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姓名 陳佳茵(Jia-Yin Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 環境亮度均勻性對使用者專注度之影響研究
(The Influence of Spatial Lightness Uniformity on Users’ Concentration)
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摘要(中) 本研究藉由模擬室內讀書環境,透過檯燈及吸頂燈建構出不同環境照度均勻度作為閱讀情境,以僅開檯燈的集中光、只開吸頂燈的均勻光以及檯燈及吸頂燈皆使用的混合光,探討不同照明情境下對使用者的生心理影響以及專注程度差異。本研究將承襲實驗室先前所使用的照明人因評估技術,招募受試者進行靜態紙本測驗,分析所設計之情境對受試者的影響。
數據量測方面,使用Neurosky腦波儀量測並記錄受試者在照明情境下進行智力測驗、d2-test及休息時的腦波訊號以利後續分析。實驗分析中利用了經驗模態分解法(empirical mode decomposition, EMD)、希爾伯特轉換(Hilbert transform, HT)、機率密度函數(probability density function, PDF)以及接收者操作特徵曲線(receiver operating characteristic curve, ROC curve)進行運算。客觀指標為智力測驗與d2-test作答情形、接收者操作特徵曲線的曲線下面積(area under the curve, AUC)以及特徵指標轉換專注度成績;而以受試者填寫的自我評估問卷作為主觀指標,並且將主客觀指標匯入SPSS統計軟體進行變異數分析,檢定以上指標在不同情境間是否具有顯著差異,進而探討照明對受試者之影響。
摘要(英) This study simulates an indoor reading environment by using desk lamps and ceiling lights to create different illuminance uniformity conditions as lighting scenarios. These scenarios include focused light with only the desk lamp on, uniform light with only the ceiling light on, and mixed light with both the desk lamp and ceiling light on. It aims to explore the physiological and psychological effects of lighting on users and the differences in users’ levels of concentration under various scenarios. The study will adopt the lighting human factors assessment techniques previously used by the research team in the laboratory. Participants will be recruited to take static paper tests, and the impact of the designed scenarios on the participants will be analyzed.
In terms of data measurement, a Neurosky EEG device will be used to measure and record the participants′ brainwave signals while they perform intelligence tests, d2-tests, and during rest sessions in different lighting scenarios to facilitate subsequent analysis. The experimental analysis will employ empirical mode decomposition (EMD), Hilbert transform (HT), probability density function (PDF), and receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve) for computation. Objective indicators include the performance on intelligence tests and d2-tests, the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic curve, and the attention score derived from brainwave features. Subjective indicators will be based on self-assessment questionnaires filled out by the participants. Both objective and subjective indicators will be analyzed using statistical software SPSS to conduct variance analysis and determine whether there are significant differences among the different scenarios, thereby investigating the impact of lighting on the participants.
The results indicate that, in terms of objective indicators, there is no significant classification difference in brainwaves between different scenarios during concentration and rest. The performance on intelligence tests and d2-tests also shows no significant differences between scenarios, although there is a practice effect observed in the d2-test. The calculation of attention scores reveals that participants find it harder to concentrate during focused activities in uniform lighting scenarios, and they find it harder to relax during rest sessions in concentrated lighting scenarios. Regarding subjective indicators, mixed lighting is preferred for environmental illumination, and participants report that their eyes are less likely to feel dry or strained.
關鍵字(中) ★ 照明
★ 腦電圖
★ 經驗模態分解法
★ 希爾伯特轉換
★ 機率密度函數
★ 接收者操作特徵曲線
★ 專注度指標
關鍵字(英) ★ lighting
★ empirical mode decomposition
★ Hilbert transform
★ probability density function
★ receiver operating characteristic curve
★ attention indicators
論文目次 摘要 vi
Abstract viii
致謝 x
目錄 xi
圖目錄 xv
表目錄 xvii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 論文架構 4
1-3-1 研究假設 4
1-3-2 研究限制 4
1-3-3 研究方法與步驟 4
1-3-4 研究受試者招募資格 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2-1 照明對生理的影響 7
2-2-1 照明與專注度 9
2-2 視覺疲勞評估 9
2-3 生理回饋與腦波 12
2-3-1 腦電圖 13
2-3-2 腦電位量測 15
第三章 研究方法與步驟 19
3-1 實驗設計 19
3-1-1 心理學實驗設計 22
3-1-2 視力檢查與專注力前測實驗 22
3-1-3 照明實驗 25
3-2 實驗設備 26
3-2-1 集中光檯燈 26
3-2-2 均勻光吸頂燈 27
3-2-3 視力檢查儀 27
3-2-4 腦波儀 28
3-2-5 色彩照度計 29
3-3 實驗環境與流程 30
3-3-1 實驗環境配置 30
3-3-2 實驗流程 31
3-4 實驗內容 32
3-4-1 中文智力測驗 32
3-4-2 注意力測驗 d2-test 33
3-4-3 主觀評量問卷 33
3-5 實驗資料分析方法 34
3-5-1 希爾伯特-黃轉換 35
3-5-2 經驗模態分解法 35
3-5-3 希爾伯特轉換 39
3-5-4 頻帶功率與機率密度函數 41
3-5-5 接收者操作特徵曲線 43
3-5-6 專注度分數 46
3-5-7 重複量數變異數分析法 46
第四章 實驗結果與討論 48
4-1 實驗數據分析流程 48
4-2 受試者招募結果 49
4-3 數據分析結果 50
4-3-1 PDF、ROC及AUC值 50
4-3-2 專注度成績 59
4-3-3 智力測驗及d2-test作答統計 63
4-4 客觀結果討論 69
4-5 主觀結果討論 70
第五章 結論與未來展望 72
5-1 結論 72
5-2 未來展望 73
參考文獻 74
附錄一 中文智力測驗內容範例 78
附錄二 主觀評估情境體驗問卷 81
附錄三 國立臺灣大學研究倫理審查核可證明書 83
附錄四 專注度指標AUC值統計表 84
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指導教授 陳怡君(Yi-Chun Chen) 審核日期 2024-8-19
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