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姓名 楊柏亨(Bo-Heng Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 影響家庭交通工具數量的因素分析
★ 傳產企業轉型發展自有品牌過程探討─以S公司為例★ 人員離職傾向之存活分析─以融資租賃業之T公司為例
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★ 1978-2004台灣勞動力失業週數之期間分析★ 家戶內共居行為對所得分配之影響
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★ 工資不均度與流動性之分析:台灣與美國實證結果比較★ 偏見環境下的婚配市場
★ 影響國中學習表現之因素分析★ 影響參試者努力程度之理論分析
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摘要(中) 本研究資料來源為學術調查研究資料庫,行政院主計總局 1976至 2021 年,共 46 年的家庭收支調查原始資料,使用並處理歷年資料分析家庭結構、工作狀況、地區特性及實質可支配所得等資訊,對家庭汽機車擁有數的影響,並使用多元線性迴歸模型來探討家庭收支調查裡不同變數對家庭汽車和機車擁有數的影響。
在地區特徵方面,不同地區的家庭汽機車擁有數有顯著差異。北北基宜地區的汽車需求在 1999 年後逐漸下降,而桃竹苗地區在同一時期的汽車需求則超越了北北基宜地區;機車需求在北北基宜地區逐年上升,而其他地區則逐年下降,這表明地區經濟發展水平和交通基礎設施對家庭汽機車擁有數的影響顯著。
摘要(英) The data for this study comes from the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS), focusing on household income and expenditure surveys from 1976 to 2021. The analysis examines the impact of household structure, employment status, regional characteristics, and real disposable income on the number of vehicles owned by households. A multiple linear regression model is used to explore how different variables in the household income and expenditure survey affect the ownership of cars and motorcycles.
In terms of household structure, the study finds that households with two or more minors significantly increase the demand for cars compared to those without minors in early Taiwan. However, over time, the proportion of households without minors has gradually increased, while those with multiple minors have decreased. In recent years, the demand for cars has become less significant and even negatively impacted. Regarding motorcycles, two patterns have emerged due to changes in household structure: households with one minor have shown a significant positive impact, while those with two or more minors have exhibited a significant negative impact. The number of working-age individuals in a household also significantly affects the demand for vehicles. Specifically, an increase in working-age individuals, particularly three or more, leads to a notable increase in the demand for both cars and motorcycles. Conversely, the demand for vehicles is relatively low among households with elderly members, and as the number of elderly individuals increases, the demand for cars significantly declines. However, in recent years, households with only one elderly member still show an increase in motorcycle demand compared to those without elderly members.
Regarding household employment status, the employment rate has only recently shown a significant positive impact on car ownership, while it has consistently positively influenced motorcycle ownership. In recent years, an increase in household population has significantly positively impacted car ownership, and although it also positively affects motorcycle ownership, the parameter value has gradually declined.
Real disposable income has a significant impact on vehicle ownership. The study finds that higher real disposable income correlates with an increase in the number of cars and motorcycles owned, reflecting the importance of economic conditions on the ownership of household transportation.
In terms of regional characteristics, there are significant differences in vehicle ownership across different regions. After 1999, the demand for cars in the Taipei-New Taipei-Keelung area gradually declined, while the demand in the Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli area surpassed that of the Taipei-New Taipei-Keelung area during the same period. Motorcycle demand in the Taipei-New Taipei-Keelung area has been rising annually, while it has been declining in other regions. This indicates that the level of regional economic development and transportation infrastructure significantly impacts household vehicle ownership.
The findings of this study are important for understanding the changes in transportation demand amid social transformations in Taiwan and provide valuable references for related research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 汽機車擁有數
★ 家庭結構
★ 工作人口率
★ 實質可支配所得
關鍵字(英) ★ Vehicle Ownership
★ Household Structure
★ Employment rate
★ Disposable Income
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 家庭結構與交通工具數量關係 3
2.2 家庭收支與交通工具數量關係 4
2.3 地區特性與交通工具數量關係 4
2.4 小結 5
第三章 資料描述與分析結果 6
3.1 家庭人口結構變數 6
3.2 家庭可支配所得變數 12
3.3 戶籍地區及建坪變數 13
第四章 迴歸分析模型及結果 20
4.1 模型概要 20
4.2 參數估計結果 22
4.3 小結 27
第五章 結論 30
參考文獻 周宏彥(1988), “家戶汽機車型式與數量選擇模式”,國立成功大學碩士論文。
張瑞麟(1993) ,“台北市機車持有使用特性與管制影響之研究”,國立交通大學碩士論文。
學術調查研究資料庫, 家庭收支調查, 2024 年7月27 日, 取自 https://srda.sinica.edu.tw/datasearch_result.php
Button, Kenneth and Ngoe, Ndoh and Hine, John(1993) , “MODELLING VEHICLE OWNERSHIP AND USE IN LOW INCOME COUNTRIES”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 27(1) , 51-67.
Schimek, Paul(1996) , “Household Motor Vehicle Ownership and Use: How Much Does Residential Density Matter? ”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1552(1), 120–125.
指導教授 鄭保志(Pao-Chih Cheng) 審核日期 2024-7-29
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