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姓名 伍紹文(SHAO-WEN WU)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 職業軍人退伍規劃與直銷產業選擇之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究探討職業軍人在退伍後選擇進入直銷產業的規劃過程及其考量因素,旨在了解他們在職業轉型中的決策過程及成功因素。隨著軍人退伍後面臨的職業轉型挑戰增加,了解他們如何在職業規劃中做出選擇,以及這些選擇背後的動機和影響因素,具有重要意義。研究主要透過問卷調查和深度訪談,收集退伍軍人對直銷產業的看法及其選擇的原因,並分析其成功與挑戰。
摘要(英) This study explores the planning process and considerations for professional soldiers choosing to enter the direct selling industry after retirement. With the increasing challenges of career transition faced by retired soldiers, understanding how they make decisions in their career planning, as well as the motivations and influencing factors behind these choices, is of great significance. The research primarily collects views and reasons for choices from retired soldiers through questionnaires and in-depth interviews, analyzing their success and challenges.
The results show that the main reasons attracting retired soldiers to the direct selling industry include flexible working hours, high income potential, low entry barriers, and the expansion of interpersonal networks. Retired soldiers generally believe that the direct selling industry can provide a platform to fully utilize their organizational management, communication, and leadership skills, which have been well-developed during their military service. Many respondents mentioned that the discipline and teamwork spirit cultivated during military service play a crucial role in their success in the direct selling industry.
Specifically, the flexible working hours in the direct selling industry allow retired soldiers to balance work and life more freely, which is a relief and a new challenge for those accustomed to the strict time management in the military. Meanwhile, the high-income potential of the direct selling industry attracts many retired soldiers who wish to quickly improve their economic situation. The low entry barriers mean that they do not need to invest a lot of capital or possess highly specialized knowledge to start a new career, which is an important consideration during their transition period.
However, the study also points out that the high elimination rate and fierce market competition in the direct selling industry pose significant challenges for retired soldiers. Many retired soldiers encounter setbacks in the early stages of entering the direct selling industry due to a lack of market experience and industry knowledge. These setbacks often stem from unfamiliarity with industry operation models and misjudgment of market demand. Additionally, the direct selling industry requires strong self-promotion and interpersonal communication skills, which is a new challenge for some retired soldiers accustomed to military life.
To address these challenges, this study suggests that professional soldiers should conduct comprehensive career planning before retiring, understanding the characteristics and risks of the direct selling industry, and participating in relevant professional training courses to improve their adaptability and success rate. Career planning should include in-depth understanding of the direct selling industry, market analysis, and self-assessment to ensure they have the basic qualities and skills needed to enter the industry.
Furthermore, the government and related organizations should provide more career transition support, including career counseling, skills training, and employment guidance, to help retired soldiers better integrate into the civilian job market. These support measures can include specialized training courses for the direct selling industry, career fairs, and connection activities with direct selling companies. At the same time, direct selling companies should strengthen their training and support for retired soldiers, providing good entry guidance and continuous career development opportunities. Companies should recognize the potential value brought by retired soldiers and provide targeted support plans, such as professional skills training, career development guidance, and psychological support.
In summary, this study provides relevant empirical data and suggestions by exploring the planning and choices of professional soldiers entering the direct selling industry after retirement, aiming to help retired soldiers transition smoothly and achieve success in their new careers. The results emphasize the specific needs and challenges faced by retired soldiers in the career transition process, calling for joint efforts from all parties to provide better support and resources to ensure the smooth and successful career transition of retired soldiers
關鍵字(中) ★ 直銷產業
★ 退伍軍人
論文目次 中文摘要 .............................................. i
英文提要 .............................................. ii
誌謝 .............................................. iii
目錄 .............................................. iv
表目錄 .............................................. v
圖目錄 .............................................. vi
一、 緒論.......................................... 1
1-1 研究背景及動機................................ 1
1-2 研究目的...................................... 2
1-3 研究架構...................................... 3
1-4 研究範圍與對象................................ 4
1-5 研究程序...................................... 4
二、 直銷發展史介紹................................ 5
2-1 直銷之定義.................................... 5
2-2 國際直銷發展.................................. 6
2-3 臺灣直銷發展.................................. 7
三、 臺灣直銷前三公司產業制度分析及探討............ 9
3-1 安麗.......................................... 10
3-2 力匯.......................................... 12
3-3 葡眾.......................................... 13
四、 個案分析...................................... 14
4-1 個案對象背景介紹.............................. 14
4-2 個案深度訪談.................................. 15
4-3 分析結果...................................... 18
五、 結論與建議.................................... 19
5-1 研究結論...................................... 19
參考文獻 .............................................. 20
參考文獻 鐘岳儒、108年6月、國立清華大學碩士論文《我國軍人轉職面臨的困境與出路分析》







指導教授 陳炫碩(XUAN-SHUO CHEN) 審核日期 2024-7-29
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