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姓名 陳銘源(Ming-Yuan Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 跨境電商之倉儲物流管理研究-以K公司為研究對象
(Cross-border logistics warehousing logistics management system implementation and control management process - Taking Company K as the research object)
★ 逆向抵押貸款之風險管理政策-以C銀行為研究對象
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摘要(中) 隨著全球電子商務的蓬勃發展,跨境物流面臨著效率提升、成本控制、風險管理等多重挑戰。本文通過文獻綜述、案例分析等方法,系統研究了K公司在跨境物流管理領域的創新策略與實施成效。
摘要(英) With the vigorous development of global e-commerce, cross-border logistics is facing multiple challenges such as efficiency improvement, cost control, and risk management. This article systematically studies K Company′s innovative strategies and implementation results in the field of cross-border logistics management through literature review, case analysis and other methods.
The study found that through the introduction of advanced automated warehousing systems, warehousing efficiency and accuracy have been significantly improved. Using intelligent inventory management technology, combined with big data analysis and artificial intelligence algorithms, precise control and dynamic optimization of inventory levels are achieved. In terms of global supply chain management, it also integrates other logistics resources to build a flexible and efficient cross-border logistics network.
The extensive application of IoT technology enables Company K to realize real-time monitoring of the entire cargo process, greatly improving the visibility and transparency of the supply chain. At the same time, the company innovatively introduced the cross-docking operation model, which effectively shortened order processing time and improved logistics efficiency. Data analysis plays a key role in Company K′s warehousing and logistics management. By mining and analyzing large amounts of data, the company can make more accurate decisions, predict market demand fluctuations, and optimize resource allocation.
Research results show that under the dual drive of globalization and digitalization, cross-border e-commerce companies must continuously innovate logistics management models, integrate global resources, and optimize supply chain efficiency in order to maintain their advantages in fierce market competition. At the same time, with the continuous emergence of new technologies, the application prospects of blockchain, artificial intelligence, etc. in cross-border logistics are also worthy of in-depth study.
Keywords: cross-border logistics, automated warehousing, supply chain management, data analysis, Internet of Things, cross-docking operations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 跨境物流
★ 自動化倉儲
★ 供應鏈管理
★ 數據分析
★ 物聯網
★ 越庫作業
關鍵字(英) ★ cross-border logistics
★ automated warehousing
★ supply chain management
★ data analysis
★ Internet of Things
★ cross-docking operations
論文目次 目錄
摘要 iii
誌謝 vii
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 ix
第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 4
1.3研究目的 5
1.4研究範圍與假設 6
1.5論文架構 6
第二章文獻探討 9
2.1物流及跨境物流簡介 10
2.1.1物流定義與演進 10
2.1.2 跨境物流的定義與特點 12
2.1.3 跨境電商物流的特殊性 12
2.1.4 本地化與全球化的平衡 13
2.2倉儲物流管理系統在跨境電商中介紹 16
2.3第三方物流及第四方物流之應用 17
2.4越庫作業介紹 19
2.5物聯網的定義與發展 21
2.6物聯網的核心技術及架構應用 23
第三章個案公司介紹 25
3.1個案公司簡介 25
3.2成長歷程 25
3.3經營理念 27
3.4主要營業項目 29
3.5未來挑戰 30
第四章個案分析與討論 33
4.1個案背景 33
4.2倉儲及運輸管理系統 34
4.2.1個案訂單下訂過程 34
4.2.2個案調度之物流定位空間模式分析 36
4.3物聯網及越庫作業 39
4.3.1物聯網在K公司之說明 39
4.3.2物聯網技術在倉儲物流的應用探討 41
4.3.3物流隱碼在物聯網的實際應用 46
4.3.4越庫作業在倉儲物流之應用分析 48
4.3.5越庫作業在K公司應用的成效分析 50
4.3.6 越庫作業特徵 50
4.3.7越庫作業存有問題暨改進空間 51
4.3.8供應鏈協同機制的完善 52
4.4第三方物流與第四方物流在K公司供應鏈管理中的差異化應用 52
4.4.1 K公司跨境物流戰略演進 52
4.4.2第三方物流及第四方物流內涵辨析 53
4.4.3第三方物流及第四方物流比較差異 54
4.4.4供應鏈協同機制在第三方物流及第四方物流分析 54
第五章結論與建議 56
5.1研究結論 56
5.2管理意涵 57
5.3對個案公司的建議 60
5.4未來研究建議 61
參考文獻 62
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指導教授 何應欽 黃承祖(Ying-Chin Ho Cheng-Tsu Huang) 審核日期 2024-7-25
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