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姓名 蔡時富(Shih-Fu Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 使用大型語言模型進行機器控制指令的自動化生成
(Automated Generation of Machine Control Commands Using Large Language Models)
★ 以Q-學習法為基礎之群體智慧演算法及其應用★ 發展遲緩兒童之復健系統研製
★ 從認知風格角度比較教師評量與同儕互評之差異:從英語寫作到遊戲製作★ 基於檢驗數值的糖尿病腎病變預測模型
★ 模糊類神經網路為架構之遙測影像分類器設計★ 複合式群聚演算法
★ 身心障礙者輔具之研製★ 指紋分類器之研究
★ 背光影像補償及色彩減量之研究★ 類神經網路於營利事業所得稅選案之應用
★ 一個新的線上學習系統及其於稅務選案上之應用★ 人眼追蹤系統及其於人機介面之應用
★ 結合群體智慧與自我組織映射圖的資料視覺化研究★ 追瞳系統之研發於身障者之人機介面應用
★ 以類免疫系統為基礎之線上學習類神經模糊系統及其應用★ 基因演算法於語音聲紋解攪拌之應用
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摘要(中) 本研究探討了如何透過大型語言模型(Large Language Model, LLM),將自然語言轉換為程式碼來控制機器。研究內容涵蓋背景知識、文獻回顧、研究方法、實驗設計與結果。




摘要(英) This study explores how to use Large Language Models (LLMs) to translate natural language into code to control machines. The research encompasses background knowledge, literature review, research methods, experimental design, and results.

In the background knowledge and literature review section, the current state of research on large language models, intelligent machines, applications of AI in the Internet of Things, and the development status of 3D printing technology are introduced. Next, relevant literature on the application of automatic code generation in the field of machine control, kinematics research, robotic control, and recent developments in 3D printing are reviewed.

The research methods section details the hardware design process, including the model design software, file output formats, the use of 3D printing, and an introduction to motors and development boards. Regarding the software design process, the motion simulation environment, kinematics development, and the use of large language models and their official application programming interfaces are introduced. Finally, the system architecture chapter provides detailed descriptions of the system architecture diagram, system flowchart, and the overall program framework.

The experimental design and results section includes three experiments: basic control of a robotic arm, the application of the robotic arm in drawing, and the application of the robotic arm on an automatic transport vehicle. This section showcases mechanical design diagrams, function design, command formats, experiment process snapshots, and a summary of the final experimental outcomes.

The experimental results indicate that using large language models to generate code to control machines demonstrates considerable accuracy. Especially when clear machine function libraries are available, high-quality generation efficiency and accuracy can be achieved with minimal command input. However, with the increase in hardware and system complexity, some mechanical errors need to be addressed. Future research will continue to optimize system stability and accuracy, further enhancing its application value.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自動程式碼生成
★ 3D列印
★ 機器控制
★ 智慧機器
★ 大型語言模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Auto Generation
★ 3D Printing
★ Machine Control
★ Smart Machines
★ Large Language Models
論文目次 摘要 iv
Abstract vi
誌謝 viii
目錄 xii
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 .................................................................. 1
1.2 研究目的 .................................................................. 2
1.3 論文架構 .................................................................. 2
二、 背景知識以及文獻回顧 4
2.1 背景知識 .................................................................. 4
2.1.1 大型語言模型的研究現況 .................................... 4
2.1.2 智慧機器與人工智慧物聯網的應用場景 .................. 6
2.1.3 3D 列印技術的發展現況...................................... 7
2.2 文獻回顧 .................................................................. 8
2.2.1 大型語言模型及其在程式碼生成與機器控制上的應
用 ........................................................................... 8
2.2.2 運動學研究與機器人控制 .................................... 9
2.2.3 3D 列印應用於機器人製作的相關文獻.................... 15
三、 研究方法 17
3.1 硬體設計流程 ............................................................ 17
3.1.1 模型設計軟體:Autodesk Fusion 360....................... 17
3.1.2 檔案輸出格式:STL(Stereolithography)................ 18
3.1.3 3D 列印機:Creality K1 MAX ............................... 19
3.1.4 馬達與開發版介紹 ............................................. 20
3.2 運動學開發 ............................................................... 23
3.2.1 運動模擬環境 ................................................... 23
3.2.2 順向運動學 ...................................................... 24
3.2.3 逆向運動學 ...................................................... 24
3.3 大型語言模型開發 ...................................................... 25
3.3.1 OpenAI 與 GPT 模型........................................... 25
3.3.2 模型使用流程 ................................................... 25
3.4 系統架構 .................................................................. 28
3.4.1 系統架構與流程 ................................................ 28
四、 實驗設計與結果 30
4.1 實驗一:機械臂的基本控制 .......................................... 30
4.1.1 機械結構設計圖 ................................................ 30
4.1.2 函數設計 ......................................................... 33
4.1.3 下達指令的格式範例 .......................................... 34
4.1.4 實驗結果 ......................................................... 36
4.2 實驗二:將機械臂用於畫圖 .......................................... 38
4.2.1 機械結構設計圖 ................................................ 38
4.2.2 函數設計 ......................................................... 41
4.2.3 下達指令的格式範例 .......................................... 42
4.2.4 實驗結果 ......................................................... 43
4.3 實驗三:機械臂在自動運輸車上的應用 ........................... 45
4.3.1 機械結構設計圖 ................................................ 45
4.3.2 函數設計 ......................................................... 48
4.3.3 下達指令的格式範例 .......................................... 49
4.3.4 實驗結果 ......................................................... 50
4.4 實驗四:機械臂在自動運輸車上的進階應用 ..................... 52
4.4.1 機械結構設計圖 ................................................ 52
4.4.2 函數設計 ......................................................... 52
4.4.3 下達指令的格式範例 .......................................... 53
4.4.4 實驗結果 ......................................................... 55
五、 總結 57
5.1 結論 ........................................................................ 57
5.2 未來展望 .................................................................. 58
參考文獻 59
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指導教授 蘇木春(Mu-Chun Su) 審核日期 2024-8-12
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