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姓名 章雅媛(Ya-Yuan Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 從學習環境及性別差異的觀點探討PaGamO 線上遊戲 學習平台對國中九年級英語學習之影響
(Exploring the Impact of the PaGamO Platform on Ninth-Grade Junior High School Students′ English Learning from the Perspectives of Learning Environment and Gender Differences)
★ Using Digital Board Game to Enhance Student Engagementin Learning★ 從人因與互動行為模式的觀點探討數位遊戲式學習輔助能源知識
★ 探討認知風格於數位遊戲式英語學習環境對遊戲行為與學習成效之影響★ 由空間能力探討遊戲式英語學習如何影響學習者之遊戲行為和遊戲表現
★ 探討先備知識及學習風格在角色扮演遊戲中對英語字彙習得成效與行為模式之影響★ 從全面性的角度探討先備知識對同儕互評中受評與 評分之影響
★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評分組對遊戲製作與評量之影響★ 探討創作媒介、個別差異、範例式教學及創作模式對九年級學生音樂創作的學習動機及成效之影響
★ 探討個別差異與回饋形式在數位遊戲式學習系統中對學習動機、學習成效與遊戲表現之影響:以九年級國文學習為例★ 探討趨向表現目標與逃避表現目標對於 學習成效與表現目標採取之影響 -以數位遊戲式英語字彙為例
★ 探討英語焦慮與先備知識對英語發音學習成效、獎章成效、遊戲成效、學習動機及遊戲心流之影響──以大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲為例★ 探討認知風格及遊戲心流對英語字彙學習成效、遊戲成效與自我效能之影響—以多人線上角色扮演遊戲為例
★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評對遊戲式學習系統製作與評量之影響★ 電腦輔助教師回饋於外語寫作情境之研究:成果與觀感
★ 探討英語閱讀遊戲對印尼高中英語學習者的影響★ 製作者與評量者之認知風格匹配與不匹配對遊戲人機介面與教學影片製作與評量的影響
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摘要(中) 先前研究證實採用寓教於樂的數位遊戲式學習方式,會比用傳統學習方式更能有效地增進英語學習成效並提升學習動機。此外,學習者的個體差異例如性別等因素,也會影響學習成效。然而,先前研究對象大多針對國小和大學學生,對於國中學生英語教學的研究相對較少,並且較少探討性別因素對學習成效的影響。因此,本研究將數位遊戲式學習應用於國中英語教學中,探討不同學習環境(數位遊戲式學習和傳統紙本學習)對英語學習成效、英語小考成績和英語學習動機的影響。同時,本研究進一步探討在數位遊戲式學習中,性別差異對語文領域學習成效、英語小考成績、英語學習動機、遊戲成效和學習感知的影響。
本研究以桃園市某國中九年級學生共55位為問卷調查對象,並分成兩個不同學習環境組別,一個班級共 27 名學生作為實驗組,另一個班級共 28 名學生作為對照組。實驗組與對照組中,再區分以不同性別(男生組、女生組)進行實驗設計。使用測驗、小考、問卷、遊戲歷程檔案佐以學生考試成績進行量化分析。連續進行五周實驗,每周先進行課程子單元教學後,對照組採用傳統紙本學習,實驗組操作 PaGamO 系統進行學習。資料分析包含成對樣本 t 檢定、獨立樣本 t 檢定等方法。主要研究結果如下:
摘要(英) Previous studies have confirmed that adopting digital game-based learning (DGBL) methods is more effective in enhancing English learning outcomes and increasing learning motivation compared to traditional learning methods. Additionally, individual differences among learners, such as gender, can also affect learning outcomes. However, most previous research focused on elementary and university students, with relatively few studies on junior high school students′ English learning, and even fewer exploring the impact of gender on learning outcomes. Therefore, this study applies DGBL to junior high school English teaching to explore the effects of different learning environments (DGBL and traditional paper-based learning) on English learning outcomes, English quiz scores, and English learning motivation. Furthermore, this study investigates the impact of gender differences on learning outcomes, quiz scores, learning motivation, game effectiveness, and learning perception within the DGBL context.
This study involved 55 Ninth-Grade students from a junior high school in Taoyuan City as survey respondents, divided into two different learning environment groups: an experimental group with 27 students and a control group with 28 students. Both groups were further divided by gender (male group and female group) for experimental design. The study used tests, quizzes, questionnaires, game logs, and student exam scores for quantitative analysis. The experiment was conducted over four consecutive weeks, with each week including a subunit of course teaching followed by traditional paper-based learning for the control group and learning through the PaGamO system for the experimental group. Data analysis methods included paired sample t-tests and independent sample t-tests. The main research results are as follows:
(1)Learning Outcomes: In different learning environments, both the experimental group (game-based learning) and the control group (traditional teaching) showed improvements in English learning outcomes, with the experimental group showing greater improvement, especially in English grammar;(2)Quiz Scores: In multiple quizzes, the experimental group consistently scored higher than the control group, demonstrating the effectiveness of game-based learning in improving learning outcomes;(3)Learning Motivation: The experimental group′s English learning motivation significantly increased from the beginning to the end of the learning period, while the control group showed no significant change. This indicates that game-based learning may better stimulate students′ learning motivation;(4)Gender Differences and Learning Outcomes: There was no significant difference in English learning outcomes between male and female students, suggesting that game-based learning is effective for students of different genders;(5)Gender Differences and Quiz Scores: There was no significant difference in quiz scores between male and female students, further confirming the effectiveness of game-based learning for students of different genders;(6)Gender Differences and Learning Motivation: There was no significant difference in learning motivation between male and female students, indicating that game-based learning can equally attract and motivate students of different genders;(7)Gender Differences and Game Effectiveness: There was no significant difference between male and female students in terms of the number of questions answered or the number of territories acquired in PaGamO;(8)Gender Differences and Learning Perception: There was no significant difference in learning perception of PaGamO between male and female students.
This study demonstrates that integrating a game-based learning system with English courses can significantly enhance junior high school students′ English learning outcomes and motivation, validating gender differences. The results highlight the importance of using gamification strategies in education, particularly in enhancing students′ learning motivation and outcomes. Unlike previous research that often focused on university or elementary students, this study focuses on the English learning of third-year junior high students, applying DGBL to English language courses, which is a major academic contribution of this study. Additionally, this study not only compares the differences between traditional learning and DGBL but also delves into how gender affects the effectiveness of English DGBL, considering various factors such as students′ English learning outcomes, quiz scores, learning motivation, game effectiveness, and perception of English learning. These in-depth analyses and multifaceted considerations bring new academic insights to the field of English education, representing another academic contribution of this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 遊戲式學習
★ 性別差異
★ 學習成效
★ 學習動機
★ 小考成績
★ 遊戲成效
★ 學習感知
關鍵字(英) ★ Game-based learning
★ gender differences
★ learning outcomes
★ learning motivation
★ quiz scores
★ game effectiveness
★ learning perception
論文目次 中文摘要 I
誌  謝 VI
目  錄 VII
圖目次 XI
表目次 X
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 4
1-3 研究問題 4
1-4 名詞解釋 5
1-5 研究範圍與限制 6
二、 文獻探討 8
2-1 遊戲式學習 8
2-1-1 數位遊戲式學習之優點 8
2-1-2 數位遊戲式學習之缺點 10
2-2 遊戲式英語學習對學習成效、學習動機及學習感知之影響 14
2-2-1 遊戲式英語學習對學習成效與學習動機之影響 14
2-2-2 遊戲式英語學習對學習感知之影響 17
2-3 文獻探討總結 19
2-3-1 過去研究總結 19
2-3-2 本研究的學術定位 20
三、 研究方法 21
3-1 研究設計與架構 21
3-2 研究對象與場域 22
3-3 數位遊戲式教材PAGAMO 簡介 23
3-4 研究工具 29
3-4-1 學習成效測驗(前測、後測) 30
3-4-2 小考成績 30
3-4-3 學習動機量表 30
3-4-4 遊戲成效 31
3-4-4-1 解題數量 31
3-4-4-2 領土數量 33
3-4-5 學習感知量表 33
3-5 實驗流程 34
3-6 資料處理與分析 35
3-6-1 信度分析 35
3-6-2 成對樣本t檢定列表 36
3-6-3 獨立樣本t檢定列表 36
3-6-4 Cohen’s d檢定 37
四、 研究結果與討論 38
4-1 不同學習環境對於國三學生其語文領域學習成效中的英語學習成效、英語小考成績、英語學習動機之影響 38
4-1-1 不同學習環境組別(PaGamO實驗組、一般教學對照組)對於國三學生其英語學習成效之影響 38
4-1-2 不同學習環境組別(PaGamO實驗組、一般教學對照組)對於國中學生小考總成績之影響 42
4-1-3 不同學習環境組別(PaGamO實驗組、一般教學對照組)對於國中學生其英語學習動機之影響 43
4-2 在PAGAMO數位遊戲式學習環境中,不同性別對於國三學生其語文領域學習成效中的英語學習成效、英語小考成績、英語學習動機、遊戲成效、學習感知之影響 45
4-2-1 在PaGamO數位遊戲式學習環境中,不同性別(男生組、女生組)對於國三學生英語學習成效之影響 45
4-2-2 在PaGamO數位遊戲式學習環境中,不同性別對於英語小考成績之影響 49
4-2-3 在PaGamO數位遊戲式學習環境中,不同性別(男生組、女生組)對於國三學生英語學習動機之影響 50
4-2-4 在PaGamO數位遊戲式學習環境中,不同性別對於遊戲成效之影響 51
4-2-5 在PaGamO數位遊戲式學習環境中,不同性別對於學習感知之影響 52
4-3 綜合討論 53
4-3-1 不同學習環境對於國三學生其語文領域中的英語學習成效、英語學習動機、小考總成績之影響 53
4-3-2 在PaGamO數位遊戲式學習環境中,不同性別對於國三學生其語文領域中的英語學習成效、英語學習動機、小考、模擬會考成績與PaGamO之影響 57
五、 結論與建議 62
5-1 研究結論 62
5-2 研究貢獻 63
5-3 研究限制與未來工作 65
參考文獻 67
附錄 74
附錄一、學習成效測驗(前後測) 74
附錄二、學習動機量表 79
附錄三、學習感知問卷 80
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指導教授 楊接期(Jie-Chi Yang) 審核日期 2024-7-25
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