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姓名 蔡蕙如(Hui-Ju Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 應用職業整備框架探索政府外部稽核人員的心理整備
(Exploration of Mental Readiness for Excellent Government External Auditors Applying Operational Readiness Framework)
★ 專案管理的溝通關鍵路徑探討─以某企業軟體專案為例★ 運用並探討會議流如何促進敏捷發展過程中團隊溝通與文件化:以T銀行系統開發為例
★ 專案化資訊服務中人力連續派遣決策模式之研究─以高鐵行控資訊設備維護為例★ 以組織正義觀點介入案件指派決策之研究
★ 應用協調理論建立系統軟體測試中問題改善之協作流程★ 應用案例式推理於問題管理系統之研究 -以筆記型電腦產品為例
★ 運用限制理論於多專案開發模式的人力資源配置之探討★ 應用會議流方法於軟體專案開發之個案研究:以翰昇科技公司為例
★ 多重專案、多期再規劃的軟體開發接案決策模式:以南亞科技資訊部門為例★ 會議導向敏捷軟體開發及系統設計:以大學畢業專題為例
★ 一種基於物件、屬性導向之變更影響分析方法於差異化產品設計★ 會議流方法對大學畢業專題的團隊合作品質影響之實驗研究
★ 實施敏捷式發展法於大學部畢業專題之 行動研究 – 以中央大學資管系為例★ 建立一個用來評核自然語言需求品質的線上資訊系統
★ 結合本體論與模糊分析網路程序法於軟體測試之風險與風險關聯辨識★ 在軟體反向工程中針對UML結構模型圖之線上品質評核系統
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摘要(中) 政府外部稽核人員被視為一個高壓力、高風險且高績效的職業。他們必須具備的專業技能涵蓋三個層面:心理、專業技術和生理,其中又以心理整備技能最為重要,必須以此為核心,平衡發展這些必要的職業技能。
這項探索性研究的目的是應用學者Judy McDonald 在2006 年提出的職業整備框架(Operational Readiness framework)探討優秀政府外部稽核人員心理整備,並參考卓越之輪(Wheel of Excellence)之組成要素,確定影響外部稽核人員卓越表現最重要的一個要素—信心。本研究與一組經驗豐富的政府外部稽核人員進
摘要(英) Government External Auditors (GEAs) can be regarded as a high-pressure, high-risk and high-performance profession. The professional skills required for GEAs encompass three aspects: mental, technical, and physical, with mental readiness being of utmost importance. This should be the core focus, balancing the development of these essential operational readiness skills.
The purpose of this research was to apply the Operational Readiness Framework (ORF) proposed by scholar Judy McDonald in 2006 to explore the mental readiness for excellent GEAs, while also referenced the elements from Wheel of Excellence. Identified confidence as the most important part of mental readiness for achieving excellence in GEAs. Using one-on-one interviews with the chosen sample of experienced GEAs to assess the mental readiness throughout various stages—prior to, amid, and following their successful performing in challenging scenarios at work and a qualitative analysis was performed on the research results. Analysis results were compared with other high-achievers’ domains like dentistry, social services, policing, and sherpa. The results indicated certain confidence practices being integral to attaining peak performance, with a harmonious poise of physical, technical, and mental readiness forming the cornerstone of the GEAs′ competencies. The research corroborated a substantial overlap in the mental readiness practices utilized by excellent GEAs and other high-performing professionals.
This study applied Operational Readiness Framework to explore confidence as part of mental readiness in GEAs for the first time and presented an in-depth exploration of distinct high-performance readiness practices from an on-site, frontline perspective. It also provided actionable recommendations for training and assessment that relevant to excellence in financial examinations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 政府外部稽核人員
★ 心理整備
★ 卓越之輪
★ 職業整備框架
★ 稽核人員培訓
關鍵字(英) ★ government external auditor
★ mental readiness
★ wheel of excellence
★ operational readiness framework
★ audit training
論文目次 Abstract ....................................................................................... i
摘要 ............................................................................................ ii
Acknowledge .................................................................................... iii
致謝 ............................................................................................ iv
Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................. 1
1.2 Motivation ................................................................................. 1
1.3 Purpose .................................................................................... 3
1.4 Scope and Assumptions ...................................................................... 5
1.5 Organization ............................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review .................................................................... 6
2.1 Financial Supervision ...................................................................... 6
2.2 Government External Auditors Conducting Financial Examinations ............................. 9
2.3 Operational Readiness Framework (ORF) ...................................................... 11
2.3.1 Operational Readiness Framework: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach ........................... 11
2.3.2 Orlick′s Wheel of Excellence ............................................................. 14
Chapter 3 Methodology .......................................................................... 18
3.1 Social Science Research Methods ............................................................ 18
3.2 Participants ............................................................................... 21
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis ............................................................... 21
3.3.1 Conducting the Interview ................................................................. 22
3.3.2 Data analysis ............................................................................ 24
3.3.3 Containing Researcher and Information Bias................................................ 25
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ............................................................... 26
4.1 Discussion ................................................................................. 26
4.1.1 Importance for Readiness ................................................................. 26
4.1.2 Related Literature ....................................................................... 26
4.1.3 Comparisons across Professions ........................................................... 27
4.2 Challenging Situations for Government External Auditors .................................... 28
4.3 Readiness for Performance Excellence ....................................................... 30
4.3.1 Readiness ................................................................................ 30
4.3.2 Successful and Disappointing Performance ................................................. 33
4.3.3 Importance for Readiness in Successful and Disappointing Performance ..................... 33
4.3.4 Rating from 1-10 for P, T, M in Successful Performance ................................... 34
4.3.5 Rating from 1-10 for P, T, M in Disappointing Performance ................................ 34
4.3.6 Difference between P, T, M Ratings between Successful and Disappointing Performance ...... 35
4.4 Assessment of Self-Belief .................................................................. 35
4.4.1 Contributors to Excellence ............................................................... 35 Developing Strategies................................................................... 35 Self-Belief ............................................................................ 36
4.4.2 Situations ............................................................................... 39 “Crisis” control ....................................................................... 39 Unforeseen influences .................................................................. 40 Proud performance in challenging situations ............................................ 40 Disappointing performance in challenging situations .................................... 40
4.4.3 Coping with stress ....................................................................... 41
4.5 Limitations of the Study ................................................................... 41
4.6 Strengths of the Study ..................................................................... 42
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations ...................................................... 43
5.1 Importance of Readiness .................................................................... 43
5.2 Insights into Self-Belief .................................................................. 43
5.3 Challenges ................................................................................. 44
5.4 Inter-professional preparedness ............................................................ 44
5.5 Training Insights .......................................................................... 45
5.6 Customized Adapted Training Tools Development .............................................. 45
5.7 Contributions of the Study ................................................................. 47
5.8 Recommendations ............................................................................ 48
References ..................................................................................... 51
Appendix A. Personal Profile of Challenging Situations in Government External Auditors ......... 57
Appendix B. Operational Readiness Performance Indicators for Government External Auditors ...... 60
Appendix C. Confidence Practices Training for Government External Auditors ..................... 61
Appendix D. Audit Training Assessment for Government External Auditors ......................... 62
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指導教授 陳仲儼(Chung-Yang Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-9
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