博碩士論文 111450010 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃奕傑(Huang Yi Chieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 台灣橡膠輪胎廠商的經營策略與 績效分析
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摘要(中) 探討台灣四間橡膠輪胎製品廠在全球和台灣的巿場結構、廠商行為和其營運績效。本研究以經濟學中的S-C-P(Structure-Conduct-Performance)結構-行為-績效模型做為主要的補助分析台灣橡膠輪胎業的整個架構,以五力分析和SWOT分析做結論分析研究結果顯示,巿場結構部分:橡膠輪胎業歸類於寡占巿場,但較難做出差異性,且有著較高的進入門檻,需要充分的資本和人工勞力。廠商行為部分:橡膠輪胎有著較低的需求彈性,近似於必需品的特性,廠商有著較強的訂價能力,但橡膠輪胎的售價和原物料價格波動相關,石油原油價格和運費也都會影響到橡膠輪胎製品廠的成本。並因為難以做出明顯的差異化,橡膠輪胎製品廠的產品訂價應該朝向依消費者族群和需求不同做出區隔。經營績效部分:台灣的橡膠輪胎廠本身在台灣的產能足夠供給台灣當地的橡膠輪胎需求,因此有多餘產能可供外銷。在外銷部分的衝擊在於稅額,美國制定的反傾銷稅,對台灣某些橡膠輪胎廠的出口,造成很大的影響。整體而言,橡膠輪胎業除了外銷到高稅賦的國家之外,整體經營績效都是不錯的。
摘要(英) Explore the market structure, manufacturer behavior, and operational performance of four rubber tire product factories in Taiwan globally and in Taiwan. This study uses the S-C-P (Structure Conduct Performance) model in economics as the main subsidy analysis for the entire framework of Taiwan′s rubber tire industry. The conclusion analysis is based on the Five Forces Analysis and SWOT Analysis. The research results show that in terms of labor field structure, the rubber tire industry is classified as an oligopoly labor field, but it is difficult to make distinctions and has a high entry threshold, requiring sufficient capital and manual labor. Manufacturer behavior: Rubber tire has a low demand elasticity, similar to the characteristics of a necessity, and manufacturers have strong pricing power. However, the price of rubber tire is related to fluctuations in raw material prices, and the prices of petroleum and crude oil as well as shipping costs can also affect the cost of rubber tire product factories. And because it is difficult to make significant differentiation, the pricing of rubber tire product factories should be differentiated according to the different consumer groups and needs. Business performance: Taiwan′s rubber tire factories have sufficient production capacity in Taiwan to meet the local demand for rubber tires, so there is excess production capacity available for export. Overall, the rubber tire industry has performed well in terms of overall business performance, except for exporting to countries with high taxes.
Finally, this study suggests that Taiwan′s local rubber tire factories should increase their research and development capabilities and funding, gradually move towards automation and make good use of big data analysis, reduce unnecessary expenses, and increase consumer trust and dependence on their products. The dependence of products on the market should also be reduced to diversify the risk of excessive concentration in key markets. Rubber tire factories belong to high carbon emission industries, so more attention should be paid to environmental protection, energy conservation, and carbon reduction in order to have a clean and sustainable earth.
關鍵字(中) ★ 橡膠
★ 彈性體
★ 橡膠輪胎
★ 五力分析
★ SWOT分析
★ S-C-P分析
關鍵字(英) ★ rubber
★ elastomer
★ rubber tire
★ five forces analysis
★ SWOT analysis
★ S-C-P analysis
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方法 2
1.3研究流程 4
第二章 相關文獻探討 6
2.1 橡膠輪胎產業分析相關文獻探討 6
2.2 本章小結 7
第三章 台灣橡膠業產業分析 9
3.1 橡膠彈性體產業之基本介紹 9
3.1.1 橡膠彈性體產業在台灣之歷史沿革 9
3.1.2 台灣橡膠彈性體之應用範圍 10
3.1.3 橡膠彈性體原料和特性之簡介 11
3.1.4橡膠輪胎生產的要素和過程 15
3.2 橡膠輪胎種類與功能介紹 17
3.2.1 輪胎種類介紹 17
3.2.2 一般汽機車用胎大致功能介紹 18
第四章 分析台灣橡膠輪胎業 20
4.1 台灣橡膠輪胎業的基本條件 21
4.1.1 橡膠輪胎的供給面 21
4.1.2 橡膠輪胎的需求面 22
4.1.3 橡膠輪胎的產品耐用度 22
4.1.5 橡膠輪胎的性能價格比 23
4.1.6 橡膠輪胎的規模經濟 23
4.1.7 橡膠輪胎的需求彈性 23
4.1.8 橡膠輪胎的替代性 23
4.1.9 橡膠輪胎的購買方式 24
4.1.10 橡膠輪胎的循環與季節性 25
4.2 台灣橡膠輪胎業之巿場結構 25
4.2.1 橡膠輪胎業之買方和賣方 25
4.2.2 橡膠輪胎業之產品差異性 25
4.2.3 橡膠輪胎業之新廠商進入障礙 25
4.2.4 橡膠輪胎業之成本結構 25
4.2.5 橡膠輪胎業之整合與多角化 26
4.2.6 橡膠輪胎業之巿場佔有率 27
4.3 台灣橡膠輪胎業之巿場行為 27
4.3.1 定價行為 27
4.3.2產品策略 28
4.3.3廣告行為 30
4.3.4 台灣橡膠輪胎業之競爭策略 31
4.3.5 橡膠輪胎業之協商(勾結)行為 36
4.3.6 橡膠輪胎業之併購與結盟 36
4.4 台灣橡膠輪胎業之績效 36
4.4.1 橡膠輪胎業之生產和銷售 36
4.4.2 橡膠輪胎業之技術進步 37
4.4.3 橡膠輪胎業之產品品質 39
4.4.4 橡膠輪胎業之公平性 40
4.4.5 橡膠輪胎業之利潤 40
4.5 台灣政府對橡膠輪胎業之政策與補助 47
4.5.1 橡膠輪胎業之管制 47
4.5.2 橡膠輪胎業之補助 48
4.5.3 橡膠輪胎業之政策 49
第五章 對台灣橡膠輪胎業發展的結論與建議 50
5.1 台灣橡膠輪胎產業現況總結 50
5.2 結論與建議 51
參考文獻 53
參考文獻 中文文獻:
1.Kay, John(2006),商業的真理:活用經濟學,齊思賢譯。
2.Porter, Michael E.(1990), The Competitive Advantage of Nations, NY:The Free Express, P.127 。
指導教授 姚睿 審核日期 2024-7-1
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