摘要(英) |
This study proposes a hysteretic multivariate Bayesian structural GARCH model
integrating soft information, denoted by SH-MBS-GARCH, to describe
multidimensional financial time series dynamics under different economic states. We
first employ the De-GARCH technique to remove GARCH effects from each financial
time series. Next, we construct a hysteretic multivariate Bayesian structural model for
the De-GARCH time series, simultaneously capturing trends, seasonality, cyclic
patterns, and endogenous (or exogenous) covariate effects. In particular, we
incorporate soft information extracted from daily financial news into the model′s
hysteretic part, reflecting economic influences on time-series behavior. An MCMC
algorithm is proposed for parameters estimation. Simulation studies reveal that the
proposed algorithm can obtain satisfactory estimation results. The empirical study
utilizes data from the Dow Jones Industrial, Nasdaq, and Philadelphia Semiconductor
indices spanning from January 2016 to December 2020 to evaluate the performance
of the proposed model. Numerical analysis demonstrates that the proposed model
outperforms competing models in terms of fitting and predictive accuracy. |
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