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姓名 任家駿(Jia-Jyun Ren)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 多模態的具身情境學習及反思回顧系統
(Multimodal Embodied Situated Learning and Reflection System)
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摘要(中) 傳統的學習方法大多依賴於紙本教材,並由老師口頭教導,形成了老師主導教學,學生在教室內被動接受知識。然而在技能密集型的學科如體育運動、餐旅服務等實作學科中,學習者需要透過自身的多種感官及肢體行為進行知識的學習與實際應用,並於學習後對其多模態的行為進行反思。
摘要(英) Traditional learning methods largely rely on printed materials, with teachers delivering knowledge orally, leading to teacher-dominated instruction and passive knowledge reception by students in the classroom. However, in skill-intensive disciplines such as physical education and hospitality services, learners need to engage multiple senses and bodily actions to learn and apply knowledge practically. Furthermore, learners are required to reflect on their multimodal behaviors after learning.
To enable learners to engage in learning and reflection through their own embodied behaviors in scenarios, this study has designed a multimodal embodied situated learning and reflection system. Applied in a digital synchronous setting, the system captures and stores the learners′ various sensory performances using stereo cameras and microphones. This allows learners to interact based on their multimodal embodied behaviors and control a avatar to enter virtual scenarios for learning. During the learning process, multimodal data analysis allows for real-time assessment of learners′ embodied behaviors, providing corresponding multimodal learning scaffolds and system feedback. Learners can engage in reflective learning by reviewing their multimodal learning records. With this system, learners can enhance their learning outcomes, motivation, and reflective thinking without increasing cognitive load.
To validate whether this system can enhance related learning aspects, the system was further applied in actual courses. The research results indicate that this system can enhance learners′ learning outcomes without increasing cognitive load, and also positively affects their learning motivation and reflective thinking.
關鍵字(中) ★ 情境認知
★ 數位自我
★ 具身認知
★ 空間運算
★ 多模態
★ 鷹架理論
★ 反思學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Digital Self
★ Embodied Cognition
★ Multimodality
★ Reflective Learning
★ Scaffolding
★ Situated Cognition
★ Spatial Computing
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 4
1-3 研究假設 4
1-4 研究目標 5
1-5 待答問題 5
二、 相關研究 6
2-1 情境認知 6
2-2 數位自我 7
2-3 具身認知 7
2-4 空間運算 9
2-5 多模態 9
2-6 鷹架理論 11
2-7 反思學習 12
2-8 相關研究總結 13
三、 以人為中心的設計 14
3-1 以使用者為中心設計 14
3-1-1 設計理念 14
3-1-2 環境設計 14
3-2 教學設計 14
3-2-1 學習者的學習模式 15
3-2-2 教學者的教學模式 22
3-3 系統架構 25
3-3-1 系統架構 25
3-3-2 開發環境 28
3-4 研究問題之解決方法 28
四、 實驗設計 34
4-1 實驗假設 34
4-2 實驗對象 34
4-3 實驗教材 34
4-4 實驗流程 35
4-5 實驗評估方法 41
4-5-1 施測工具 – 前測及後測試卷 41
4-5-2 施測工具 – 問卷 42
五、 實驗結果與討論 43
5-1 前後測試卷結果分析 43
5-1-1 共變異數分析前驗證 43
5-1-2 共變異數分析與討論 45
5-2 問卷結果分析 46
5-2-1 問卷信度分析 46
5-2-2 問卷結果描述 46
5-3 訪談結果 49
5-3-1 學習者訪談 49
5-3-2 教學者訪談 50
六、 結論與未來研究 52
6-1 結論與建議 52
6-2 未來研究與改進方針 53
參考文獻 54
附錄一 情境教材 64
附錄二 前測試卷 72
附錄三 後測試卷 74
附錄四 實驗問卷 76
附錄五 英文論文關鍵字 77
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-26
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