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姓名 江益愷(Yi-Kai Chiang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所 論文名稱 探討使用GPT的Google評論概念圖促進EFL寫作
(Investigation of using Concept Map of Google Reviews with GPT for Facilitating EFL Writing)檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 英文寫作對於 EFL 學生來說是一項重要的能力,學生需要寫出有意義的內容,以及 對文章結構有清楚的觀念,才能確保論述的清晰與明確。此外,在真實語境中,學生必 須能夠善用自身的經驗及周遭環境,來創作出更有意義的寫作內容。因此,我們開發了 一個網頁應用程式,EFLMind,整合了 Google Place 評論、GPT 產生的概念圖以及英文 例句,為了提升 EFL 學生在寫作的內容與組織的能力。
本研究將 32 名參與者分成兩組,實驗組(EG)有 16 名學生,控制組(CG)有 16 名學 生,實驗組使用了 GPT 基於 Google Place 評論,所產生的概念圖和英文例句輔助英文寫 作,控制組則沒有概念圖和英文例句輔助英文寫作。本次實驗共進行了五週,並且採用 定量分析。後測分析結果顯示,使用了 GPT 產生概念圖和英文例句的實驗組和沒有使 用的控制組有明顯差異。實驗組在寫作中使用了更多的概念圖節點及英文例句,有助於 激發更多的寫作靈感,使他們的寫作表現有所提升。我們還發現,實驗組學生使用廣度 優先-上下文的方法組織文章,對寫作成績有正面的影響,這使他們可以理解寫作的上下 文,確保他們不偏離主題。此外,概念圖的品質與學生的寫作成績有明顯的影響,高品 質的概念圖可以有效組織和呈現資訊,有助於學生更好的組織自己的想法並在寫作時表 達出來。因此,GPT 產生的概念圖與英文例句可以有效的促進 EFL 學生在真實情境中 的寫作能力。摘要(英) English writing is essential for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students. To ensure clarity and precision in their discourse, students need to produce meaningful content and clearly understand their essays′ structure. Additionally, in authentic contexts, students must be able to leverage their experiences and surroundings to create more meaningful writing content. To support this, we developed a web application called EFLMind. This application integrates Google Place reviews, concept maps generated by GPT, and English example sentences to enhance EFL students′ writing content and organizational skills.
In this study, 32 participants were divided into the experimental group (EG) with 16 students and the control group (CG) with 16 students. The experimental group used concept maps and English example sentences generated by GPT based on Google Place reviews to improve their English writing. In contrast, the control group did not receive this assistance. The experiment lasted for five weeks and employed quantitative analysis. Post-test analysis revealed significant differences between the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group used more concept map nodes and English example sentences in their writing, which helped stimulate more writing ideas and improve their writing performance. We also found that students in the experimental group who used a breadth-first, contextual approach to organize their essays showed positive effects on their writing scores. This approach helped them understand the context of their writing, ensuring they stayed on topic. Furthermore, the quality of the concept maps significantly impacted the students′ writing scores. High-quality concept maps effectively organized and presented information, aiding students in better organizing their thoughts and expressing them in their writing. Therefore, concept maps and English example sentences generated by GPT can effectively enhance EFL students′ writing abilities in authentic contexts.關鍵字(中) ★ EFL 寫作
★ 真實情境
★ 概念圖
★ 組織寫作風格
★ GPT關鍵字(英) ★ EFL writing
★ Authentic context
★ Concept maps
★ Organizational writing style
★ GPT論文目次 中文摘要 .................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract..................................................................................................................................... ii
List of Contents ....................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures............................................................................................................................v
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation..............................................................................1 1.2 Research Question ............................................................................................................3
Chapter 2 Literature Review ...................................................................................................4
2.1 EFL Writing Criteria.........................................................................................................4 2.2 EFL Writing with Authentic Context ...............................................................................6 2.3 AI-generated Concept Map for EFL Writing....................................................................7 2.4 Scaffolding Helps EFL Students English Writing ..........................................................11
Chapter 3 System Design and Implementation....................................................................12
3.1 System Design ................................................................................................................12 3.2 System Implementation ..................................................................................................14
Chapter 4 Methodology..........................................................................................................20
4.1 Participants......................................................................................................................20 4.2 Research Framework ......................................................................................................20 4.2.1 Independent Variables .............................................................................................21 4.2.2 Control Variables.....................................................................................................22 4.2.3 Dependent Variables................................................................................................22 4.3 Experimental Procedure..................................................................................................29 4.4 Experimental Instruments ...............................................................................................31 4.5 Data Analysis Approach .................................................................................................32
Chapter 5 Results....................................................................................................................33
5.1 Analysis of Learning Achievements...............................................................................33 5.1.1 Cohen′s Kappa Coefficient of Each Activity and Test ............................................33 5.1.2 Writing Performance of Each Test Between Two Groups ......................................34
5.2 Comparison of Learning Behaviors between Two Groups.............................................35 5.2.1 Comparison between Two Groups in Learning Behaviors in Pretest......................35 5.2.2 Comparison of learning behaviors in the writing activities between two groups....37 5.2.3 Comparison of learning behaviors in the posttest between Two Groups ................39
5.3 Analysis of Concept Map Quality and Influence on EFL Writing .................................40 5.4 Relationship between Learning Behaviors and Learning Achievements in EG.............44 5.4.1 Correlation of Concept Map Used and Learning Achievements in EG...................44 5.4.2 Correlation of Example Sentence Used and Learning Achievements in EG...........47 5.5 Relationship between Organizational Style and Learning Achievements in EG ...........50 5.5.1 Correlation of Writing Style and Learning Achievements in EG............................50 5.5.2 Analysis of Students Used the Scaffolding..............................................................51 5.6 Prediction of the Dependent Variables to Learning Achievements................................53 5.7 Perception of EG Students Toward Our Proposed System.............................................55 5.8 Suggestion and Implication.............................................................................................60
Chapter 6 Conclusion .............................................................................................................62 Reference .................................................................................................................................65 Appendix A: Pretest................................................................................................................69 Appendix B: Posttest ..............................................................................................................71 Appendix C: Student used concept maps in their writing ..................................................74 Appendix D: The prompt of GPT generates concept map..................................................77 Appendix E: Writing Scoring Rubrics..................................................................................80 Appendix F: Scoring rubrics for Quality of Concept map .................................................83 Appendix G: TAM Questionnaire.........................................................................................84 Appendix H: Interview Question...........................................................................................87參考文獻 Ahmed, B. S. (2020). The Effect of Using Concept Mapping on Developing EFL Students′ Writing Skills. Journal of Garmian University, 7(1), 222-256.
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