博碩士論文 105353014 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳志弘(Chih-Hung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 車用鏡頭之防水圈壓縮量及允許漏率研究
(A Study on the Compression Amount of Waterproof Rings and the Permissible Air Leakage for Automotive Cameras)
★ G10液晶玻璃基板之機械手臂牙叉結構改良與最佳化設計★ 線性齒頂修整對正齒輪之傳動誤差與嚙合頻能量影響分析
★ 沖床齒輪分析與改善★ 以互補型盤狀圓弧刀具創成之曲線齒齒輪有限元素應力分析
★ 修整型曲線齒輪對齒面接觸應力與負載下傳動誤差之研究★ 衛載遙測取像儀反射鏡加工缺陷檢測與最佳光學成像品質之運動學裝配設計
★ 應用經驗模態分解法於正齒輪對之傳動誤差分析★ 小軸交角之修整型正齒輪與凹面錐形齒輪組設計與負載下齒面接觸分析
★ 修整型正齒輪對動態模擬與實驗★ 應用繞射光學元件之齒輪量測系統開發
★ 漸開線與切線雙圓弧齒形之諧波齒輪有限元素分析與齒形設計★ 創成螺旋鉋齒刀之砂輪輪廓設計與最佳化
★ 動力刮削創成內正齒輪之刀具齒形輪廓最佳化設計★ 非接觸式章動減速電機結構設計與模擬
★ Helipoid齒輪接觸特性研究與最佳化分析★ 高轉速正齒輪之多目標最佳化與動態特性分析
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摘要(中) 本篇論文目的有兩個主題,其一為車用鏡頭使用不同防水圈硬度與壓縮量對 IP67 防護功能的研究;其二為計算車用鏡頭模組在水下1m,不會發生進水的空氣允許漏率,並利用氣密測試機與浸水治具,驗證不同的空氣漏率在水下 1m 滲漏進水的關係。

本研究主題一使用硬度 Shore A 20°、40°、60°、80°之防水圈,透過自行設計可調整壓縮量測漏治具,將不同硬度及壓縮量防水圈投入 IP67 浸水治具測試,研究顯示當壓縮量≥10%即已達 IP67 防護功能。

第二個主題為利用水的表面張力與漏孔斷面壓力平衡就不會從很小漏孔中洩漏的關係方程式,計算出水下 1m 時水無法通過的最小孔徑為 0.0288 mm,再換算空氣通過該孔的流率而得到在水無洩漏下的空氣允許洩漏值為75.2 Pa。接著利用氣密測試機與浸水治具,驗證不同金屬線徑壓附在防水圈上所造成的空氣漏率,在水下 1m 發生滲漏進水的關係。研究結果顯示氣密洩漏值 61.8 KPa 即發生滲水,並與理論計算結果有 13.4 Pa 異。
摘要(英) The purpose of this thesis includes two main themes. The first purpose aims to study the effect of sealing O-rings used on automotive cameras with different hardness and compression levels on the protection functionality of IP67. The second theme focuses on calculating the permissible air leakage for automotive camera modules that the ingress of water won’t occur when submerged 1 meter underwater and verifying the relationship between different air leakage and ingress of water at 1 meter underwater using an air leakage testing machine and a water tank jig.

This first theme utilized waterproof seals with Shore A hardness of 20°, 40°, 60°, and 80°. Via a self-designed adjustable compression and air leakage testing jig, waterproof seals of different hardness and compression levels were tested by IP67 water tank jig. The research results indicate that when the compression level is ≥10%, it already achieves IP67 protection functionality.

The second theme utilizes of the equation that water won’t leak from very small pinholes while the surface tension of water and the pressure on the cross-section of the leak hole are balanced. The experimental results revealed that the minimum hole diameter through which water cannot pass
at 1 meter underwater is 0.0288 mm. Calculating the airflow through the hole enabled us to obtain the air leakage rate without water intrusion 75.2Pa. Next, an air leakage testing machine and a water tank jig were applied to verify the relationship between the air leakage rate and the ingress of
water at 1 meter underwater by placing metal wires of different diameters onto the waterproof seals. The research results show that water infiltration occurs when the air leakage rate reaches 61.8 kPa, which differs by 13.4 Pa from the theoretical calculation result.
關鍵字(中) ★ 車用鏡頭
★ 防水圈壓縮率
★ 允許漏率
論文目次 摘 要 ...................................................i
Abstract ..........................................ii
誌 謝 ..................................................iv
表目錄 .................................................vii
圖目錄 ................................................viii
符號說明 ...................................................x
第一章 緒論 ...........................................1
1-1 研究動機與目的 ...................................2
1-2 文獻回顧 ...........................................3
1-2-1 洩漏檢測方法的分類 ...................................3
1-2-2 防塵、防水標準 ...................................9
1-2-3 防水圈的密封原理與應用 ..........................20
1-2-4 氣密測漏原理 ..................................26
1-3 研究方法與內容 ..................................37
1-4 論文內容概述 ..........................................38
第二章 防水壓縮量及允許漏率研究 ..........................40
2-1 邊界條件與測試規格 ..................................41
2-1-1 測漏過程 ..........................................42
2-1-2 測漏階段工程時間設定 ..........................43
2-2 試驗設備與工具 ..................................45
2-2-1 量測設備 ..........................................45
2-2-2 測試治具與重要尺寸量測 ..........................51
第三章 防水圈硬度與壓縮量實驗 ..........................59
3-1 防水圈硬度與壓縮量實驗 ..........................59
3-1-1 實驗步驟 ..........................................60
3-2 洩漏量與IP67浸水實驗 ..................................62
3-2-1 實驗步驟 ..........................................63
3-3 實驗結果與討論 ..................................66
3-3-1 防水圈硬度與壓縮量討論 ..........................66
3-3-2 金屬線徑與最小孔徑討論 ..........................69
3-3-3 洩漏量與IP67浸水實驗討論 ..........................69
第四章 結論與未來展望 ..................................78
4-1 防水圈硬度與壓縮量研究 ..........................78
4-2 洩漏量與IP67浸水研究 ..................................78
4-3 未來展望 ..........................................78
參考文獻 ..................................................80
附錄 ..................................................82
附表 ..................................................86
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指導教授 陳怡呈 審核日期 2024-7-1
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