博碩士論文 108324049 詳細資訊

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姓名 王虹(Hung Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 銅基板殘留應力對銅接點性質影響之研究
(Effect of Residual Stress in Cu Substrate on Joint Properties for Cu-to-Cu Bonding)
★ 錫碲擴散偶之擴散阻障層界面反應★ 熱電材料與擴散阻障層在電流影響下的界面反應研究
★ 無鉛銲料與無電鍍鈷基板於多次迴焊之界面反應與可靠度測試★ 無電鍍鎳磷層應用於熱電材料與無鉛銲料之界面研究
★ 高可靠度車用印刷電路板之表面處理層開發★ 共濺鍍銅鈦薄膜之相分離演化機制與其對機械性質於3DIC接合的影響
★ 添加微量錫銀銅合金之銅薄膜與銅基板之接合研究★ 新式低溫合金焊料之開發與界面反應探討及可靠度分析
★ 電遷移對純錫導線晶粒旋轉之研究★ 以同步輻射臨場量測電遷移對純錫導線應力分佈之研究
★ 鋁鍺薄膜封裝研究★ 無鉛銲料錫銀鉍銦與銅電極之電遷移研究
★ 以表面處理及塗佈奈米粒子抑制錫晶鬚生長★ 鋁鍺雙層薄膜之擴散行為與金屬誘發結晶現象研究
★ 鋁(銅)與鎳混合導線於矽通孔製程之電遷移現象研究★ 無鉛銲料與碲化鉍基材之界面反應研究
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摘要(中) 近年來由於科技發展迅速,對於功率元件的需求上升,然而目前可應用於高溫的電子構裝材料卻相當有限。奈米銅膠因具有優良的熱導及電導性、高抗電遷移與電化學遷移、不會與接合之銅線產生介金屬化合物等特性,成為一種具備前瞻性的構裝材料,因而如何提升接點之可靠度便成為重要議題。奈米粒子具有高表面能,容易相互團聚並燒結,而與之接合的基板則為塊材,性質較穩定,但是多項因素如燒結之氣氛、粒子幾何形貌與基板微結構均將影響接點強度。若能提升粒子與基板的燒結程度,將對接點可靠度的發展帶來重要貢獻。
摘要(英) In recent years, due to the rapid development of technology, the demand for power devices has increased significantly. However, the materials currently available for high-temperature electronic packaging are quite limited. Among them, Cu nanoparticle (NP) paste has emerged as a promising packaging material owing to its excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, high electromigration and electrochemical migration, and its ability to prevent the formation of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) with the bonded copper wires. Therefore, enhancing the reliability of Cu sintering joints has become a crucial issue. Literature indicates that various factors such as the sintering atmosphere, particle geometry, and the microstructure of the substrate can all influence the joint strength. NPs have high surface energy, making them tend to aggregation and sintering, while the substrates they bond with are bulk materials with more stable properties. Improving the level of sintering between particles and the substrate would significantly contribute to the development of joint reliability.
This study aims to investigate the influence of residual stress in Cu substrates on joint strength and to provide a fundamental understanding from the perspective of atomic diffusion dynamics for future theoretical research. By annealing the substrate for different durations, the residual stress can be effectively adjusted. Through shear tests and numerical analysis, a correlation between the level of stress and joint strength is found. The results show that longer annealing time reduce residual stress, which in turn lowers the joint strength. Additionally, this study proposes a detailed mechanism for explaining how residual stress affects atomic diffusion behavior during the sintering process. Through an in-depth discussion of material, the findings of this research are significant and further advance the field of electronic packaging.
關鍵字(中) ★ 銅銅接合
★ 奈米顆粒
★ 殘留應力
關鍵字(英) ★ Cu-Cu bonding
★ Nanoparticle
★ Residual stress
論文目次 摘要 i
致謝 iii
1-1 Background 1
1-2 Packaging techniques 4
1-2-1 Pb-free solders 5
1-2-2 TLP bonding 10
1-2-3 Cu-to-Cu bonding 12
1-2-4 Ag nanoparticle sintering 17
1-2-5 Cu nanoparticle sintering 20
1-3 Processing factors influencing nanoparticle paste sintering 23
1-3-1 Microstructures of nanoparticles 23
1-3-2 Atmosphere 28
1-3-3 Microstructures of substrates 32
3-1 Preparation of Cu NP paste 38
3-2 Pre-treatment of Cu substrate and bonding process 38
3-3 Analysis and characterization of Cu NPs 39
3-4 Measurement of residual stress in Cu substrates 39
3-5 Shear strength and fracture surface analysis of joints 41
4-1 Characterization of Cu NP and Cu substrate 42
4-2 Mechanical strength of Cu paste joints 48
4-3 Residual stress analysis 54
4-4 Calculations of chemical potential and driving force 56
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指導教授 吳子嘉(Albert T. Wu) 審核日期 2024-8-20
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