博碩士論文 103682002 詳細資訊

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姓名 何俊瑋(Chun-Wei Ho)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 利用地震重新定位及第二階地震矩對於未知構造之研究
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摘要(中) 臺灣地處歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊碰撞擠壓交界位置,地震活動頻繁,但對於仍有許多小規模地震活動在非已知出露地表之斷層附近,這些地震活動之位置,常以盲斷層來做解釋。中央氣象局地震觀測網隨著時間的演進,地震觀測能力不斷提升,自2012年後全面升級為24位元即時地震觀測站,除了可以觀測到過往未能觀測到之更微小的地震事件外,在納入地震目錄之小規模地震觀測數量,也因此以倍數增加。
摘要(英) Taiwan is located at the collision and compression boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate, resulting in frequent seismic activity. Many of these small-scale seismic activities occur near faults that are not exposed on the surface, often explained by blind faults. Over time, the earthquake observation capabilities of the Central Weather Bureau′s seismic network have continuously improved. Since 2012, it has been upgraded to a 24-bit real-time earthquake observation system. This upgrade not only detects smaller seismic events that were previously undetectable but also significantly increases the number of observed small-scale earthquakes included in the earthquake catalog.
Due to the logarithmic correlation between earthquake magnitude and released energy, the rupture of small-scale earthquakes has a much smaller geometric impact compared to large-scale earthquakes. This study improves earthquake picking and location procedures to reduce uncertainties. By reselecting earthquake arrival times and employing a three-dimensional seismic velocity model for earthquake location and double-difference relocation, more accurate earthquake locations can be achieved.
Furthermore, modifications were made to the processing procedures of the second-order seismic moment method. Based on the aforementioned earthquake locations, earthquakes with magnitudes between 3 and 4 were selected as target events. Individual candidate empirical Green′s functions were selected under specified conditions for apparent source-time function calculations. Subsequently, the second-order seismic moment inversion was conducted using 32,760 combinations of strike (0° to 359°) and dip (0° to 90°), followed by error assessment and candidate empirical Green′s function filtering, to obtain the final rupture configuration of the target earthquake.
The obtained rupture configuration trends consistently with fault plane solutions of larger-scale earthquakes, while the proposed method allows for more detailed characterization of underground ruptures, facilitating further understanding of unknown subsurface structures in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 盲斷層
★ 中央氣象局
★ 小規模地震
★ 三維地震波速度模型
★ 雙差分重新定位
★ 第二階地震矩
★ 破裂位態
關鍵字(英) ★ blind fault
★ Central Weather Bureau
★ small-scale earthquake
★ three-dimensional seismic velocity model
★ double-difference relocation
★ second-order seismic moment
★ rupture configuration
論文目次 摘  要 iv
目  錄 vi
圖 目 錄 viii
表 目 錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 臺灣地震觀測網演進 9
1.3 本文架構 11
第二章 研究方法 12
2.1 HYPO71 12
2.2 HYPO3D 14
2.3 HypoDD 15
2.4 利用第二階地震矩計算震源特性 17
第三章 地震定位精進 20
3.1 地震定位不確定性及改善措施 20
3.2 地震定位結果比較 33
3.3 雙差分地震定位結果比較 44
第四章 利用第二階地震矩逆推地震破裂位態 52
4.1 第二階地震矩逆推方法調整 52
4.2 處理流程 53
4.3 第二階地震矩逆推地震破裂位態結果 66
第五章 討論與結論 71
5.1 討論 71
5.2 結論 97
參考文獻 99
附錄一 101
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指導教授 郭陳澔 陳伯飛(Hao Kuo-Chen Po-Fei Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-23
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