博碩士論文 107353016 詳細資訊

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姓名 張峻(Chun Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 三維掃描與公差分析於產品開發之應用
★ 光纖通訊主動元件之光收發模組由上而下CAD模型設計流程探討★ 汽車鈑金焊接之夾治具精度分析與改善
★ 輪胎模具反型加工路徑規劃之整合研究★ 自動化活塞扣環壓入設備之開發
★ 光學鏡片模具設計製造與射出成形最佳化研究★ CAD模型基礎擠出物之實體網格自動化建構技術發展
★ 塑膠射出薄殼件之CAD模型凸起面特徵辨識與分模應用技術發展★ 塑膠射出成型之薄殼件中肋與管設計可製造化分析與設計變更技術研究
★ 以二維影像重建三維彩色模型之色彩紋理貼圖技術與三維模型重建系統發展★ 結合田口法與反應曲面法之光學鏡片射出成型製程參數最佳化分析
★ 薄殼零件薄殼本體之結構化實體網格自動建構技術發展★ Boss特徵之結構化實體網格自動化建構技術發展
★ 應用於模流分析之薄殼元件CAD模型特徵辨識與分解技術發展★ 實體網格建構對於塑膠光學元件模流分析 之影響探討
★ 螺槳葉片逆向工程CAD模型重建與檢測★ 電腦輔助紋理影像辨識與點資料視覺化研究
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摘要(中) 隨著科技的不斷進步和產品設計的日益複雜,曲面外觀的產品
本研究採用ATOS Q 3D掃描儀,利用其投影三角測量原理,快
摘要(英) In today′s rapidly advancing technological landscape and increasingly intricate
product designs, curved appearance products play a pivotal role in modern industry.
However, the complexity of curved shapes poses challenges for traditional profile
gauge inspection methods, often resulting in inaccurate data and difficulties in product
quality control. To tackle this issue, this study introduces 3D scanning technology as a
precise and efficient measurement approach, coupled with tolerance analysis methods,
to accurately determine reasonable tolerance ranges for curved appearance products.
Utilizing the advanced ATOS Q 3D scanner, this research employs its projected
triangle measurement principle to swiftly capture three-dimensional data of product
surfaces. By comparing it with traditional contact-based CMM/OMM technology, the
reliability and accuracy of 3D scanning technology in complex surface inspection are
validated. Additionally, an innovative tolerance calculation table is proposed,
integrating 3D scanning data and tolerance analysis methods, to determine reasonable
tolerance ranges while fully considering part deformation and assembly requirements.
Experimental validation demonstrates that this method effectively enhances product
quality stability and reliability.
The study findings reveal that while the appearance design of stamped parts may
struggle to meet predetermined contour specifications, CNC parts exhibit more stable
performance. This underscores the importance of 3D scanning technology in obtaining
product geometric information and underscores the necessity of comprehensive
consideration of process limitations in design and manufacturing. The research
provides novel insights and solutions for quality control of curved appearance products,
contributing to improved product quality, reduced production costs, and accelerated
product development cycles. The implications of this study are significant for modern
industrial product design and manufacturing, offering a viable approach to achieve
high-quality and efficient production.
關鍵字(中) ★ 3D掃描
★ 公差分析
★ 曲面外觀
★ 產品品質控制
★ 製程限制
關鍵字(英) ★ 3D scanning
★ tolerance analysis
★ curved appearance
★ product quality control
★ process limitations
論文目次 目錄
摘要 ..... i
Abstract ..... ii
誌謝辭 ..... iii
目錄 ...... iv
表目錄 ...... vii
圖目錄 ...... ix
第一章 緒論 ....... 1
1.1 前言 ........ 1
1.2 文獻回顧 ....... 2
1.2.1 掃描量測技術簡介 ..... 2
1.2.2 雷射掃描與接觸式量測比較 .... 3
1.2.3 3D掃描技術與工業4.0 ...... 3
1.2.4 3D掃描技術於尺寸量測應用 ...... 4
1.2.4 3D掃描與公差分析應用 .... 5
1.3 研究目的與方法 ...... 6
1.4 論文架構 ...... 7
第二章 筆電機構設計介紹 ...... 8
2.1 前言 ...... 8
2.2 專有名詞介紹 ....... 8
2.3筆記型電腦模組設計方法與問題點 ...... 11
2.4一般筆記型電腦組裝公差設計 ..... 18
2.4.1 (A1-XY) A件與面板外弧角線輪廓度組裝應用 ....... 19
2.4.2 B3-XY C件與TFR面板弧角輪廓度組裝應用 ....... 22
2.4.3 B5-XY C件與TP面板弧角輪廓度組裝應用 ....... 24
2.4.4 D3-XY C與D件弧角線輪廓度組裝應用 ....... 28
2.4.5 D3-Z D件周圈面輪廓度組裝應用 ...... 36
2.4.6 D5-Z D件後緣面輪廓度組裝應用 ...... 39
2.4.7傳統X/Y/Z檢驗方法的爭論 ...... 42
2.4.8 沖壓工件輪廓度規格的重要性 ..... 43
2.4.9 沖壓D件輪廓度規格GD&T ....... 44
第三章 組裝公差分析及3D 掃描技術 ....... 46
3.1 前言 ........ 46
3.2 公差分析 ........ 46
3.2.1 A件之A1-XY輪廓度組裝公差 ....... 47
3.2.2 C件之B3-XY輪廓度組裝公差 ...... 49
3.2.3 C件之B5-XY輪廓度組裝公差 ...... 50
3.2.4 D件之D3-XY輪廓度組裝公差 ...... 51
3.2.5 沖壓D件之D3-Z輪廓度組裝公差..... 52
3.2.6 CNC D件之D3-Z輪廓度組裝公差 ..... 54
3.2.7 CNC D件之D5-Z輪廓度組裝公差 ..... 55
3.2.8 沖壓 D件之D5-Z輪廓度組裝公差..... 57
3.3 3D 掃描技術 ....... 59
3.4 傳統弧規量測工件 .......... 60
3.5 比較分析 ........ 62
第四章 研究結果與討論 ....... 65
4.1 輪廓度檢驗區域標準比較 ....... 65
4.1.1 DVT2沖壓D 工件外觀表面的GD&T檢測 ...... 65
4.1.2 外觀輪廓度檢測條件比較 ..... 67
4.1.3 輪廓度量測與掃描基準治具應用..... 69
4.2 D件沖壓製程與CNC製程的組裝情況比較 ....... 71
4.2.1 C/D工件間隙/段差的外觀管控 比較-DVT2 ...... 71
4.2.2 CNC工件與沖壓工件組裝的後側間隙比較 - DVT2..... 73
4.2.3 3D掃描與雷射OMM 檢測的結果比較 - DVT2 ...... 78
4.2.4 DVT2 實驗改善措施 ....... 82
4.2.5 CNC工件與沖壓工件之整體情況比較 ...... 83
第五章 結論與未來展望 ..... 85
5.1 結論 ..... 85
5.2 研究限制 ...... 86
5.3未來展望 ...... 86
參考文獻 ....... 88
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 賴景義(Jiing-Yih Lai) 審核日期 2024-6-13
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