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論文名稱 基於故事板之數位實境學習系統
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摘要(中) 過去的故事板學習方法於設計相關領域大多以紙本的方式進行,在設計思維上缺乏原型與測試的概念,容易導致學生在想法上缺乏與真實應用場景的聯繫,導致設計產品時缺乏對真實情況的考慮,難以實際驗證。「真實性」在教育中是指學習應與專業環境相符,情境學習提供了真實的學習場景,有助於提升學生的學習動機和效果。專題式學習同樣鼓勵學習者調查真實問題,並通過合作和探究複雜問題來獲得知識和技能。隨著科技發展,有許多研究利用數位實境技術來營造學生真實情境的學習環境。然而,大部分數位實境的學習環境都是預設的,學生在學習過程中容易缺乏心理擁有感。目前的生成式AI技術的快速發展,降低了使用者自定義數位實境的門檻。
摘要(英) In the past, storyboard learning methods in design-related fields were predominantly conducted using paper, lacking the concepts of prototyping and testing in design thinking. This often resulted in students′ ideas being disconnected from real-world applications, making it difficult for them to consider practical situations and verify their designs. In education, "authenticity" refers to the alignment of learning with professional environments. Situated learning provides realistic learning contexts, enhancing students′ motivation and effectiveness. Project-based learning similarly encourages learners to investigate real-world problems and acquire knowledge and skills through collaboration and exploration.
With technological advancements, many studies have utilized digital reality technologies to create authentic learning environments for students. However, most digital reality learning environments are pre-set, causing students to lack a sense of psychological ownership during the learning process. The rapid development of generative AI technology has lowered the barrier for users to customize digital reality environments.
Therefore, this study designed a digital reality learning system based on storyboards. Users utilize ArUco cards to design in the real world, with the system synchronizing their designs into the digital reality using a stereo vision camera. By integrating generative AI technology, users can create personalized digital reality environments, establish complete designs within the digital reality, and simulate real-world scenarios. Additionally, users can enter their own designs to experience real application contexts in the digital reality. Experimental results show that compared to traditional paper-based storyboard teaching, the digital reality learning system based on storyboards significantly improves learners′ learning outcomes. Furthermore, survey and interview results indicate positive impacts on learners′ motivation and psychological ownership.
關鍵字(中) ★ 設計思維
★ 生成式AI
★ 專題式學習
★ 情境認知
★ 故事板
★ 數位實境
關鍵字(英) ★ Design Thinking
★ Generative AI
★ Project-based Learning
★ Situated Learning
★ Storyboard
★ Virtual Reality
論文目次 摘要 IV
Abstract V
誌謝 VII
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XIII
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究假設 4
1-3 研究目的 4
1-4 研究問題 5
二、文獻探討 6
2-1 故事板 6
2-2 設計思維 7
2-3 情境學習 8
2-4 專題式學習 8
2-5 心理擁有感 9
2-6 數位實境下的學習環境 10
2-7 相關研究總結 11
三、研究方法 12
3-1 以使用者為中心的設計 12
3-1-1 學習模式 12
3-1-2 學生學習流程 14
3-1-3 教師教學流程 17
3-2 系統架構 19
3-2-1 系統設計理念 19
3-2-2 系統架構 19
3-3 系統解決方法 23
3-3-1 使用者與虛擬實境的同步 24
3-3-2 故事板設計與虛擬實境的同步 25
3-3-3 使用者自定義的數位實境 27
3-3-4 模擬使用者的故事板設計 28
3-4 實驗設計 30
3-4-1 實驗假設 30
3-4-2 實驗對象 30
3-4-3 實驗教材內容 31
3-4-4 實驗流程 32
3-4-5 實驗評估 39
四、結果與討論 41
4-1 前後測試卷結果與討論 41
4-1-1 共變數分析前提驗證 41
4-1-2 共變數分析與結果討論 43
4-2 問卷結果與討論 44
4-2-1 問卷信度分析 45
4-2-2 問卷結果描述 45
4-3 訪談結果與討論 51
4-3-1 學習者訪談 51
4-3-2 教學者訪談 52
五、結論與建議 53
5-1 結論 53
5-2 未來研究及改進建議 53
5-2-1 提升辨識卡片的速度 53
5-2-2 變更卡片的設計 54
5-2-3 結合更多生成式AI的應用 54
5-2-4 推廣至其他領域 54
參考文獻 55
附錄一 情境教材 62
附錄二 前測試卷 68
附錄三 後測試卷 70
附錄四 實驗問卷 72
附錄五 論文關鍵字(英文版) 74
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指導教授 陳國棟 審核日期 2024-7-24
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