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姓名 徐博彥(Po-Yen-Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 董監事股權質押與企業隱含資金成本之關聯
(The relation between director share pledges and the implied cost of capital for public companies)
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摘要(中) 本研究以2016年至2020年台灣上市櫃公司資料及利用普通最小平方法進行多元迴歸分析,探討董監事股權質押與公司資金成本之關聯性。有別於既有文獻多分別分析董監事質押與負債成本及貝他係數之關聯,本研究為台灣近年少數探討董監事股權質押對隱含資金成本之影響。和既有文獻已單因子模型中貝他係數做為權益資金成本代理變數相較隱含資金成本,計算方式較為繁複,因而可能降低倖存者偏差,提高預測每股盈餘準確度。
摘要(英) This study utilizes data from Taiwanese publicly listed companies from 2016 to 2020 and employs ordinary least squares (OLS) multiple regression analysis to explore the relationship between directors′ share pledging and corporate financing costs. Unlike existing literature, which often separately examines the relationship between directors′ pledging and debt costs or costs of equity of capital, this study uniquely investigates the impact of share pledging on the implied cost of capital, a perspective seldom explored in recent Taiwanese studies. The calculation of the implied cost of capital is more complex compared to using the beta coefficient in single-factor models. According to Li and Mohanram (2014), the advantage of this approach is its ability to reduce survivor bias and improve model accuracy.
The empirical results indicate the following: First, with respect to the ratio of directors′ and supervisors′ share pledging, a higher pledging ratio correlates with an increase in the implied cost of capital and debt financing costs in the next fiscal year, but it has no significant impact on the cost of equity financing. Similarly, when measuring the extent of pledging using a dummy variable with cut-off points at 31.15% and 0%, directors′ and supervisors′ share pledging worsens the implied cost of capital and debt financing costs in the next fiscal year but still shows no significant effect on beta . Finally, in an additional analysis of the interaction between share pledging and the market value of real estate, it is found that companies with higher real estate market values experience a more moderate increase in the implied cost of capital, debt financing costs, and equity financing costs in the following year due to share pledging by directors.
In conclusion, this study not only explores the impact of directors′ share pledging on the cost of capital from the perspective of the implied cost of capital but also analyzes its effects on other financing costs. The findings indicate that share pledging by directors leads to an increase in corporate financing costs, which, in the long term, is detrimental to corporate profitability, future competitiveness, and operational stability. Therefore, management should consider the impact on corporate financing costs before pledging their shares to obtain funds, to ensure sustainable business operations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 董監事股權質押
★ 資金成本
★ 信用風險
★ 不動產
論文目次 中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
目次 IV
圖表目錄 VI
一、緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2研究目的 5
1-3 論文架構 6
1-4研究流程 7
二、文獻回顧及研究假說 8
2-1文獻回顧 8
2-1-1董監事股權質押對資金成本影響 8
2-1-2 公司資金成本估計 10
2-2研究假說 11
三、樣本資料及研究方法 13
3-1樣本資料 13
3-2變數定義 16
3-2-1被解釋變數 16
3-2-2解釋變數 18
3-3-3控制變數 19
3-3 實證模型 21
四、實證分析結果 24
4-1敘述統計量 24
4-2 相關係數分析 27
4-3迴歸分析結果 29
4-3-1董監股權質押比率與隱含資金成本 29
4-3-2董監股權質押虛擬變數與隱含資金成本 30
4-3-3董監事股權質押與負債成本 32
4-3-4 貝他係數與董監事股權質押 34
4-4穩健性分析 36
4-4-1董監事股權質押虛擬變數與企業資金成本 37
4-4-2董監事股權質押和不動產市值與隱含資金成本交互影響 38
4-4-3董監事股權質押比率和不動產市值與負債成本之交互影響 40
4-4-4董監事股權質押比率和不動產市值與貝他係數交互影響 42
五、結論、研究限制與建議 44
5-1研究結論 44
5-2研究限制與建議 46
參考文獻 47
中文文獻: 47
英文文獻: 48
參考文獻 中文文獻:
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指導教授 李丹 鄭有為 審核日期 2024-7-26
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