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姓名 劉學逸(Hsueh-Yi Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 透過以LLM實現的新聞監控與分析揭露ESG之媒體輿情
(Disclosing Media Sentiment in ESG Through LLM-Enabled News Monitoring and Analytics)
★ 應用智慧分類法提升文章發佈效率於一企業之知識分享平台★ 家庭智能管控之研究與實作
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摘要(中) 近年來環境、社會、治理(Environmental, Social and Government, ESG)的議題越來越受世界各國的重視,例如歐盟將在2027年正式收取碳稅,其相關的媒體報導與輿情也將影響各家企業的形象甚至是市場價值,因此企業在ESG上的表現以及採取的相關行動在現代是很重要的議題。
本研究將使用大型語言模型(Large Language Model, LLM)為基礎的方法對大量ESG相關新聞進行多段式摘要生成以及建議生成。其中多段式摘要生成可以解決一些LLM的輸入內容長度限制導致無法直接總結大量新聞的問題。在摘要生成,我們測試了BERT、Pegasus、GPT-3.5-Turbo以及Llama-2對各個文章內的內容進行初步過濾,在Prompt的設計我們使用了簡易Prompt、複雜Prompt、以及使用Directional Stimulus Prompting(DSP)應用在我們的多段式摘要生成,我們選取了最具代表性的GPT-3.5-Turbo以及公開的Llama-2作為最終階段的摘要生成模型,並且透過Multi-News資料集衡量不同方法的優劣。在建議生成上,我們採用了情感分析的Distil-RoBERTa模型以及ESG分類模型和多段式摘要生成產生的摘要作為大型語言模型生成的輸入加以引導生成的內容方向。
摘要(英) Issues related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) have gained increasing attention from countries worldwide in recent years. For instance, the European Union will officially start implementing carbon taxes in 2027. Media reports and public opinion surrounding ESG issues can significantly impact the image and market value of companies. Therefore, a company′s performance and actions in ESG have become crucial topics in contemporary society.
This study applies methods based on Large Language Models (LLMs), using multi-stage summary generation and suggestion generation powered by LLMs on a vast amount of ESG-related news. The multi-stage summary generation addresses the problem of input length limitations of LLMs, which hinder direct summarization of large volumes of news. In the summary generation process, we tested BERT, Pegasus, GPT-3.5-Turbo, and Llama-2 to initially filter the content within each article. For prompt design, we utilized simple prompts, complex prompts, Directional Stimulus Prompting (DSP) on our multi-stage summary generation. We selected the most representative models, GPT-3.5-Turbo and the publicly available Llama-2, as the final models for summary generation and measured the performance of different methods using the Multi-News dataset. For suggestion generation, we employed a sentiment Distil-RoBERTa model and an ESG classification model. These models, along with the summaries generated by multi-stage summary generation, guided the content direction generated by the LLM.
The results of this study demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of using different methods for multi-stage summary generation and validate the consistency of these methods across various summary-generating LLMs. Additionally, experiments involving DSP in prompt design and suggestion generation showcase how smaller models can further enhance the performance LLMs in different tasks. The automated tools proposed in this study enable companies to quickly grasp ESG-related media sentiment and receive relevant suggestions to make timely and informed decisions.
關鍵字(中) ★ ESG
★ 大型語言模型
★ 自動文本摘要
★ 輿情分析
關鍵字(英) ★ ESG
★ automatic text summarization
★ sentiment analysis
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
1. 緒論 1
1.1. ESG對企業價值的影響 1
1.2. 媒體輿情對於企業及市場的影響 1
1.3. 大型語言模型的興起 2
1.4. NLP自動化系統 2
2. 文獻探討 3
2.1. 自動文本摘要(Automatic Text Summarization) 3
2.2. 輿情分析(Sentiment Analysis) 4
2.3. 評估指標(Evaluation Metrics) 5
3. 研究方法 6
3.1. 語言模型 6
3.1.1 GPT 6
3.1.2 Llama-2 7
3.1.3 BERT-Extractive-Summarizer 7
3.1.4 Sentence-BERT 8
3.1.5 RoBERTa 8
3.1.6 T5 8
3.1.1. Pegasus 8
3.2. 先前的研究結果 9
3.2.1 esgBERT 9
3.2.2 ESG新聞資料集 10
3.3. 多段式文本摘要生成 11
3.3.1 文本過濾方法 11
3.3.2 LLM摘要生成之Prompt設計 13
3.3.2. 以不同LLM進行摘要生成 15
3.4. ESG新聞輿情分析 15
3.4.1. ESG新聞重心 15
3.4.2. ESG新聞建議生成 16
4. 研究結果 17
4.1. 用於摘要之文本過濾方法之結果比較 17
4.2. 用於摘要之Prompt設計之結果比較 18
4.3. ESG新聞摘要輿情分析系統 20
5. 討論 22
6. 結論 22
7. 限制與未來研究 23
參考文獻 24
附錄 27
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Stephen J.H. Yang) 審核日期 2024-7-10
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