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姓名 譚學深(Hok-Sum Tam) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 物理學系 論文名稱 探索星系團中成員星系的空間分辨運動學
(Exploring Spatially Resolved Kinematics of Member Galaxies in Galaxy Clusters)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 我對悉尼澳大利亞天文台(SAMI)星系巡天中的空間分辨運動學剖面進行了調查,涵蓋了 SAMI 第三輪釋出的數據中八個星系團的多目標積分視場光譜儀測量數據。我的分析集中在成員橢圓星系的一維運動學分佈,透過 IFS 檢查其內在的星系屬性。在我的初步研究中,我辨識了八個星系團中的 12 個最亮星系團星系,並將 127 個橢圓星系的速度彌散分佈分類為四個不同的組別:平坦型、下降型、上升型和不規則型。結合總恆星質量,透過 Jeans 方程式和 Hernquist 模型估算每個星系的視線速度彌散分佈。一個顯著的觀察是,許多最亮星系團星系(BCGs)主要表現出平坦的速度彌散分佈。此外,許多橢圓星系則具有下降的分佈vi 摘要(英) I conducted an investigation of spatially resolved kinematic profiles within the Sydney-Australian-Astronomical-Observatory (SAMI) galaxy survey, encompassing Multi-object Integral-Field Spectrograph measurements across eight galaxy clusters in the SAMI Date Released 3. My analysis focused on the one-dimensional kinematic profiles of member elliptical galaxies, examining their intrinsic galactic properties through IFS. In my preliminary study, I identified the 12 biggest cluster galaxies within eight clusters and categorized the velocity dispersion profiles of 127 elliptical galaxies into four distinct groups: flat, declining, ascending, and irregular (or unclassified). With the total stellar mass, the line-of-sight velocity dispersion profile of each galaxy is estimated by the Jean equation with Hernquist model. A notable observation was that many brightest cluster galaxies predominantly exhibited flat velocity dispersion profiles. Also, many elliptical galaxies have declining profiles. 關鍵字(中) ★ 星系團
★ 橢圓星系
★ 最亮星系團星系
★ 速度彌散度關鍵字(英) ★ Cluster
★ Elliptical galaxies
★ Biggest cluster galaxies
★ Velocity dispersion論文目次 Abstract --------------------------------------------------------------- vii
List of Figures -------------------------------------------------------- xi
List of Tables -------------------------------------------------------- xiii
1 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 Spatially Resolved Kinematics --------------------------------------- 2
1.2 Radial Acceleration Relation ---------------------------------------- 3
1.3 Brightest Cluster Galaxies ------------------------------------------ 5
2 Data and Methodology ------------------------------------------------- 11
2.1 Overview of SAMI Galaxy Survey -------------------------------------- 11
2.2 Visual Morphology of Member Galaxies -------------------------------- 18
2.3 Stellar Velocity Dispersion of Member Elliptical Galaxies ----------- 20
2.3.1 The Velocity Dispersion Data Cube --------------------------------- 20
2.3.2 General Properties of Velocity Dispersion Map --------------------- 22
2.3.3 One-Dimensional Velocity Dispersion Profile ----------------------- 23
2.4 Velocity Dispersion Implied by Radial Acceleration Relation --------- 26
3 Result --------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3.1 Classification of Velocity Dispersion Profiles ---------------------- 31
3.2 Identifying Brightest Cluster Galaxies ------------------------------ 32
3.3 Comparison with the Implied Profiles -------------------------------- 35
4 Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------ 41
A List of Elliptical Galaxies in SAMI ----------------------------------- 43
B Line-of-Sight Velocity Dispersion Profiles----------------------------- 51
B.1 Brightest Cluster Galaxie ------------------------------------------- 51
B.2 Member Galaxies: Flat ----------------------------------------------- 53
B.3 Member Galaxies:: Declining ----------------------------------------- 56
B.4 Member Galaxies:: Ascending ----------------------------------------- 65
B.5 Member Galaxies: Irregular ------------------------------------------ 67
C Comparison of LOSVD of Galaxies with Models --------------------------- 69參考文獻 Allen, J. T. et al., 2015, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Early Data Release, MNRAS, 446,1567
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