博碩士論文 90521049 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃伯任(Po-Jen Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 抑制同步切換雜訊之高速傳輸器
(The high-speed transmitter for simultaneous switching noise rejection)
★ 運算放大器之自動化設計流程及行為模型研究★ 匯流排上的時間延遲及交談失真的偵錯設計技巧
★ 適用於自動測試機台的時間產生器★ 混波測試匯流排的量測學
★ 高速連結之時序與資料回復★ 基於IEEE 1057之類比數位轉換器量測技術
★ 應用於高畫質電視之載波回復電路架構★ 單晶片測試機之前端驅動電路設計
★ 系統晶片類比數位轉換器測試之數位信號處理程式庫★ A 2.5V,0.35um,2.5Gbps 傳送接收器設計
★ 內建式類比數位/數位類比轉換器線性度之自我測試★ 高準確度及低成本之電壓量測技術
★ 應用於ATSC VSB時脈回復之全數位延遲線迴路★ 適用於晶片間通訊之高速傳輸介面
★ 內建式類比數位轉換器之自我校正方法★ 高速序列傳輸之量測技術
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摘要(中) 在此論文中,我們主要的研究主題是探討同步切換雜訊對訊號完整性的影響,並進而去降低雜訊的量。首先,我們將簡單的說明及討論通道建模、介面電路的雜訊來源及低電壓差動訊號標準,並簡介造成同步切換雜訊的相關因素和過去一般用來降低此雜訊的機制。根據這些知識,我們提出了輸出驅動器的電晶體順序導通的方法,藉由電流非同時流到接地端的打線來有效的降低同步切換雜訊。接著,我們利用這個原理,應用在一個符合AGTL標準的2Gbps收發器,及一個符合低電壓差動訊號標準的5Gbps收發器。此外,在不使用電流源的情況下,我們亦可以大幅的降低電晶體的尺寸及花費。並在電路內加上一個編碼器,讓電路在製程漂移的情況下,輸出的電壓準位還能維持在一定電壓範圍。
摘要(英) In this thesis, our major topic is to discuss the effect of simultaneous switching noise (SSN) on signal integrity and to reduce the noise magnitude. First, we will study the channel modeling, signaling noise sources and low voltage differential signaling (LVDS) standard. We also briefly introduce the factors which causes SSN and some mechanisms to reduce the noise in the past. Basing on these considerations, we propose the orderly turn-on method of the output driver, and we apply this method in a 2Gbps transceiver of the assisted gunning transceiver logic (AGTL) standard and a 5Gbps transceiver of the LVDS standard. Without using the current source, we can further reduce the transistor size and the cost. We also invent a decoder to control the voltage level against the process variation.
A 2Gbps transmitter has been implemented in this thesis. It is compatible with the AGTL standard. Fabricated in a TSMC 0.18-um CMOS technology, the transmitter circuit operates at 2Gbps with a 1.8V power supply and the chip area is 1.5x1.5mm2. It has been approved for fabrication by the Chip Implementation Center (CIC). The simulation result shows that the SSN effects have been reduced to half of the original ones. Furthermore, we also simulate a 5Gbps transceiver of the LVDS standard and the SSN effect has been reduced to 70mV. By these methods, we can reduce the SSN effect and maintain the voltage level of output signal without using any current source.
關鍵字(中) ★ 同步切換雜訊
★ 低電壓差動訊號
★ 輸出驅動器
關鍵字(英) ★ SSN
★ transmitter
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Research Direction 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 3
Chapter 2 Overview of Simultaneous Switch Noise Effect and Reduction 4
2.1 Introduction of High-Speed Serial Link 5
2.1.1 Transmission Line model 8
2.2 Noise Source 9
2.2.1 Signaling Noise Sources 9
2.2.2 Switching Noise Mechanism and Theory 11
2.2.3 Simultaneous Switching Noise Phenomena 15
2.3 Introduction of SSN Reduction 15
2.3.1 Optimal Rise/Fall Time 16
2.3.2 Reducing Inductance 17
2.3.3 Large Ratio of Supply to Signal Connections 17
2.3.4 Reduce Signal Swing and Use Differential Drivers 18
2.3.5 Separate Power Supply Network 18
2.3.6 Decoupling Capacitors 19
2.4 Introduction of the New Approach to SSN Rejection 19
2.5 Summary 21
Chapter 3 SSN Rejection for AGTL Implementation 22
3.1 Introduction of AGTL 23
3.1.1 GTL 23
3.1.2 AGTL 25
3.2 System Architecture 26
3.3 Transmitter Functional Blocks 27
3.3.1 Generation of Random Data 27
3.3.2 Ring Oscillator 29
3.3.3 AGTL Driver Design 29
3.3.4 Pre-driver Design 32
3.3.5 RC delay Design 33
3.4 Transmitter Simulation Result 34
3.5 Summary 40
Chapter 4 SSN Rejection for LVDS Implementation 41
4.1 Introduction of LVDS 42
4.1.1 LVDS 42
4.2 System Architecture 46
4.3 Functional Blocks of Transmitter 48
4.3.1 LVDS Driver design 48
4.3.2 Pre-Driver design with duty cycle control 50
4.3.3 RC delay element and decoder 51
4.4 Transmitter Simulation Result 52
4.5 The Advantage of Proposed driver and Compare 58
4.6 Summary 62
Chapter 5 Conclusion 63
Bibliography 64
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指導教授 劉建男、蘇朝琴
(Chien-Nan Liu、Chauchin Su)
審核日期 2003-7-8
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