博碩士論文 110451005 詳細資訊

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姓名 李漢宇(Han-Yu Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 電腦代工產業之生產效率改善—以C公司為研究對象
★ 全球供應鏈下專業代工夥伴的管理模組與績效評估模組之因果關係的研究-- 以A公司為例★ 以平衡計分卡的觀念及層級分析法所建立的 相連部件供應商篩選模式– 個案研究
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摘要(中) 自疫情期間以來,居家辦公發展成企業的常態,個人筆記型電腦需求因此快速提升。需求快速提升導致電腦代工業勢必需要提高生產效率來因應市場之變化。而為了滿足上述提及之市場需求,C公司提出減少生產過程中的浪費之方式 : 利用六標準差工具找出影響生產效率原因,並結合C公司的系統DPM(Digital Performance Management)、MES(Manufacturing Execution System)和QMS(Quality Management System)利用智慧看板降低生產過程中所造成的浪費。
 智慧看板搭配Key Performance Indicators生產效率持續改善
 生產線改善持續實施
摘要(英) Since the COVID-19 epidemic, working from home has become the norm for enterprises, and the demand for personal laptops has increased rapidly. The rapid increase caused the manufacturing foundry industry inevitably need to improve production efficiency to respond to market changes. In order to meet the above-mentioned market demand, Company C proposed a way to reduce waste in the production process: use the Six Sigma tool to find out the reasons that affect production efficiency, and introduce the intelligent systems to reduce waste caused in the production process.
This study aims to explore the application of smart systems to improve production efficiency, and takes Company C as the research object. It has been deeply engaged in R&D and manufacturing in the ODM industry for a long time. Due to the wide variety of manufacturing OEMs, market demand changes rapidly, and order patterns are small but diverse. This pattern leads to an increase in the number of production line changes and waste caused in production, and at the same time increases manufacturing costs.
Company C uses smart signage to explore the method to reduce waste generated in production, and maximize production efficiency, with a view of expanding the results to the electronic manufacturing foundry industry. The conclusions drawn are as follows:
 Smart signage with Key performance Indicators for continuous improvement
 Continuous implementation of production line improvement
關鍵字(中) ★ 智慧系統
★ 智慧看板
★ 生產效率
★ 智慧製造
關鍵字(英) ★ Intelligent System
★ Intelligent Kanban
★ Production Efficiency
★ Intelligent Manufacturing
論文目次 摘要………………………..………………………………………………….....…..i
ABSTRACT……………..……………………………………………….........….. i i
致謝………………………..………………………………………………....….. i i i

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究範圍 4
1.5 論文架構 4
第二章 產業分析與文獻探討 6
2.1 製造代工產業發展 6
2.2 產業介紹 8
2.3 系統介紹 8
2.4 智慧看板系統介紹 11
2.4.1智慧看板歷史 13
2.4.2 MES系統的介紹 15
2.4.3 MES系統的歷史 15
2.3.4 MES系統與智慧看板結合的效益 17
第三章 個案公司介紹 19
3.1 個案公司介紹 19
3.2個案公司產品介紹 22
3.3 個案組織架構簡介 26
3.4 公司營運與管理 29
3.5個案生產流程 31
3.6未來挑戰 33
第四章 個案分析與討論 34
4.1 個案背景 34
4.2 六標準差分析(6 Sigma) 35
4.2.1 個案六標準差–找出浪費因子 36
4.3改善專案 37
4.3.1 MES結合智慧看板 37
4.3.2生產流程改善 43
第五章 結論與建議 46
5.1研究結論 46
5.2對個案公司的建議 47
5.3後續研究建議 48
參考文獻 49
中文文獻 49
英文文獻 50
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指導教授 何應欽(Ying-Chin Ho) 審核日期 2024-7-25
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