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姓名 羅嘉容(Chia-Jung Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 自然環境內在價值理論探究
(On Intrinsic Value Theory in Natural Environment)
★ 人類中心主義批判研究★ 從Peter Singer的動物解放學說探究台灣流浪犬的問題
★ Rolston生態環境內在價值探索★ Naess深層生態學研究
★ Callicott環境倫理研究★ 胎兒唐氏症施行人工流產的倫理反省
★ Cafaro環境德行倫理學研究:以台灣的人口與環境問題為例★ Rolston 荒野價值理論探究
★ R. G. Frey 動物倫理研究★ 環境公民倫理:當代公民社會的環境義務
★ 基因編輯技術的倫理反思
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摘要(中) 「為什麼人類有義務去保護自然環境」是當代環境倫理學討論眾多的一個議題。從典型的環境倫理學來看自然環境所衍生的環境問題,是因為人類為了自身的利益去掠奪自然環境的資源,而人類的惡意對待自然環境,造成了巨大的生態災難。當生態環境日益惡化,自然環境危機加劇時,人類便開始意識到自然環境所面臨的問題。為了回應這個問題,典型的環境倫理學試圖提出不同的學說來回應「人類為何有保護自然環境的義務」。本論文在探討當代環境倫理所面臨的問題時,首先對人類惡意對待自然環境提出倫理省思,即人類惡待自然的根源來自於強義人類中心主義。而這個思想顯然是造成自然環境資源日益減少及生態危機的主要根源。除此之外,更以主流的環境倫理學說對其作出倫理反思,即我們須要一個新的環境倫理學說來解決當代環境所面臨的問題。當代的環境倫理學家已經以內在價值來回應「為什麼人類有義務去保護自然環境」這個議題,但仍然很難擺脫人類中心主義或生態法西斯的難題,本論文試圖以「徹底的客觀內在價值理論」作為探討自然環境具有內在價值的一個新進路,以此回應「為什麼人類有義務去保護自然環境」。
摘要(英) Why do human have the obligation to protect natural environment” is the most discussed issue in the contemporary environmental ethics. From a typical environmental ethics perspective, environmental issues occurred because human despoil natural environmental resources for the sake of one’s interest, causing severe ecological catastrophe as a result of harmful treatment on natural environment. When ecological environment is getting worse day by day and natural environment crisis increases, human begins start realizing the problems of natural environment.
To deal with this issue, typical environmental ethics attempts to raise different theories to respond to “why do human have the obligation to protect natural environment”. This dissertation aims to investigate the problem of contemporary environmental ethics. First, providing reflection on human harmful treatment on natural environment based on the strong sense of anthropocentrism as the root cause which leads to the resource depredation day by day and as the chief reason that causes ecological catastrophe. Second, providing ethical reflection on mainstream environmental ethics and thus derives at a need of new environmental ethics to solve the problems of contemporary environmental ethics. Contemporary environmental ethicists already provide the answer to “why do human have the obligation to protect natural environment” but hardly deal with the dilemma of anthropocentrism and ecofacism. This dissertation adopts a new approach to investigate whether natural environment possess intrinsic value through “the theory of radical objective intrinsic value” to respond to “Why do human have the obligation to protect natural environment”.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自然環境
★ 環境倫理
★ 人類中心主義
★ 內在價值
★ 徹底的客觀內在價值
關鍵字(英) ★ natural environment
★ environmental ethics
★ anthropocentrism
★ intrinsic value
★ radical objective intrinsic value
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 ................................................................................................................... i
Abstract..................................................................................................................... ii
目錄......................................................................................................................... iv
第一章 當代自然環境所面臨的主要問題.......................................................... 10
第一節 人類對地球的破壞................................................................................... 11
第二節 人類惡待自然環境之倫理省思............................................................... 19
第三節 自然環境內在價值之概念闡明................................................................30
第二章 主觀內在價值理論 ..................................................................................38
第一節 主觀內在價值理論之闡明........................................................................38
第二節 主觀內在價值理論之批判........................................................................57
第三章 客觀內在價值理論....................................................................................64
第一節 客觀內在價值理論之闡明 .......................................................................64
第二節 客觀內在價值理論之批判 ...................................................................... 78
第四章 徹底的客觀內在價值論............................................................................87
第一節 「利益」之進路........................................................................................87
第二節 自然環境具有內在價值 .......................................................................... 99
第三節 小結 ..........................................................................................................109
參考書目 ...............................................................................................................117
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指導教授 李凱恩 審核日期 2024-7-26
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