博碩士論文 111450055 詳細資訊

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姓名 邱永明(CHIU, YUNG-MING)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 客製化專用機械產業分析
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摘要(中) 許多產業會使用特殊功能專用的機械設備,多元化機械製造商其業務範圍跨足多個產業,並依照客戶需求為客戶提供多種專用機械,這是包含在機械產業中的特殊領域,過去幾年受到新冠肺炎疫情、中美貿易爭端導致的去全球化、區域性地緣經濟的發展趨勢影響,造成了包括市場需求、供應鏈改變、消費與工作模式的轉變。
面對後疫新常態下的環境變化,本論文以產業經濟理論之「結構 — 行為 — 績效 (Structure-Conduct-Performance, S-C-P)」分析架構來探討客製化專用機械產業的發展現況與未來趨勢。
另外關於基本條件的需求面。需求彈性與替代性會因為產業的不同而有變化, 在某些科技產業裡無法用人工取代設備的部分,需求彈性小,在勞力密集的傳統產業存在替代性,則可能受價格影響需求彈性較大,另外客戶端產業的未來性也對需求彈性產生直接影響。
就市場結構而言,客製化專用機械產品多元化且市場分散, 市場的集中度低,是零散型產業,屬於獨占性競爭市場。但由於市場的多元化與零散性、技術障礙、產品失敗風險高、專業工程人員募集困難等因素,因此對新廠商形成進入障礙,使競爭程度不至於過於激烈。
在產業的績效方面,由於廠商的多元化,產品觸及多個產業,使得廠商的經營上比較不受景氣的影響,且隨著新興產業的發展,將為客製化專用機械產業帶來商機,整體而言依案例公司綜合營業利益分析,從事客製化專用機械的設計製造,平均年營業利益約可以達到29% 的水準。
摘要(英) Many industries utilize specialized machinery with specific functions, and diversified machinery manufacturers operate across multiple industries, providing a variety of specialized machines tailored to customer needs. This represents a unique sector within the machinery industry, which in recent years has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the US-China trade dispute leading to deglobalization, and trends in regional geopolitical economics, causing changes in market demand, supply chain modifications, and shifts in consumption and work patterns.
In response to the post-pandemic new normal and environmental changes, this thesis employs the industrial economics framework of "Structure-Conduct-Performance (S-C-P)" to examine the current state and future trends of the customized specialized machinery industry.
The findings of this thesis indicate that on the supply side, the volatility in delivery times and prices is greater for some imported or unconventional special raw materials due to customization or import issues. Additionally, manufacturing diverse specialized equipment requires high technical expertise and interdisciplinary knowledge, making it challenging to cultivate professional design and technical talent. As a result, firms in Taiwan′s diversified specialized equipment industry commonly face shortages, serious gaps, or a lack of young technicians.
Regarding the demand side, demand elasticity and substitutability vary by industry. In some tech industries where equipment cannot be replaced by labor, demand elasticity is low. In labor-intensive traditional industries where substitutability exists, demand may be more elastic due to price influences. The future prospects of client industries also directly impact demand elasticity.

On the policy front, governments worldwide often implement industrial policies to promote the development of their machinery industries, such as tax incentives, subsidies, and investment rewards. Moreover, the industry faces tariffs in trade, with the largest impact coming from the RCEP, which took effect in 2023, allowing member countries to enjoy tariff concessions. Tariffs on certain machinery have been reduced among member countries, and since China, Japan, and Korea – major competitors in machinery exports – are member economies, tariff disparities are likely to weaken our country′s competitiveness in machinery exports.
In terms of market structure, the customized specialized machinery products are diverse and the market is fragmented, indicating a low concentration and a monopolistic competitive market. However, the market′s diversity and fragmentation, technical barriers, high product failure risk, and the difficulty in recruiting specialized engineers create entry barriers, preventing excessive competition.
Regarding firms′ pricing behavior, value-based pricing is the most common method. To increase profits, firms consider the urgency of customers′ equipment needs, the technical content of the equipment, and the product′s value to the customer when setting prices. In a competitive market environment, strategies such as vertical integration, enhancing R&D, and producing differentiated products are commonly used to increase market competitiveness.
Overall, the customized specialized machinery industry benefits from trends in industrial transformation and intelligentization, continuing to grow positively. However, recent years have seen many external uncertainties, including deglobalization, the Russo-Ukrainian War, and the Red Sea crisis, leading to raw material shortages, price increases, and delivery delays, testing firms′ adaptability. Facing these challenges, firms need to actively adjust their strategies.
In terms of industry performance, the diversification of firms and their products across multiple industries makes them less affected by economic cycles. With the development of emerging industries, new opportunities are presented to the customized specialized machinery industry. On average, companies engaged in the design and manufacture of customized specialized machinery can achieve an annual operating profit margin of approximately 29%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 客製化專用機械
★ SCP分析
★ 需求彈性與替代性
★ 差異化
★ 智慧化
關鍵字(英) ★ Customized specialized machinery
★ SCP analysis
★ demand elasticity and substitutability
★ differentiation
★ intelligentization
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第 1 章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究方法 3
1.3 研究流程與架構 4
第 2 章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 自動化設備發展 7
2.2 產業趨勢 11
2.3 本章小結 13
第 3 章 客製化專用機械產業介紹 15
3.1 專用機介紹 15
3.2 專用機接單開發流程 16
3.3 專用機械設備產業現況 19
3.4 產業未來趨勢 20
3.5 本章小結 25
第 4 章 多元客製化專用機械產業SCP分析 26
4.1 基本條件 26
4.2 政府政策 31
4.3 市場結構 35
4.4 廠商行為 39
4.5 經營績效 52
第 5 章 結論與建議 57
5.1 結論 57
5.2 建議及未來研究方向 58
參考文獻 63
參考文獻 期刊論文
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指導教授 邱俊榮 審核日期 2024-6-13
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