博碩士論文 110222029 詳細資訊

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姓名 邵詳崴(Siang-Wei Shao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 基於電磁誘發透明的量子薛丁格方程式模擬器
(Quantum Schrödinger Equation Simulator based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency)
★ 利用Mössbauer放射性同位素與57FeBO3晶體產生X-ray短脈衝光源的理論研究★ 57Fe原子核量子光學中γ-ray光子回波的理論研究
★ 一維席捲式增益介質中超螢光傳播現象的理論研究★ 無鏡式電磁誘發光放大器
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摘要(中) 本研究主要目的是探討如何使用光來模擬帶電粒子在電磁場中的運
電場下的量子諧振子(Quantum Harmonic Oscillation) 以及使用等效時
摘要(英) This study explores the use of light to simulate the motion of charged particles in electromagnetic fields, employing Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT). By manipulating parameters within the EIT system, such as coupling light and two-photon detuning, synthetic electromagnetic fields can be generated for dark-state polaritons, let the system become a quantum Schrödinger equation simulator. We utilize this EIT Schrödinger equation simulator to mimic various eletromagnetic field environments, including Landau levels under an effective magnetic field, quantum harmonic oscillation under an effective static electric field, and using an effective time
varing electric field to demonstrate STIRAP. The appendix details numerical methods employed in this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電磁誘發透明
★ 人造規範場
論文目次 摘要vii
Abstract ix
1.1 EIT系統.................................................................. 1
1.2靜止脈衝.................................................................. 3
1.3人造規範場............................................................... 5
1.4受激拉曼絕熱通道(STIRAP)........................................ 7
2.1一維EIT系統........................................................... 9
2.2二維EIT系統........................................................... 15
2.3量子薛丁格方程式模擬器............................................. 17
2.4朗道能階.................................................................. 21
3.1朗道能階.................................................................. 25
3.1.1 EIT的朗道能階................................................ 27
3.1.2二維EIT在人造規範勢的尺度效應....................... 29
3.1.3 EIT在朗道能階中的邊界態................................. 31
3.2量子諧振子............................................................... 34
3.3 EIT系統的STIRAP................................................... 37
3.3.1系統位能......................................................... 37
3.3.2能階躍遷......................................................... 38
A.1數值模擬方法............................................................ 47
A.2漩渦計算範圍............................................................ 48
A.3設計障礙區............................................................... 48
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指導教授 廖文德(Wen-Te Liao) 審核日期 2024-7-30
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