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姓名 張中彥(Zhong-Yan Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 數位領導力對數位創新的影響:數位文化和數位心態的中介作用
(Effect of Digital Leadership on Digital Innovation: The Mediating Role of Digital Culture and Digital Mindset)
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摘要(中) 外在環境的數位化讓企業的未來充滿挑戰和機遇。隨著數位科技的迅猛發展,許多企業積極尋求通過數位科技來獲取新的競爭優勢,並藉由數位創新來實現更優秀的業務表現。然而,組織在這種快速變化的環境中需要有強有力的領導者來引領他們在數位化時代中前行。因此,數位領導力的重要性日益提升。數位領導力不僅包括傳統的領導能力,還要求領導者具備數位技能,以便有效地帶領整個組織進行必要的內部變革,從而適應數位環境的變化。本研究通過將數位文化和數位心態作為中介變數,探討領導者是否能通過改變組織內部的文化和心態,使組織在數位化發展的過程中更加順利,並最終促進數位創新。本研究向台灣前1,000家製造企業傳統郵寄問卷,最終回收了99份有效問卷,並使用PLS分析研究模型。結果顯示,數位領導力對數位文化和數位心態有正向影響,進而間接影響數位創新。此外,結果支持數位文化和數位心態在數位領導力與數位創新之間的中介作用。特別是,數位文化和數位心態的提升對數位創新有顯著的正面影響。因此,根據研究結果,本研究提出了管理啟示、侷限以及未來的研究方向。
摘要(英) The digitalization of the external environment brings both challenges and opportunities for companies. With the rapid development of digital technology, many enterprises are actively seeking to gain new competitive advantages through digital technology and achieve better business performance through digital innovation. However, in such a rapidly changing environment, organizations need strong leaders to guide them through the digital era. Therefore, the importance of digital leadership is increasingly recognized. Digital leadership not only includes traditional leadership capabilities but also requires leaders to possess digital skills to effectively lead the entire organization through necessary internal changes to adapt to the digital environment. This study uses digital culture and digital mindset as mediating variables to explore whether leaders can facilitate smoother organizational digital development and ultimately contribute to digital innovation by changing the internal culture and mindset of the organization. Surveys were sent to the top 1,000 manufacturing companies in Taiwan, yielding 99 valid responses. PLS analysis revealed that digital leadership positively impacts digital culture and digital mindset, which in turn influence digital innovation. The findings support the mediating roles of digital culture and digital mindset between digital leadership and digital innovation, highlighting their significant positive effects on digital innovation. Based on these results, the study offers managerial implications, acknowledges limitations, and suggests directions for future research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數位領導力
★ 數位文化
★ 數位心態
★ 數位創新
關鍵字(英) ★ digital leadership
★ digital culture
★ digital mindset
★ digital innovation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2. Research Objectives and Questions 4
2. Literature Review 5
2.1. Digital Leadership 5
2.2. Digital Culture 7
2.3. Digital Mindset 9
2.4. Digital Innovation 11
3. Research Framework and Hypotheses 13
3.1. Research Framework 13
3.2. Research Hypotheses 14
3.2.1. Effect of Digital Leadership on Digital Culture 14
3.2.2. Effect of Digital Leadership on Digital Mindset 15
3.2.3. Effect of Digital Culture on Digital Innovation 17
3.2.4. Effect of Digital Mindset on Digital Innovation 18
4. Research Methodology 20
4.1 Sample Selection and Data Collection 20
4.2 Operationalization of Constructs 22
4.2.1 Digital Leadership 23
4.2.2 Digital Culture 24
4.2.3 Digital Mindset 25
4.2.4 Digital Innovation 26
4.3 Control Variable 27
4.4 Marker Variable 27
4.5 Research Procedures 28
5. Data Analysis and Results 30
5.1 Response Rate 30
5.2 Descriptive Statistics 31
5.3 Measurement Model 36
5.3.1 Reliability and Validity 36
5.3.2 Common Method Bias 42
5.4 Structural Model 42
5.4.1 Assessing Structural Model 42
5.4.2 PLS Results of Hypothesis Testing 44
5.4.3 Robustness Analysis 45
6. Conclusion 47
6.1 Finding and Discussion 47
6.2 Theoretical Contributions and Managerial Implication 50
6.3 Limitation and Future Research 51
Reference 53
Appendix A 64
Appendix B 68
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指導教授 王存國 審核日期 2024-7-12
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