博碩士論文 111450059 詳細資訊

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姓名 王微(Wei Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 連接器產業分析
★ 具兩岸特色的台灣銀行產業分析-以上海銀行為例★ 台灣界面活性劑產業競爭條件分析-以A公司為例
★ 台灣傳統廣告業於微利時代下的獲利模式分析★ 車用印刷電路板產業分析
★ 第三方支付機制對我國銀行發展的影響★ 銲錫產業的獲利模式與前景分析
★ 非領導主機板廠商策略之探討★ 跨國直銷公司進入中國市場之經營策略分析-以精油產品為例
★ 保險業務員專業技能升級之策略研究─以C公司為例★ 文化創意產業工藝類之行銷模式分析
★ 金融業理財專員獎酬辦法探討與績效評估★ 電子製造業服務化之策略探討
★ 中國連鎖茶飲市場分析★ 台灣商用車產業分析
★ 中國手持式X射線螢光元素分析儀產業分析★ 台灣半導體設備代理商之策略探討
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摘要(中) 2000 年以來互聯網的擴展、電子商務的普及、企業的電子化需求以及電腦技術的最新進步都促進了用戶對資訊需求的增加。從文字到影像再到影片,伺服器可以執行的任務範圍正在不斷擴大;此外,大數據時代和雲端運算催生了網路電子商務、網路遊戲、部落格、網路拍賣、網路商店、網路銷售等一批新產業。電子產品中用於電源和訊號之間傳輸訊號的所有連接部件,以及任何相關的插座、電線、插頭和其他附屬配件,統稱為連接器產品。它可作為所有訊號之間的橋樑,連接各種電子產品中的電路、模組和系統。連接器的電路設計必須達到高精度和高靈敏度,因為連接器的品質將對訊號傳輸和電流的可靠性以及整個電子設備的運作產生重大影響。連接器是電子產品中用於連接元件的零件。因此,這對 IT (Information Technology) 產品的效率和品質有強烈需求。
本 研 究 主 要 運 用 經 濟 學 中 「 結 構 — 行 為 — 績 效 」 (Structure-ConductPerformance, S-C-P) 的架構理論,分析台灣連接器產業的市場結構、廠商的行為與產業的績效,同時連接器產業的發展現況,對連接器的趨勢演變及未來進行分析,進而提出因應方針及建議。
研究結果發現,我國連接器產業具有供應鏈完整、技術門檻高、產能成本的優勢,是為競爭型市場,產業因終端客戶的集中而需求逐年提高,且「掌握技術領先者為市場先趨者」態勢明顯,貼近客戶的服務成為決勝關鍵。紅色供應鏈雖在近 10 年間崛起,然去中國化-Out of China 造成了另一個影響市場的變數,連接器產業經營必需因應市場需求的程度更高。從產業績效方面來看,公司因全球市場的佈局及技術領先達到全球化的生產製造及服務進而有了相較於競爭對手更高的優勢。
全 球 化 的 企 業 如 何 在 地 化 的 提 供 OEM/ODM (Original EquipmentManufacturer/Original Design Manufacturer) 的服務,並且整合全球資源,結盟亞洲生產盟友以提高跨國性企業在台灣的競爭力值得進行深入探討,並在分析之後,本研究對連器產業建議,提升自身研發能力,以保持競爭優勢; 建立健全品質管理體系,提高産品合格率; 加強供應鏈整合能力,與供應商建立長期穩定的合作關係; 加強市場營銷能力,提高品牌知名度,擴大市場份額。以供連接器產業者參考。
摘要(英) Since 2000, with the advent of the Internet boom, the proliferation of e-commerce transactions, and the demand for enterprise digitization, coupled with the recent acceleration in user demand for information due to data technology advancements— from text to images to videos—the tasks that servers can execute have become increasingly complex. Big data and cloud computing have also spawned a number of new sectors, including blogs, online stores, e-commerce, online auctions, online sales, online gaming, website design, and website hosting. Cloud databases and backup repositories are also becoming more and more common. Connector items include all components and accessories used in electronic equipment for signal and power connections, such as cables, sockets, and plugs. They connect circuits, modules, and systems in electronic devices, acting as bridges between all signals. Their quality influences the reliability of current and signal transmission, as well as the overall operation of the electronic product. As a result, the circuit design for connectors must achieve high sensitivity. The term "connectors" narrowly refers to the parts of connectors utilized in electronic equipment. High standards for effectiveness and quality in a range of IT products have also resulted from this.
The market structure, company behavior, industry performance, and present state of development of Taiwan′s connector industry are all examined in this study using the Structure-Conduct-Performance (S-C-P) framework of economics. Additionally, it examines the development trends and prospects for connectors in the future and suggests appropriate strategies and guidelines.
The research findings indicate that Taiwan′s connector industry is competitive because it has advantages in complete supply chains, high technological thresholds, and production cost capabilities. Due to the concentration of end customers, the industry′s demand has been rising annually. The trend of "leading in technology as the market leader" is apparent, with the secret to success being customer-centric service. Despite the emergence of the "Red Supply Chain" in the past decade, the "Out of China" trend has introduced a new factor that is impacting the market. As a result, operations in the connector industry need to react more strongly to market demand. In terms of industry performance, companies that have a global market structure and technological leadership have a competitive advantage over their rivals when it comes to industry performance.
To increase the competitiveness of multinational corporations in Taiwan, it is worthwhile to investigate how globalized enterprises might create alliances with Asian manufacturing allies, integrate global resources, and offer OEM/ODM services locally. Following examination, this study provides the following recommendations for the connector industry as reference.
關鍵字(中) ★ 連接器
★ 5G
★ 伺服器
★ Out of China
★ 結構—行為—績效
關鍵字(英) ★ connector
★ 5G
★ server
★ Out of China
★ Structure-ConductPerformance (SCP) model
論文目次 第 1 章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究方法 3
1.3 研究流程與架構 5
第 2 章 文獻探討 6
2.1 連接器產業之相關文獻 6
第 3 章 連接器產業的發展 9
3.1 連接器基本介紹 9
3.2 全球連接器產業概況 16
3.3 台灣與中國連接器產業現況 22
3.4 匯率 26
3.5 中美貿易戰所造成的結構性衝擊 26
第 4 章 連接器產業的 S-C-P 績效分析 29
4.1 基本條件 29
4.2 政府政策 35
4.3 市場結構 41
4.4 訂價行為 47
4.5 產業績效 55
第 5 章 結論與建議 61
5.1 結論 61
5.2 建議 62
參考文獻 64
參考文獻 英文文獻
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指導教授 邱俊榮 審核日期 2024-7-3
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