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姓名 周大豐(Da-Feng Chou) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 數學系 論文名稱 利用遷移式學習對於腦部MRI影像之阿茲海默症疾病分類
(Classification of Alzheimer′s disease in brain MRI images using transfer learning)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在利用深度學習方法對阿茲海默症患者進行分類,探索分析不同深度學
深度學習的方法在阿茲海默症分類中具有顯著的優勢,能夠有效區分阿茲海默症患者。摘要(英) With the acceleration of global aging, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) has become a signifi
cant public health issue. Accurate classification of AD is crucial for developing personalized
treatment plans and prognosis evaluations.
This study aims to classify Alzheimer’s disease patients by using deep learning methods
and explore the performance of different deep learning models in classification tasks.
The study collected MRI image data from publicly available medical databases and an
alyzed it by using various deep learning methods. We applied pre-trained convolutional neu
ral network (CNN) models provided by Keras to improve classification accuracy and stability.
During the data preprocessing stage, we standardized the data and used the OpenCV library to
segment the ventricles and hippocampus in the images. The experimental results indicate that
deep learning-based methods have significant advantages in Alzheimer’s disease classification
and can effectively distinguish Alzheimer’s disease patients.關鍵字(中) ★ 深度學習
★ 卷積神經網路
★ 預訓練模型
★ 阿茲海默症關鍵字(英) 論文目次 摘要i
Abstract ii
3.1卷積神經網路................................................................. 4
3.1.1卷積運算............................................................... 4
3.1.2池化運算............................................................... 5
3.1.3激活函數............................................................... 6
3.2 Adam優化器.................................................................. 6
3.2.1理論基礎............................................................... 6
3.2.2 Adam演算法........................................................... 7
4.1資料來源...................................................................... 9
4.2資料前處理.................................................................... 9
5.1卷積神經網路預訓練模型..................................................... 15
5.2自定義全連接層............................................................... 16
5.3自定義架構.................................................................... 16
5.4實驗設計...................................................................... 18
6.1績效衡量標準................................................................. 19
6.2健康大腦與輕度癡呆分類..................................................... 20
6.2.1預訓練模型結果比較.................................................. 21
6.3健康大腦與和有阿茲海默症大腦分類........................................ 23
6.3.1預訓練模型結果比較.................................................. 23
6.4將輕度癡呆與阿茲海默症均視為陽性,與健康大腦做二元分類............. 25
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