博碩士論文 107282605 詳細資訊

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姓名 拉達(Radha Raman)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 二維材料連接模板電化學
(2D Materials Junction-Templated Electrochemistry)
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摘要(中) 二維材料(2D)之間的結構形成了一類新型的奈米結構,能在電子結構上實現



本論文探討了兩個主要領域:橫向石墨烯p-n 結構在電鍍中的應用以及提高二硫

在第一部分中,橫向石墨烯p-n 結構被用來在電化學過程中實現高空間分辨率和






在第二部分,我們探討了MoS2 在催化和可持續能源轉換中的應用,儘管其基面

在電化學反應中為惰性。我們引入了一種技術: 通過溫和的紫外線照射優先活化其埋藏

的晶界(GB),顯著增強了GB 的活性,使其達到MoS2 邊緣的催化性能。這一增強通


原理模擬計算,我們發現GB 處的替位氧官能化是這種催化增強的原因,此機制能令活


本論文展示了2D 材料結構在奈米技術、能源儲存和可持續能源解決方案中的巨

摘要(英) Junctions between two-dimensional (2D) materials form a new class of nanostructures
that enable abrupt transitions in electronic structure, providing unique opportunities for
advanced electrochemical applications. These sharp interfaces create localized electronic states
and strong electric fields, enhancing their functional capabilities.

This thesis explores two primary areas: the application of lateral graphene p-n junctions
for electrodeposition and the enhancement of photocatalytic activity in molybdenum disulfide
(MoS2) homojunctions.

In the first part, lateral graphene p-n junctions are employed to achieve high spatial
resolution and dynamic controllability in electrochemical processes. A bottom-up junction
formation technique enables sub-nanometer precision in nanoparticle deposition, facilitating
the creation of complex hierarchical materials such as aligned one-dimensional fractals. These
fractals serve as novel substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS).
Additionally, dynamic tunability is demonstrated by depositing one-dimensional nanostructures
that connect arbitrary points with adjustable strength and orientation, supporting axon-like
growth of interconnected neurons for advanced neuromorphic circuits.

In the second part, MoS2 is investigated for catalysis and sustainable energy conversion,
despite the inertness of its basal plane. This study introduces a technique to enhance the catalytic
activity of continuous MoS2 films by preferentially activating buried grain boundaries (GBs)
through mild UV irradiation, significantly boosting GB activity to match the catalytic
performance of MoS2 edges. This enhancement is confirmed through site-selective
photodeposition and micro-electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction measurements.
Spectroscopic analysis and ab-initio simulations reveal that substitutional oxygen functionalization at the GBs drives this catalytic enhancement, increasing activity by an order
of magnitude.

This thesis demonstrates the transformative potential of 2D material junctions in
nanotechnology, energy storage, and sustainable energy solutions, paving the way for high-
performance photocatalysts and advanced electrochemical devices.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二維材料
★ 晶界
★ 橫向界面
★ 電化學
★ 析氫反應
關鍵字(英) ★ 2D Materials
★ Grain Boundaries
★ Lateral Junctions
★ Electrochemistry
★ Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
論文目次 中文摘要 ..................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... v
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ xi
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ xv
Thesis Overview ......................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 5
1-1. Background and Motivation ........................................................................................... 5
1-2. Research Objectives and Scope ...................................................................................... 6
1-2-1. Localized Electrodeposition at Graphene Junctions ........................................... 6
1-2-2. Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity at MoS2 Homojunctions ............................... 7
1-2-3. Significance of Research .................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................... 9
2-1. Introduction to 2D Materials .......................................................................................... 9
2-1-1. Historical Context and Significance of Graphene .............................................. 9
2-1-2. Emergence of other 2D Materials ..................................................................... 10
2-2. Properties of 2D materials ............................................................................................ 11
2-3. Junctions in 2D Materials ............................................................................................. 13
2-4. Electrostatics of Junctions in 2D Materials .................................................................. 14
2-4-1. Electrostatics of 2D p-n Junctions in Graphene and MoS2 .............................. 17
2-5. Implications of 2D Material’s Junction Enabled Electrochemistry.............................. 20
CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS ................................................................... 23
3-1. Materials and Methods ................................................................................................. 23
3-1-1. Synthesis of Graphene ...................................................................................... 23
3-1-2. Transfer of graphene ......................................................................................... 24
3-1-3. Synthesis of MoS2 ............................................................................................ 25
3-1-4. Oxygen Plasma Treatment ............................................................................... 26
3-1-5. UV Ozone Treatment........................................................................................ 28
3-2. Electrochemical Techniques ......................................................................................... 29
3-2-1. Electrodeposition Setup .................................................................................... 29
3-2-2. Three Electrode Electrochemical Measurement ............................................... 31
3-2-3. Device Fabrication for Electrochemical Measurements ................................... 32
3-2-4. HER Measurement ........................................................................................... 34
3-2-5. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) ............................................. 34
3-3. Materials characterization techniques .......................................................................... 35
3-3-1. Raman spectroscopy and PL Spectroscopy ...................................................... 35
3-3-2. Scanning Electron Microscopy ......................................................................... 37
3-3-3. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Analysis ......................................... 38
3-3-4. Atomic Force Microscopy ................................................................................ 39
3-4. Density Function Theory Calculations ........................................................................ 41
JUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................ 45
4-1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 45
4-1-1. Background on 2D Materials and Electrochemistry ......................................... 45
4-1-2. Significance of Graphene Lateral Junctions ..................................................... 46
4-2. Experimental Methods ................................................................................................. 48
4-2-1. Synthesis of Graphene ...................................................................................... 48
4-2-2. Formation of Lateral Graphene p-n-Junctions .................................................. 48
4-2-3. Electrochemical Deposition Process ................................................................. 49
4-3. Results and Analysis .................................................................................................... 50
4-3-1. Localization of Electrochemical Reactions ....................................................... 50
4-3-2. Reversibility of junction formation ................................................................... 51
4-3-3. High-Resolution Localization of Electrochemical Reactions ........................... 52
4-3-4. Compatibility with Various Electrochemical Species ...................................... 54
4-4. Applications of Junction-Enabled Localization ........................................................... 56
4-4-1. Creation of Novel Nanostructures..................................................................... 56
4-4-2. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy on 1D fractal nanostructures ............ 57
4-4-3. Potential for Neuromorphic Circuits and interconnects .................................... 60
4-4-4. Encoding Message in Graphene ........................................................................ 62
4-5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 63
4-5-1. Future Prospects ................................................................................................ 64
4-5-2. Vision for the Integration of this Technique in Advanced Technological
Applications .................................................................................................................. 65
5-1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 67
5-1-1. Energy Technologies......................................................................................... 67
5-1-2. Overview of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction...................................................... 69
5-1-3. Challenges in MoS2 Catalysis ........................................................................... 72
5-2. Current Strategies to Enhance MoS2 Catalytic Activity .............................................. 73
5-3. Grain Boundaries in MoS2 ........................................................................................... 74
5-3-1. Formation of Grain Boundaries ........................................................................ 74
5-3-2. Properties of Grain Boundaries ......................................................................... 76
5-4. Statement of Problem ................................................................................................... 81
5-4-1. Probing Catalytic Active Sites in MoS2 ............................................................ 83
5-4-2. Selective Activation of MoS2 through Junction formation at GBs ................... 87
5-5. Experimental Techniques and Characterization .......................................................... 88
5-5-1. Electrochemical Measurements ........................................................................ 88
5-6. Mechanism discussion of Enhanced Catalytic Activity ............................................... 90
5-6-1. Spectroscopic Characterization ......................................................................... 90
5-7. Computational Studies ................................................................................................. 92
5-7-1. Density Functional Theory (DFT) Simulations ................................................ 92
5-7-2. Simulation Results and Interpretation .............................................................. 92
5-8. Photo-Electrocatalytic Performance ............................................................................. 93
5-8-1. Junction evaluation by Photoluminescence (PL) and Kelvin Probe Force
Microscopy (KPFM) .................................................................................................... 93
5-8-2. Performance Enhancement through Homojunctions ........................................ 98
5-9. Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 99
CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK ................................................. 103
6-1. Future Directions ........................................................................................................ 104
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 105
PUBLICATIONS ................................................................................................................... 119
LIST OF CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS ......................................... 121
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指導教授 陳賜原 謝雅萍 謝馬利歐(Szu-Yuan Chen Ya-Ping Hsieh Mario Hofmann) 審核日期 2024-7-10
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