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論文名稱 從供應鏈角度解析麥當勞成功之道
★ 聯合國海洋法公約生效後,我國海洋管理策略及其因應作為之研究★ 大陸供應鏈金融平台策略探討─以F公司昆山廠為例
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★ 筆記型電腦代工製造業供應鏈遷徙之個案研究:製造佈局的觀點★ 零售業物流自動化技術導入與服務創新
★ 由精實生產助力轉型工業4.0-以C公司為例★ 大型自動化專案工程估價方法之研究
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★ 筆記型電腦產業的工業4.0:一個以流程為導向的實踐案例★ 台灣中小企業暨傳統產業的轉型探討─以L公司轉型研究探討
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摘要(中) 連鎖餐飲事業在現代都市生活中扮演著重要角色,其快速和便利的特性使其成為日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,從經濟部統計處歷年的營業額及年增率資料顯示,隨著連鎖餐飲品牌持續展店、觀光旅遊與美食文化行銷,帶動外食人口逐漸增加,餐飲業歷年呈現穩定成長趨勢,惟COVID-19疫情在全球爆發,對餐飲業者帶來巨大的震盪,但隨著邁入後疫情時代,消費者逐漸接受與疫情共存,加上疫情干擾及消費習慣改變驅動下,業者提供更多元數位加值服務以強化競爭力,除了品牌、經營策略、區域佈局、市場切入、人力資源之外,連鎖餐飲須仰賴於強大且高效的供應鏈體系作為支援,本研究將以麥當勞公司為例,並探討如何運用供應鏈體系,以及具體策略,達企業永續經營。
麥當勞是全球最大的連鎖速食業者之一,其供應鏈管理在全球知名,麥當勞的供應鏈體系涵蓋了採購、生產、物流、配送和庫存管理等多個環節,這些環節的協調和高效運作是麥當勞成功的基石,而麥當勞的供應鏈管理包括以下幾個關鍵因素 :
Ÿ 合作夥伴關係:麥當勞與供應商建立了長期的合作夥伴關係,共同追求可持續發展和效率。第四方物流為麥當勞的主要供應鏈合作夥伴,扮演著重要關鍵的角色。
Ÿ 創新系統 : 麥當勞策略結盟第四方物流,不斷引入新的數位化技術,例如: 備餐系統、物流及運輸追蹤系統、數據分析等,利用創新的供應鏈技術和流程來提高效率和品質。
Ÿ 可持續性:麥當勞致力於環境保護和社會責任,在供應鏈管理中整合可持續發展的實踐,有助於維護品牌形象和長期發展,以減少環境影響。
過去的相關研究及案例探討,例如: 第四方物流可為組織貢獻的價值(Win, 2008)、利豐集團供應鏈管理的實踐經驗(利豐集團, 2009),企業透過第四方物流整合採購業務、供應鏈管理,達削減人事、採購及作業成本。策略聯盟第四方物流,透過整合第三方物流,達企業優勢互補、營運協作,再透過評鑑及績效管理進行長期且持續性的稽核及審查,持續優化作業流程及效率,達成雙贏的局面。
摘要(英) The restaurant chain industry plays an important role in modern urban life. Its fast and convenient features make it an indispensable part of daily life. According to historical turnover and annual growth rate data from the Statistics Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, as chain catering brands continue to open stores, travel and promote food culture, the number of diners has gradually increased. The catering industry has shown steady growth over the years. The global outbreak of COVID-19 has brought a huge impact to the catering industry. However, as we enter the post-epidemic era, consumers are gradually accepting to live with the epidemic. Driven by the impact of the epidemic and changes in consumption habits, industry players are providing more diversified digital value-added services to enhance competitiveness. In addition to resources such as brand, business strategy, regional layout, market entry, and human resources, chain catering must also rely on a strong and efficient supply chain system for support. This study will take McDonald′s as an example to explore how to use the supply chain system and specific strategies to achieve sustainable business operations.
McDonald′s is one of the world′s largest fast-food chains and its supply chain management is world-renowned. McDonald′s supply chain system covers procurement, production, logistics, distribution and inventory management. The coordination and efficient operation of these links are the cornerstone of McDonald′s success, and McDonald′s supply chain management includes the following key factors :
Ÿ Partnerships: McDonald′s has established long-term partnerships with suppliers to pursue sustainable development and efficiency. 4PL is McDonald′s main supply chain partner and plays an important and critical role.
Ÿ Innovative system: McDonald′s strategically cooperates with 4PL to continuously introduce new digital technologies, such as meal preparation systems, logistics and transportation tracking systems, data analysis, etc., and use innovative supply chain technologies and processes to improve efficiency and quality.
Ÿ Sustainable development: McDonald′s is committed to environmental protection and social responsibility, and integrates sustainable development practices into supply chain management to help maintain brand image and long-term development and reduce its impact on the environment.
Past relevant research and case studies, such as: The value a 4PL provider can contribute to an organisation(Win, 2008), Li & Fung Group’s practical experience in supply chain management(Li & Fung Group, 2009), enterprises through 4PL Integrate procurement business and supply chain management to reduce personnel, procurement and operating costs. Strategic alliance with 4PL, through the integration of 3PL, achieves complementary advantages and operational collaboration between enterprises, and then conducts long-term and continuous audits and reviews through evaluation and performance management, continuously optimizing operating processes and efficiency, and achieving a win-win situation.
This study will analyze the operations of the case company from the perspective of the supply chain. The author actually participated in the daily operations of the case, conducted case studies through actual observation, actual data collection, etc., discussed the relevant operating processes and management of the supply chain, and compiled some specific findings and compare and discuss these specific findings with existing general supply chain theories.
Through the above research, the case company strategically allied with 4PL to provide comprehensive supply chain solutions through 4PL, integrating logistics, information flow and cash flow, and formulating standard operating procedures SOP for each link of the supply chain. Product quality is controlled, 3PL is integrated, and supply chain operations are ensured through regular internal(external) audits and reviews, allowing case companies and sales offices to focus on their core business. Both parties divide work professionally and share risks, share resources and grow together.
Analyzing the success of the case company from a supply chain perspective, it can be attributed to its efficient logistics and distribution system, its good use of fourth-party logistics to create value, its business model, supply chain management, production and sales mechanism, current field operations, digital The research and discussion on the development of supply chain management have an impact on the theory and practice of supply chain management, and can be used as a reference for other related cases.
關鍵字(中) ★ 連鎖餐飲
★ 供應鏈體系
★ 麥當勞
★ 合作夥伴關係
關鍵字(英) ★ The restaurant chain
★ supply chain management
★ McDonald
★ Partnerships
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 vi
目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章 研究動機與目的 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究方法與研究流程 1
第二章 相關研究 2
2.1 連鎖通路事業 2
2.2 物流與低溫冷鏈 5
2.3 第三方物流與第四方物流 7
第三章 個案陳述與分析 8
3.1 個案公司麥當勞簡介 8
3.2 個案公司的商業模式 15
3.3 個案公司的供應鏈管理 16
3.4 個案公司的產銷機制 21
3.5 個案公司的實地作業現況 23
3.6 個案公司的數位化 25
第四章 研究討論 29
4.1 探討一 : 善用第四方物流共創價值 29
4.2 探討二 : 利豐集團供應鏈的借鏡 34
第五章 結論與研究限制 40
5.1 結論 40
5.2 研究限制 42
參考文獻 43
參考文獻 一、 中文文獻
利豐研究中心編著(2009)。《供應鏈管理:利豐集團的實踐經驗》。香港:三聯書店(香港)有限公司。pp. 77, 83-92, 120, 138-139, 175, 285-286, 385-387, 390, 408, 415。
林文恭(2022)。《連鎖經營管理範例書》。台北:碁峰出版社。 pp. 1-6。

二、 英文文獻
Coyle, J.J., Bardi, E.J., & Langley, C.J. Jr. (2003). The management of business logistics: A supply chain perspective (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South‐Western Publishing.
Douglas Bade, James Mueller & Bryan Youd (1999). Technology is the next generation of supply chain outsourcing – Leveraging capabilities of fourth party logistics. 埃森哲公司 (原安達信顧問公司).
Frost and Sullivan. (2005). Next generation supply chain strategies in Europe: End‐user attitudes & perceptions toward fourth party logistics engagements & opportunity assessment for a business case. Retrieved from http://www.researchandmarkets.com.
Li, J. (2010). Issues of food-related cold-chain logistics management in China. In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management (ICLSIM 2010) (Vol. 3, pp. 1319-1322). IEEE. Paper no. 5461178.
Win, A. (2008). The value a 4PL provider can contribute to an organization. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 38(9), 674-684.

三、 網路資訊
IEK產業情報網/連鎖餐飲業之科技創新與產業轉型案例分析-以麥當勞為例。產業新聞:2019/6/26,取自: https://ieknet.iek.org.tw
財政部全球資訊網/財政統計月報。上網日期: 2024/3/31,取自: https://www.mof.gov.tw
財報狗/財務報表。上網日期:2024/3/31,取自: https://statementdog.com
夏暉台灣官網/夏暉的故事。上網日期:2023/12/24,取自: https://tw.havi.com
麥當勞台灣官網/品牌故事與承諾, 企業永續, 數位便利。上網日期:2023/12/24,取自: https://www.mcdonalds.com
指導教授 呂俊德 審核日期 2024-5-21
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