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(Employee Value Proposition and Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Employee Engagement)
★ Job Insecurity and Attitudinal Work Outcomes: The Moderating Effects of Guanxi★ Pay Transparency and Employee Engagement: the Moderating Effect of Organizational Justice
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摘要(中) 本論文探討了員工價值主張(Employee Value Proposition,EVP)、員工敬業度(Employee Engagement,EE)和離職意圖(Turnover Intention,TI)之間的複雜動態,特別是在菲律賓勞動市場的背景下。基於社會交換理論(Social Exchange Theory,SET),本研究檢視了EVP如何影響TI,並特別關注EE的中介角色。本研究採用量化研究方法,通過問卷調查分發給菲律賓各個行業的員工,共收集了317份完整的問卷。



摘要(英) This paper investigates the intricate dynamics between Employee Value Proposition (EVP), Employee Engagement (EE), and Turnover Intention (TI) within the context of the Philippines’ labor market. Drawing upon Social Exchange Theory (SET), the research examines how EVP influences TI, with a particular focus on the mediating role of EE. The research framework integrates SET to explore the reciprocal relationship between employers and employees, hypothesizing that a robust EVP negatively correlates with TI. Additionally, the thesis proposes that EE, encompassing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement, mediates the EVP-TI relationship. The study employs a quantitative research method, analyzing data from 317 employees across various sectors in the Philippines. Utilizing Structural Equation Modeling, this study examined the direct and indirect effects of EVP on TI through EE.
Key findings reveal that EVP significantly impacts EE and TI. Additionally, EE is negatively related to TI. However, tests for mediation reveal that EE does not significantly mediate the relationship between EVP and TI. The results suggest that organizations aiming to improve employee retention should focus on enhancing their EVP and fostering higher levels of employee engagement.
This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by offering a localized perspective on employee retention strategies in developing economies. The paper concludes with practical recommendations for organizations to improve their EVP, thereby reducing turnover and promoting a committed workforce.
Keywords: Employee value proposition, Employee engagement, Turnover intention, Social exchange theory, Philippines labor market
關鍵字(中) ★ 員工價值主張
★ 員工投入度
★ 流失意圖
★ 社會交換理論
★ 菲律賓勞動市場
關鍵字(英) ★ Employee value proposition
★ Employee engagement
★ Turnover intention
★ Social exchange theory
★ Philippines labor market
論文目次 Chinese Abstract .................................................................................................................. i
English Abstract .................................................................................................................. ii
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. iv
List of Figures .................................................................................................................. vi
List of Tables .................................................................................................................. vii
Chapter I Introduction............................................................................................... 1
Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Hypothesis Development.................. 5
2-1 Social Exchange Theory (SET)................................................................. 5
2-2 Employee Value Proposition (EVP) ........................................................ 7
2-3 Turnover Intention (TI) ............................................................................ 9
2-4 Employee Engagement (EE) .................................................................... 11
2-5 EVP and TI............................................................................................... 13
2-6 EVP and Employee Engagement............................................................... 14
2-7 EE and TI.................................................................................................. 16
Chapter III Methods.................................................................................................... 18
3-1 Research Method...................................................................................... 18
3-2 Sample and Procedure.............................................................................. 19
3-3 Measurements........................................................................................... 20
3-3-1 Employee Value Proposition as Independent Variable............................ 20
3-3-2 Turnover Intention as Dependent Variable.............................................. 20
3-3-3 Employee Engagement as Mediating Variable........................................ 21
3-3-4 Control Variables...................................................................................... 21
Chapter IV Results...................................................................................................... 22
4-1 Descriptive Statistics................................................................................ 22
4-2 Reliability Analysis.................................................................................. 22
4-3 Confirmatory Factor Analysis.................................................................. 23
4-4 Correlations.............................................................................................. 26
4-5 Multiple Regression Analysis................................................................... 28
4-5-1 Multiple Regression Analysis using EVP to predict Turnover Intention 28
4-5-2 Multiple Regression Analysis Using EVP Subfactors to Predict Turnover Intention.................................................................................... 29
4-5-3 Regression Analysis with Normalized Predictors.................................... 30
4-6 Path Analysis............................................................................................ 30
4-7 Mediation Analysis................................................................................... 33
4-7-1 Effect of EVP on EE................................................................................. 33
4-7-2 Effect of EE on TI (Including EVP as a predictor) ................................. 34
4-8 Post-hoc Analysis..................................................................................... 37
4-8-1 ANOVA/MANOVA................................................................................. 37
4-8-2 Moderation Analysis................................................................................. 38
Chapter V Discussion................................................................................................. 39
Chapter VI Conclusion................................................................................................ 44
6-1 Summary of Findings................................................................................ 44
6-2 Theoretical Contributions.......................................................................... 44
6-3 Practical Implications................................................................................ 45
6-4 Limitations for Future Research............................................................... 46
6-5 Conclusion................................................................................................ 47
References .................................................................................................................. 48
Appendix A Employer Attractiveness Scale (Shuck, 2016)......................................... 57
Appendix B Turnover Intention Scale (TIS-6) (Bothma & Roodt, 2016).................... 58
Appendix C Employee Engagement Scale (Shuck, 2017)............................................ 59
Appendix D Supplementary Analyses.......................................................................... 60
D-1 Analysis of Residuals............................................................................... 60
D-2 Q-Q Analysis............................................................................................ 61
D-3 Scale-Location Plot................................................................................... 61
D-4 Residuals vs Leverage Plot....................................................................... 62
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指導教授 杜可婷(Tuliao, Kristine V.) 審核日期 2024-7-30
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