博碩士論文 111324083 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡亦林(I-Lin Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 製備不同形貌銅金屬奈米線結構陣列及其散熱性能之研究
★ 規則氧化鋁模板及鎳金屬奈米線陣列製備之研究★ 電化學沉積法製備ZnO:Al奈米柱陣列結構及其性質研究
★ 溼式蝕刻製程製備矽單晶奈米結構陣列及其性質研究★ 氣體電漿表面改質及濕式化學蝕刻法結合微奈米球微影術製備位置、尺寸可調控矽晶二維奈米結構陣列之研究
★ 陽極氧化鋁模板法製備一維金屬與金屬氧化物奈米結構陣列及其性質研究★ 水熱法製備ZnO, AZO 奈米線陣列成長動力學以及性質研究
★ 新穎太陽能電池基板表面粗糙化結構之研究★ 規則準直排列純鎳金屬矽化物奈米線、奈米管及異質結構陣列之製備與性質研究
★ 鈷金屬與鈷金屬氧化物奈米結構製備及其性質研究★ 單晶矽碗狀結構及水熱法製備ZnO, AZO奈米線陣列成長動力學及其性質研究
★ 準直尖針狀矽晶及矽化物奈米線陣列之製備及其性質研究★ 奈米尺度鎳金屬點陣與非晶矽基材之界面反應研究
★ 在透明基材上製備抗反射陽極氧化鋁膜及利用陽極氧化鋁模板法製備雙晶銅奈米線之研究★ 準直矽化物奈米管陣列、超薄矽晶圓與矽單晶奈米線陣列轉附製程之研究
★ 尖針狀矽晶奈米線陣列及凖直鐵矽化物奈米結構之製備與性質研究★ 金屬氧化物奈米結構製備及其表面親疏水性質之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究主要分成兩個部分進行研究,第一部分為利用陽極氧化鋁奈米模板製備準
電解液進行單次陽極氧化處理可製備出準直型之通道並具有約 51 nm 之孔徑,而以磷
大小分別以磷酸及草酸電解液製備出約 200 nm 及 49 nm 之孔徑。此外,本研究利用
經由穿透式電子顯微鏡 (TEM) 影像及其相對應之電子選區繞射 (SAED) 鑑定分析
可得知所製備出之大尺寸銅金屬奈米線與小尺寸銅金屬奈米線皆為單晶 FCC 晶體結
電元件輸出電壓。另外,此元件也具備良好的彎曲能力,於曲率半徑 2.5 cm 的操作情
摘要(英) This study consists of two parts. The first part involves creating aligned and branched
copper nanowires using anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates. The second part analyzes
the thermal performance of these nanowires as micro heat sink devices. Large-area AAO
templates with different channel morphologies were prepared using one-step and two-step
anodization processes. One-step anodization in oxalic acid produced aligned channels with
about 51 nm pore size, while two-step anodization in phosphoric and oxalic acids produced
branched channels with pore sizes of about 200 nm and 49 nm. The bottom barrier layer of
the AAO templates was thinned and removed using electrochemical reduction, allowing
direct deposition of copper nanowires onto the aluminum substrate. To enhance heat
dissipation, alkaline etching was used to partially etch the AAO template, preserving the
aluminum oxide layer at the root of the nanowires for structural support, increasing the
specific surface area and flexibility. Thermal performance was evaluated under natural and
forced convection. The branched nanowire structure, with partially etched AAO templates,
showed better cooling effects and thermoelectric output compared to the aligned structure,
which suffered from poor heat dissipation due to clustering. The branched structure also
demonstrated excellent bending capability, showing improved specific surface area and heat
dissipation under a curvature radius of 2.5 cm. Therefore, the novel process proposed
effectively optimizes heat dissipation device performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 陽極氧化鋁奈米模板
★ 電化學沉積技術
★ 微型散熱元件
關鍵字(英) ★ Anodized Aluminum Oxide Nanotemplates
★ Electrochemical deposition
★ Micro heat sink
論文目次 目錄
第一章 前言及文獻回顧............................................................................................. 1
1-1 前言................................................................................................................. 1
1-2 電子元件之熱效應及熱管理......................................................................... 2
1-3 散熱元件種類及製備方式............................................................................. 3
1-3-1 傳統大型式散熱元件.......................................................................... 3
1-3-2 微型式散熱元件與結構設計.............................................................. 5
1-4 一維金屬奈米線結構..................................................................................... 6
1-4-1 一維金屬奈米線結構之製備.............................................................. 7
1-4-2 具有可撓曲基板之一維金屬奈米線結構之製備.............................. 9
1-5 陽極氧化鋁奈米模板................................................................................... 10
1-5-1 陽極氧化鋁奈米模板發展背景........................................................ 10
1-5-2 陽極氧化鋁奈米模板成長機制........................................................ 11
1-5-3 陽極氧化鋁奈米模板成長控制變因................................................ 13
1-5-4 多樣通道形貌之陽極氧化鋁奈米模板製程.................................... 15
1-6 陽極氧化鋁奈米模板法結合電化學沉積法製備可撓曲一維金屬奈米線結構
............................................................................................................................. 17
1-7 研究動機及目標........................................................................................... 18
第二章 實驗步驟及儀器設備................................................................................... 19
2-1 陽極氧化鋁奈米模板製程........................................................................... 19
2-1-1 高純度金屬鋁片之前處理................................................................ 19
2-1-2 高純度鋁片之電化學平坦化處理.................................................... 20
2-1-3 製備陽極氧化試片工作電極............................................................ 20
2-1-4 以磷酸製備準直型通道陽極氧化鋁奈米模板................................ 21
2-1-5 以草酸製備準直型通道陽極氧化鋁奈米模板................................ 21
2-1-6 以磷酸及草酸製備分岔型通道陽極氧化鋁奈米模板.................... 22
2-2 電化學沉積法製備一維銅金屬奈米線結構............................................... 23
2-3 實驗設備....................................................................................................... 24
2-3-1 陽極氧化鋁奈米模板製備系統........................................................ 24
2-3-2 電化學沉積系統................................................................................ 24
2-3-3 微型散熱元件散熱性能分析系統.................................................... 25
2-4 試片分析....................................................................................................... 26
2-4-1 掃描式電子顯微鏡............................................................................ 26
2-4-2 穿透式電子顯微鏡............................................................................ 26
第三章 結果與討論................................................................................................... 28
3-1 高純度鋁片電化學平坦化形貌分析........................................................... 28
3-2 陽極氧化鋁模板之製備............................................................................... 29
3-2-1 濕式蝕刻法移除阻障層製備準直型通道陽極氧化鋁奈米模板.... 30
3-2-2 電化學降電壓法移除阻障層製備準直型通道陽極氧化鋁奈米模板32
3-2-3 陽極氧化時間與氧化鋁奈米模板生成速率之關係....................... 34
3-2-4 電化學降電壓法移除阻障層製備分岔型通道陽極氧化鋁奈米模板35
3-3 陽極氧化鋁模板結合電化學沉積法製備銅金屬奈米線結構................... 37
3-3-1 直流電鍍法製備銅金屬奈米線........................................................ 37
3-3-2 脈衝電鍍法製備銅金屬奈米線........................................................ 38
3-3-3 鹼性蝕刻法製備可撓曲微型銅金屬奈米線結構陣列.................... 40
3-3-4 銅金屬奈米線之形貌與結構分析................................................... 40
3-4 可撓曲微型銅金屬奈米線散熱元件之散熱效能分析............................... 41
3-4-1 自然對流環境下可撓曲微型銅金屬奈米線散熱元件之降溫效能分析
..................................................................................................................... 41
3-4-2 強制對流環境下可撓曲微型銅金屬奈米線散熱元件之降溫效能分析
..................................................................................................................... 43
3-4-3 可撓曲微型銅金屬奈米線散熱元件對熱電元件輸出性能提升分析44
3-5 可撓曲微型銅金屬奈米線散熱元件於彎曲表面之散熱性能分析........... 47
第四章 結論與未來展望........................................................................................... 49
4-1 結論............................................................................................................... 49
4-2 未來展望....................................................................................................... 50
參考文獻..................................................................................................................... 51
圖目錄......................................................................................................................... 60
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指導教授 鄭紹良(Shao-Liang Cheng) 審核日期 2024-8-21
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