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姓名 林妤潔(Yu-Jie Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 小提琴演奏追蹤系統:應用音源分離結果實現即時音樂追蹤與伴奏
(A Violin Performance Tracking System: Utilizing Music Source Separation Results for Real-Time Music Tracking and Accompaniment)
★ 以Q-學習法為基礎之群體智慧演算法及其應用★ 發展遲緩兒童之復健系統研製
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摘要(中) 小提琴一直以來都是許多人學習與演奏的樂器,有許多膾炙人口的
風貌。然而,由於時間或成本的因素,尋找長期合作的合奏者 (伴奏者)
Band-Split RNN 模型,並改進了模型的頻帶切割方法。在模型的評估上,我們使用訊號失真比來計算模型的分離效果,結果顯示模型在資料缺乏
摘要(英) The violin has long been a popular instrument for learning and performance, with many well-known pieces and distinguished violinists. Among these pieces, ensemble compositions involving the violin and other instruments are
predominant, requiring collaboration with other instrumentalists to fully present the musical piece. However, due to time or cost constraints, finding long-term
ensemble partners (accompanists) can be challenging due to time or cost constraints. Online public resources often provide mixed audio, which does not yield good ensemble effects. Therefore, this research focuses on developing a
system for the common violin and piano ensemble. This system can separate the violin and piano sources from a mixed audio source, track the violin’s performance using the separated audio, and output the piano accompaniment.
The goal of this research is to develop a real-time music tracking system that utilizes source separation results to track violin performances. We designed a source separation module and a music tracking module. For the source separation module, we collected and established a new open integrated dataset to train the Band-Split RNN model, improving the model’s band-split method. We evaluated the model using the Signal-to-Distortion Ratio to measure the separation performance. The results show that the model outperforms existing baseline models in both data-limit and data-rich cases, demonstrating the effectiveness of the band-split method. For the music tracking module, we improved the Online Dynamic Time Warping algorithm and the Greedy Backward Alignment method, reimplementing the design of the real-time music tracking module and enhancing some blocks. In practical tests, the real-time music tracking system exhibited low latency and accurate tracking performance, maintaining stable tracking results comparable to offline tracking across different feature tracking
關鍵字(中) ★ 音樂資訊檢索
★ 音源分離
★ 音樂追蹤
★ 自動伴奏
★ 深度學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Music Informaation Retrieval
★ Music Source Separation
★ Music Tracking
★ Automatic Accompaniment
★ Deep Learning
論文目次 摘要 iii
Abstract v
誌謝 vii
目錄 viii
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 .................................................................. 1
1.2 研究目的 .................................................................. 4
1.3 論文架構 .................................................................. 5
二、 背景知識以及文獻回顧 6
2.1 背景知識 .................................................................. 6
2.1.1 小提琴與鋼琴的演奏特性 .................................... 6
2.1.2 小提琴與鋼琴的音色分析 .................................... 7
2.2 文獻回顧 .................................................................. 10
2.2.1 音源分離相關研究 ............................................. 10
2.2.2 音樂追蹤相關研究 ............................................. 12
三、 研究方法 14
3.1 系統架構 .................................................................. 14
3.2 音源分離模組 ............................................................ 16
3.2.1 Band-Split RNN ................................................. 16
3.2.2 頻帶切割估計方法 ............................................. 18
3.3 音樂追蹤模組 ............................................................ 20
3.3.1 動態時間規整 (Dynamic Time Warping, DTW) ........... 20
3.3.2 線上動態時間規整 (Online Dynamic Time Warping,
ODTW) .................................................................... 23
3.3.3 貪心向後對齊 (Greedy Backward Alignment, GBA) ..... 29
3.3.4 資料管理者元件 (Data Manager Block)..................... 30
3.3.5 音樂偵測器元件 (Music Detector Block) ................... 33
3.3.6 粗略位置估計器元件(Rough Position Estimator Block,
RPE)........................................................................ 34
3.3.7 決策決定者元件 (Decision Maker Block) .................. 37
四、 實驗設計與結果 40
4.1 音源分離評估 ............................................................ 40
4.1.1 音源分離資料集 ................................................ 40
4.1.2 模型訓練細節 ................................................... 42
4.1.3 音源分離評估指標 ............................................. 43
4.1.4 音源分離結果比較 ............................................. 44
4.1.5 頻帶切割對於分離結果的影響 .............................. 47
4.2 音樂追蹤評估 ............................................................ 49
4.2.1 音樂追蹤模組評估方法 ....................................... 49
4.2.2 音樂追蹤模組評估結果 ....................................... 51
4.3 整體系統評估 ............................................................ 57
4.3.1 系統評估方法 ................................................... 57
4.3.2 系統評估結果 ................................................... 58
五、 總結 65
5.1 結論 ........................................................................ 65
5.2 未來展望 .................................................................. 66
參考文獻 67
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指導教授 蘇木春(Mu-Chun Su) 審核日期 2024-8-12
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