博碩士論文 110222009 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡承諭(Cheng-Yu Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 雷射驅動相干性硬 X 光源的亮度增強
(Brightness enhancement of laser driven coherent hard X-ray source)
★ 優化雷射電漿加速器衝擊波注入電子品質之研究★ 在雷射尾流場加速器中利用震波產生單能電子束
★ 破壞雷射電漿尾場加速之衝擊波前沿注入電子束之對稱性以產生線偏振 X 光源
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摘要(中) X光在生物醫學研究、物理學和材料科學中具有廣泛的應用,例如觀察昆蟲的骨骼結構。強大的X 光源通常由儲存環同步加速器和自由電子雷射(free-electron laser,FEL)產生,但這些系統佔用大量空間。相較之下,雷射尾場加速器(Laser wakefield acceleration,LWFA)具有佔地面積小的優勢,且技術已相對成熟。然而,LWFA 產生的單一高能量電子的X光強度仍有改進空間。


控制電子進入泡泡的方式稱為注入機制,對產生的電子表現有很大影響。我們採用震波前註入法,使電子進入加速場。此機制是在氣體噴嘴上方插入刀片,噴射時產生的震波前方是短距離、高梯度的密度分佈。當雷射經過震波前時,泡泡會瞬間拉長,使原本在泡泡後面的電子被注入。由於注射發生的時間很短,產生的電子能量集中,Betatron 輻射的頻譜較為穩定,但電子數量較少。

為了提高震波前註入法產生的Betatron 輻射強度,我們透過旋轉刀片改變了空間上氣體密度的分佈,破壞了注入的對稱性,增加了單側電子在泡泡中的振幅,從而提高Betatron 輻射的強度。

最終,我們透過震波前註入法產生了相對單能電子,其峰值能量落在 120~180 MeV。透過旋轉刀片,在刀片角度為 20 度時,輻射強度增幅最高,達到 146$\%$。然而,臨界能量只有 3.56 keV~3.32 keV,距離硬 X 光的 5 keV 還有一段距離。
摘要(英) X-rays have numerous applications in biomedical research, physics, and materials science, such as observing the skeletal structures of insects. Powerful X-ray sources are typically generated from storage-ring synchrotrons and free-electron laser (FEL), but these systems occupy extensive space. Laser wakefield accelerators (LWFA), with their smaller footprint, offer a promising alternative. Although the technology has matured, there is still room for improvement, such as enhancing the X-ray intensity from single high-energy electrons.

In our experiment, we used the 100TW system from the High-Field Physics Laboratory at National Central University as the laser source. When the laser hits the gas target, the ponderomotive force blows out electrons while positive ions remain in place. The displaced electrons surround the positively charged ions, forming a cavity called a bubble. When electrons enter the bubble, they are accelerated and oscillated by a strong acceleration field and focusing field. Their oscillation trajectory is similar to simple harmonic motion, emitting X-ray radiation at the turning points where their speed changes the most, known as Betatron radiation.

The method of controlling electron injection into the bubble, known as the injection mechanism, significantly impacts the produced electron characteristics. We used the shock-front injection method to inject electrons into the acceleration field. This mechanism involves inserting a blade above the gas nozzle to create a shock front with a short-range, high-gradient density distribution during gas flow. When the laser passes through this shock front, the bubble elongates momentarily, allowing electrons initially behind the bubble to be injected. Due to the brief injection period, the generated electron energy is concentrated, resulting in a stable Betatron radiation spectrum, though the electron quantity is relatively low.

To enhance the Betatron radiation intensity produced by the shock-front injection method, we rotated the blade to alter the spatial gas density distribution, disrupting the symmetry of the injection and increasing the amplitude of electron oscillation within the bubble, thereby boosting Betatron radiation intensity.

Ultimately, we generated relatively monoenergetic electrons with peak energy at 150 MeV by using the shock-front injection method. By rotating the blade to an angle of 20 degrees, the radiation intensity achieved a maximum increase of 146$\%$. However, the critical energy was between 3.56 keV and 3.32 keV, still short of the 5 keV required for hard X-rays.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雷射尾場加速器
★ 震波前注入法
★ Betatron X 光源
關鍵字(英) ★ Laser Wakefield acceleration
★ shock-front injection
★ Betatron radiation
論文目次 摘要 ix
Abstract xi
誌謝 xiii
目錄 xv
一、 緒論...1
1.1 電子加速器:傳統加速器與雷射尾場加速器 (LWFA).......... 1
1.2 非線性相對論光學 .................................... 2
1.2.1 自相關 ........................................... 2
1.2.2 自聚焦 ........................................... 3
1.3 雷射尾場加速器 (LWFA)............................... 4
1.3.1 尾場的產生 ....................................... 4
1.3.2 注入機制 ......................................... 7
1.4 Betatron 輻射....................................... 8
1.4.1 Betatron 輻射的產生................................ 8
1.4.2 輻射強度的計算 .................................... 10
1.4.3 K 值的計算和輻射強度 .............................. 10
二、 實驗架設 ...13
2.1 100 兆瓦雷射系統與啁啾脈衝放大....................... 13
2.2 電子加速器架設 ..................................... 14
2.2.1 光路架設與陰影成像 ............................... 14
2.2.2 震波前緣與平移台架設 ............................. 20
2.2.3 電子束輪廓檢測和電荷校準 ......................... 21
2.2.4 電子能譜和能量校準 .............................. 22
2.2.5 超音速噴嘴的密度校準 ............................ 23
2.3 Betatron 輻射診斷................................. 26
2.3.1 X 光強度診斷 ................................... 28
2.3.2 X 光頻譜診斷 ................................... 30
2.3.3 羅斯濾光片 ..................................... 30
三、 結果與分析 33
3.1 雷射條件 ......................................... 33
3.2 LWFA 中電子與 Betatron 輻射的表現.................. 36
3.2.1 震波前註入:電子 Pointing 與能譜................. 37
3.2.2 震波前註入: X 射線光斑強度、線寬與濾光片 ......... 39
3.3 Betatron 輻射的增強............................... 43
3.3.1 傾斜角度與位置 ................................. 43
3.3.2 Betatron 輻射亮度 vs. 傾斜角度 ................. 46
3.3.3 源尺寸演變 .................................... 53
3.3.4 Betatron 輻射能譜 vs. 角度位置 ................ 55
四、 Conclusion ...57
參考文獻 ...59
附錄 A Storing path of the figures ...63
附錄 B Analysis program ...69
附錄 C Nozzle design ...73
附錄 D surrogate models ...75
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指導教授 周紹暐(Shao-Wei Chou) 審核日期 2024-8-15
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