博碩士論文 110622009 詳細資訊

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姓名 方友群(Yu-Chun Fang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 豐枯水期、位移事件與電阻率變化率間的關係:以宜蘭太平山蘭台地區為例
(Relationships between Wet/Dry Season, Displacement Events, and Variations in Electrical Resistivity: Case Study in the Lantai area, Taiping Mountain, Yilan, Northeast Taiwan)
★ 利用RTL (Region-Time-Length) 演算法 探討921 集集大地震之前兆現象★ 集集餘震b值與碎形維度分析
★ 應用太空大地測量法探討台南地區之地表變形★ 電容耦合地電阻探測系統應用於地下管線與坑道之研究
★ 以交叉對比分析地震的時空分佈行態★ 利用PI方法研究地震前兆活動
★ 臺灣深部電性構造及其板塊構造意義★ 利用Pattern Informatics研究1999年台灣集集與2008年中國汶川地震之前兆現象
★ 模擬地震前兆行為之數值模型★ 地電法於地下掩埋物調查之研究
★ 利用經驗模態分解法(EMD)探討潮汐效應對地震活動的影響★ 利用LURR方法探討臺灣1994年後大地震之前兆現象
★ 利用遠距沙堆模型探討特徵地震之準週期性★ 台灣天然電磁場觀測研究
★ 一維滑塊模型事件叢集特性分析與復發時間統計★ TCDP井下地震儀之微地震紀錄的特性
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摘要(中) 本研究使用一種多波道的直流電阻法與自然電位法監測系統(R2MS)對位於台灣宜蘭縣大同鄉太平山蘭台地區的一處大規模崩塌區域以不同於傳統電極陣列的混編陣列進行連續的地電阻影像剖面法監測,收集自2022年十月底到2023年十月底之電阻率剖面資料,並結合現地之鑽井岩芯、雨量、地下水位,以及地表與孔內伸縮計的觀測數據進行分析。結果發現電阻率剖面符合現地鑽井資料,顯示地電阻影像剖面法於大規模崩塌區可以有良好的解析能力。
摘要(英) This study uses a Remote Resistivity Monitoring System (R2MS) to monitor a large-scale landslide area in the Lantai area of Taiping Mountain, Datong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan, using a mixed array different from the traditional array. By continuous electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) monitoring, this study collects resistivity profile data from the end of October 2022 to the end of October 2023 and combines it with on-site core samples, precipitation, groundwater levels, and observations from the surface and in-hole linear wire potentiometers data are analyzed. The results showed that the resistivity profile is consistent with the existing core samples.
By observing the changes in monthly rainfall during the same period, it was found that the precipitation from December 2022 to June 2023 fit with the changed behavior of the wet/dry season. Thus, the change rate profiles of the monthly average resistivity of this period were used. The results show that the resistivity of the colluvium layer and the area of the suspected shear zone have the changing characteristics of wet and dry periods, consistent with relevant physical imagination.
This study found the displacement in the surface and in-hole linear wire potentiometer data from mid-August to the beginning of September 2023. It analyzed this event using the daily average resistivity change rate average profile. The results show that the ERT method responds well to displacement events. In addition, this study also compares the result with the small-scale slip event that occurred in the study area in the summer of 2020 and gives possible reasons for the difference in resistivity change rates between the two events. It shows that continuous ERT monitoring has the potential to contribute to the tectonic changes and mechanisms of landslide occurrence.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地電阻影像剖面法
★ 大規模崩塌
★ 山崩監測
論文目次 摘要  i
Abstract ii
目錄  iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
一、  緒論 1
  1-1    研究動機與目的 1
   1-2  前人研究 2
   1-3   研究場址概述 3
二、  研究原理與方法 7
   2-1   地電阻影像剖面法 7
   2-2    儀器設備 9
   2-3    電極陣列配置 11
   2-4    雨量、地下水位及地工資料觀測 12
   2-5    雨量與地下水位轉換公式 13
三、  資料處理流程 22
   3-1    地電阻原始資料處理 22
   3-2    電阻值資料篩選 23
   3-3    電阻率剖面逆推 23
    3-3-1  逆推理論簡介 24
    3-3-2  中位數電阻率剖面計算流程 26
   3-4    日平均電阻率變化率平均剖面計算流程 26
四、  結果與討論 41
   4-1    岩芯與電阻率剖面對照 41
   4-2    豐枯水期與電阻率變化討論:以2023年上半年資料為例 42
   4-3    位移事件討論(一):2023伸縮計變化事件 43
   4-4    位移事件討論(二):2023伸張計變化事件與2020 SAA位移事件對比 45
   4-5    豐枯水期與位移事件之電阻率順推模擬 47
五、  結論 66
參考文獻 70
附錄 75
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指導教授 陳建志 審核日期 2024-7-23
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