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姓名 朱汀鈺(Ding-Yu Chu) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系 論文名稱 基於吸收光譜行為估計於不同曝光狀況下PQ/PMMA中PQ分子濃度
(Estimation of PQ concentration in PQ/PMMA under exposure based on the absorption spectral properties)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) PQ/PMMA為具有潛力的全像光學儲存材料,並於各種光學元件中具有應用價值,具有高穩定性、低體積收縮率、易於製備和價格低廉等優點。其光化學反應機制涉及PQ分子對光子的吸收,從單重態轉變為三重態再與PMMA與MMA生成光產物。不論PQ/PMMA材料在全像光學儲存系統中的應用或是光學元件的應用PQ/PMMA材料的光化學反應造成PQ分子濃度的變化會影響實際應用的效果,因此,綜合過去的研究成果,本研究利用PQ/PMMA材料的吸收光譜行為,估計在不同曝光狀況下PQ分子濃度的變化,再透過連續曝光實驗以及連續曝光後停止曝光並持續觀察穿透光譜進一步了解PQ/PMMA的光化學反應機制,發現PQ/PMMA材料中約有92%至94%的PQ分子會迅速吸收光子轉變成3PQ*並與反應物迅速發生反應生成PQ/PMMA分子,而其他的PQ分子會較慢與反應物發生反應,可能的原因為這部分的PQ分子周圍缺乏能夠進行反應的PMMA分子或官能基,因此,3PQ*需要擴散至有反應物的區域才能與反應物發生反應成為產物,以此補充對PQ/PMMA光化學反應機制的說明,並藉由實驗中穿透光譜的行為算出位於波長360 nm到380 nm之反應截面,使其應用於估算PQ/PMMA樣品中之PQ濃度。 摘要(英) PQ/PMMA is a promising holographic optical storage material with various applications in optical devices, characterized by its high stability, low volume shrinkage, ease of preparation, and cost-effectiveness. The photochemical reaction mechanism involves PQ molecules absorbing photons, transitioning from singlet to triplet states, and reacting with PMMA and MMA to form photoproducts. Whether applied in holographic optical storage systems or optical devices, the photochemical reactions of PQ/PMMA materials, which cause changes in PQ molecule concentration, significantly affect practical applications. Therefore, building upon past research, this study estimates changes in PQ molecule concentration under different exposure conditions using the absorption spectra of PQ/PMMA materials. Continuous exposure experiments and continuous exposure experiments followed by cessation of exposure and ongoing observation of transmission spectra further elucidate the photochemical reaction mechanisms of PQ/PMMA. The study reveals that approximately 92% to 94% of PQ molecules in PQ/PMMA materials rapidly absorb photons, transition to 3PQ*, and react swiftly with reactants to form PQ/PMMA molecules. The remaining PQ molecules react more slowly, possibly due to a scarcity of PMMA molecules or functional groups capable of reaction in their vicinity, requiring diffusion of 3PQ* to regions with available reactants to form products. This explanation supplements the understanding of the photochemical reaction mechanism of PQ/PMMA. Additionally, the experimental behavior of transmission spectra within the wavelength range of 360 nm to 380 nm calculates the reaction cross-section, facilitating estimation of PQ concentration in PQ/PMMA samples. 關鍵字(中) ★ 吸收光譜行為
★ PQ分子濃度關鍵字(英) ★ absorption spectral properties
★ PQ concentration
★ PQ/PMMA論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論…………………………………….…………………5
1-1 前言……………………………………….……...………….5
1-2 研究動機……………………………….………....…………7
第二章 基本原理……………………………….…………………8
2-1 PQ/PMMA感光高分子聚合材料……………………........8
2-1-1 聚合反應………..…………………….…...……… ...9
2-1-2 光化學反應……..…………………….…...……… ..11
2-2 PQ/PMMA材料的光化學反應微分方程…………….......12
2-3 Euler method...……………….…………...……..................13
2-4 Beer’s law…………………….……………...……..............14
第三章 PQ/PMMA感光高分子樣品製備…………….……..17
第四章 實驗架設與數據分析……………………………..…...20
4-1 實驗架設………………………….………………..….…...20
4-2 實驗設計………………………………………...................22
4-2-1 PQ/PMMA中之σPQ(λ)………………………………….22
4-2-2 光譜量測造成之PQ反應行為……………………..23
4-2-3 綠光雷射曝光實驗造成之PQ濃度變化.…..……...25
第五章 分析與討論…………………..…………………….……32
5-1 實驗量測與光化學反應微分方程擬合………...................32
5-2 波段360 nm到380 nm之absorption cross-section.................35
第六章 結論………………………………..……………………37
參考文獻 參考文獻
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