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姓名 楊子妘(Tzu-Yun Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際經營管理碩士學位學程
論文名稱 調查台灣工廠選址國家的影響因素
(Investigating the Influencing Factors of Taiwanese Factories Selecting Location Countries)
★ ERP樣版導入方法論之個案研究★ Talent Management Using Characteristics Model of RPG
★ 以情境理論探討顧客在保固期後再回原廠消費之意願─以B公司為例★ 企業接班模式之探討—以G公司為例
★ 影響消費者透過行動美妝軟體購買美妝品之關鍵因素研究-使用AHP方法★ 客製化產品成本導入ERP之計算架構-以A公司製造自動化設備為例
★ 應用中介系統改善企業流程-以S公司為例★ 結合群眾智慧與基本面應用於上市公司投資策略之研究
★ 共享服務中心外包衍伸問題之探討-以M跟S集團在台分公司為例★ 保險業於大數據時代導入 SAP HANA 之 關鍵成功因素 - 以 N公司為例
★ 以八階段分析法進行談判策略之個案研究★ 以AHP法研究企業評選顧問公司之準則
★ B2B拍賣網上結標價和結標時間的預測★ 應用啟發式演算法挖掘與表示商業流程的碳排量屬性
★ ERP為基準碳足跡計算之觀念性架構發展★ 作業基礎制碳足跡方法-以作業制成本法為基礎發展產品碳足跡計算之方法
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在探討世界瞬息萬變的情勢下,台灣工廠如何評估海外設廠選址的影響因素。根據相 關文獻和研究,提出了五個構面和十六個子標準作為影響因素。五個構面包括協作、供應商管理、地緣 政治風險、成本控制及經濟成長。在結合三位專家的意見以及十家企業訪談後,採用層次分析法 (AHP)建立研究架構並測量問卷。研究結果表明,地緣政治風險所占的標準權重最高,其次是成本控 制、協作、經濟成長,而供應商管理的標準權重最小。此外,在子構面當中,貿易戰是主導的影響因 素,其次是能源安全,而人口紅利的占比則是排序第三。
摘要(英) This research aims to investigate the influencing factors of Taiwanese factories selecting location countries under the current situation of the world which changes rapidly. Based on relevant literature and reports, five criteria and sixteen sub-criteria are proposed as the influencing factors. Five criteria are including supply chain collaboration, supplier management, geopolitical risks, cost control, and economic growth. After combining the insights and opinions from three experts with 10 corporate interviews, the Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP) is adopted to establish the research structure and measure the questionnaire. The results indicate that the highest weightage is given to the criteria of geopolitical risks, followed by cost control, collaboration, economic growth, and lowest weightage is given to the criteria of vendor management. For the sub-criteria, trade war is the dominant influencing factor, followed by energy security. And the demographic dividend ranked at the third place.
關鍵字(中) ★ 層級分析法
★ 地緣政治
★ 貿易戰
★ 人口紅利
關鍵字(英) ★ Analytic Hierarchy Process
★ geopolitical risks
★ trade war
★ demographic dividend
論文目次 Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract .........................................................................................................................i English Abstract........................................................................................................................ ii Acknowledgments.................................................................................................................... iii Table of Contents......................................................................................................................iv List of Figure.............................................................................................................................vi List of Table............................................................................................................................ vii Explanation of Symbols.......................................................................................................... vii Chapter I Introduction................................................................................................................1
1-1 Research background and motivation.............................................................................1 1-2 The aim of this research..................................................................................................5 1-3 The research process........................................................................................................6
Chapter II Literature review.......................................................................................................7 2-1 Facilities and technology support...................................................................................7 2-2 Supply chain resilience...................................................................................................8 2-3 Geopolitical risks..........................................................................................................10 2-4 Cost control...................................................................................................................12 2-5 Economic advantage.....................................................................................................14 2-6 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)...............................................................................21 2-7 The Fundamental Scale ................................................................................................23
Chapter III Methodology .........................................................................................................253-1 The AHP Procedure......................................................................................................25
3-2 The methodology framework .......................................................................................30 Chapter IV Results and Analysis .............................................................................................31 4-1 AHP questionnaire........................................................................................................31 4-2 Analysis of the AHP expert questionnaire ...................................................................31 4-2-1 The Research Model in Super Decision.................................................................32 4-2-2 Questionnaire Consolidation and Consistency Check ...........................................34 4-3 Analysis of the Relative Importance of Different Criteria Under the Goal...................34 4-4 Resultanalysis..............................................................................................................38 Chapter V Conclusion and future research advice...................................................................40 5-1 Conclusion....................................................................................................................40 5-2 The scope and limitation of the research ......................................................................41 5-3 Futureresearchdirectionandadvice............................................................................42 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................43 Appendix A..............................................................................................................................47 Appendix B ..............................................................................................................................52 Appendix C ..............................................................................................................................59
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指導教授 許秉瑜(Ping-Yu Hsu) 審核日期 2024-7-11
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