博碩士論文 109488601 詳細資訊

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姓名 裴進盛(Bui Tien Thinh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 關於氣候風險與環境政策嚴格性對企業決策影響的論文
(Essays on the impacts of Climate Risks and Environmental Policy Stringency on Corporate Decision-Making)
★ 銀行流動性創造-基於文化視角★ 環境政策嚴格度與銀行風險:綠色經濟是否重要?
★ 不確定性對經濟表現的影響:與普惠金融和創新有關嗎?★ 不確定性與國家治理對銀行流動性創造的影響:跨國銀行證據
★ The Impact of Trade Policy Uncertainty on Firms’ Cash Dividend Policy★ 現金流量不確定性與極端風險關連:跨國證據
★ Essay on digitalization, robot deployment and corporate finance★ 內部債務與下行風險:基於 CEO、公司特徵與外部環境的研究
★ 央行數位貨幣變動對公司隱含波動度的影響★ ESG在不同衝突、政權、自由的環境下對於流動性創造的影響:基於亞洲銀行的研究
★ 策略差異化與貸款利差★ 宏觀審慎政策,戰爭與衝突以及銀行表現: 來自全球銀行的證據
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摘要(中) 本論文包含三項獨立的跨國研究,分別著重於研究氣候風險和環境政策嚴格性對企業決策的影響。前兩項研究調查了氣候風險對銀行流動性創造和現金持有量現金流敏感度的影響。第三項研究檢視了環境政策嚴格性對企業槓桿率的影響。
在第二篇文章中,我研究了1994年至2014年氣候風險如何影響87個國家現金持有的現金流量敏感度。 ,即企業累積現金持有的現金流敏感度。這種現像在存在重大財務限制的情況下更為明顯。本文的實證研究結果表明,目前的氣候風險影響可以促使企業透過額外現金流增加企業現金持有量,作為抵禦外部氣候衝擊的預防手段。
摘要(英) This thesis contains three independent cross-country studies focusing on examining the effects of climate risks and environmental policy stringency on corporate decision-making, respectively. The first two studies investigate the effects of climate risks on the bank liquidity creation and the cash flow sensitivity of cash holdings. The third study examines the effects of environmental policy stringency on corporate leverage.

In the first essay, I use a comprehensive cross-country bank-level database from 1995 to 2012 to examine the relationship between climate risk and bank liquidity creation. The main empirical findings illustrate that climate risks have a general negative relationship with bank liquidity creation. To be more specific, climate sensitivity and exposure negatively affect liquidity creation, while climate adaptation is positively related to liquidity creation. These effects are more prominent for banks with larger sizes and lower capital, or banks in developing countries. Overall, the results from the first essay lend significant support to the view that climate change can have detrimental effects on bank liquidity creation, thus prompting policymakers to formulate policies to assist banks with coping with climate change.

In the second essay, I examine how climate risks can influence the cash flow sensitivity of cash holdings across 87 countries from 1994 to 2014. The main empirical results reveal that climate risks induce a positive cash flow sensitivity of cash holdings, that is, firms accumulate cash holdings by saving from additional positive cash flows. Such phenomenon is more apparent in the presence of significant financial constraints. The empirical findings of this essay illustrate the current climate risk impacts can induce firms to increase corporate cash holdings from additional cash flows as a precautionary means against external climate shocks.

In the last essay, I investigate the influence of environmental policy stringency on corporate
leverage across 39 countries from 1994 to 2020. The main results illustrate that environmental
policy stringency leads to a decline in leverage; additionally, firms increase the use of long-term
corporate leverage and decrease short-term leverage, respectively. Such effects are pronounced for
firms with financial constraints, in countries with significant climate-risk exposure, or in Asia. The
findings from this essay also support that environmental policies can influence corporate financing
decisions as firms respond to the impacts of these external environmental policies.
關鍵字(中) ★ 流動性創造
★ 現金流
★ 氣候風險
★ 環境政策嚴格性
關鍵字(英) ★ Liquidity creation
★ cash flows
★ climate risk
★ environmental policy stringency
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables iv
Chapter 1: Climate Risk and Bank Liquidity Creation 1
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Theoretical foundation and hypotheses development 3
1.2.1. Relevant literature on liquidity creation 3
1.2.2. The channels of climate risk 4
1.2.3. Relationship between climate risk and liquidity creation 5
1.2.4. Subsample analysis of climate risk and liquidity creation 8
1.3. Methodology 9
1.3.1. Baseline model specification and methodology 9
1.3.2. Endogeneity concern and instrumental variable approach 10
1.4. Data description and summary of statistics 11
1.4.1. Data description 11
1.4.2. Summary statistics 11
1.5. Empirical results 12
1.5.1. The basic discovery 12
1.5.2. Endogeneity concerns 13
1.5.3. Subsample analysis: Bank size and capital 14
1.5.4. Subsample analysis: Countries with different macroeconomics characteristics 15
1.5.5. Subsample analysis: Regional analysis 16
1.6. Conclusion 16
References 18
Appendix 1.A: Distribution of observations by countries 41
Appendix 1.B: Descriptive statistics by countries 43
Chapter 2: Green development, climate risks, and cash flow 47
2.1. Introduction 47
2.2. Theoretical foundation and hypotheses development 49
2.2.1. Relevant literature on the cash flow sensitivity of cash and financial constraints 49
2.2.2. The channels of climate risk 50
2.2.3. Climate risks, cash flow sensitivity and cash holdings 51
2.2.4. Relationship between green development and corporate cash holdings 52
2.2.5. Subsample analysis of financial constraints 53
2.2.6. Subsample analysis of macroeconomic conditions 54
2.2.8. Subsample analysis of continents 54
2.3. Methodology 55
2.3.1. Baseline model specification and methodology 55
2.3.2. Endogeneity concerns 56
2.4. Data description and statistical summary 57
2.4.1. Data description 57
2.4.2. Statistical summary 57
2.5. Empirical results 58
5.1. Main results of the baseline regression 58
2.5.2. Endogeneity concerns 60
2.5.3. Subsample analysis: Financial constraints 60
2.5.4. Subsample analysis: Economic development 62
2.5.5. Subsample analysis: Continent analysis 62
2.6. Conclusion 63
Reference 65
Appendix 2.A: Distribution of observations by countries 89
Appendix 2.B: Descriptive statistics by countries 92
Chapter 3: Corporate Leverage and Environmental Policy Stringency 101
3.1. Introduction 101
3.2. Theoretical foundation and hypothesis development 103
3.2.1. Literature review of theories of capital structure 103
3.2.2. Relationship between environmental policy stringency and corporate leverage 103
3.3. Data and methodology 105
3.3.1. Description of data and variables 105
3.3.2. Empirical methodology 106
3.3.3. Instrumental variable and two-stage least squares regression 107
3.4. Results 108
3.4.1 Sample description and summary statistics 108
3.4.2. Baseline results 109
3.4.3. Endogeneity concerns 110
3.4.4 Additional test: Financial constraints 110
3.4.5 Additional analysis: Climate vulnerabilities 111
3.4.6 Additional analysis: Continent 112
3.5. Conclusion 113
Reference 115
Appendix 3.A: Distribution of observations by countries 133
Appendix 3.B: Descriptive statistics by countries 134
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指導教授 王志瑋(Chih-Wei Wang) 審核日期 2024-6-20
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