can be used as a reference model for the design of organic laser materials in the future.
In this research, we have synthesized several new fluorescent molecules, and re-produced a series of tetra-substituted ethylene model molecules which had been synthesized by Ms. Ying-Hsuan Lee, a former graduate of our laboratory. We explored their photophysical properties through corresponding measurements. These model molecules’ structural properties and our experimental observations can be briefly described as follows:

(1) The structures of model molecules of the first series possess benzotriazole units in the center, which are attached with morpholine unit and these compounds are designed to be applied to mark cellular lysosomes.

(2) The model molecules of the second series are derived from functionalized benzotriazole, thiophene, and various fluorenyl donoros units. From the results of nonlinear optical property measurements, we found that extending the molecular π-conjugated structure or introducing electron-pushing functional groups can effectively improve the overall molecular two-photon excitation cross section values.

(3) The model molecules of the third series are based on the scaffold of tetra-substituted ethylene. Through corresponding optical measurements, it was found that model molecules 5 and 6 of the second series and all the members of the third series have shown amplified spontaneous emission behaviors.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雙態發光
★ 放大自發輻射
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 雙態螢光發射材料介紹 1
1-2 放大自發輻射介紹 3
1-3 雙光子螢光材料之簡介 5
1-4 應用在雙光子螢光顯微術的染料 7
1-5 研究動機 9
第二章 分子設計與合成 10
2-1 分子結構及設計理念 10
2-2 合成流程 14
第三章 分子光學性質量測與探討 24
3-1 光學實驗與光學儀器介紹 24
3-2 螢光分子在溶液態及固態之線性光學性質 28
3-3 螢光分子之放大自發輻射性質 35
3-4 螢光分子雙光子性質探討 43
3-5 結果與討論 50
第四章 實驗藥品與合成步驟 51
第五章 結構鑑定光譜圖 85
參考文獻 133
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指導教授 林子超(Tzu-Chau Lin) 審核日期 2024-8-20
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