博碩士論文 108353027 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃浩彰(Hao-Jhang Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 大功率散熱鰭片之熱傳分析
★ 熱塑性聚胺酯複合材料製備燃料電池 雙極板之研究★ 以穿刺實驗探討鋰電池安全性之研究
★ 金屬多孔材應用於質子交換膜燃料電池內流道的研究★ 不同表面處理之金屬發泡材於質子交換膜燃料電池內的研究
★ PEMFC電極及觸媒層之電熱流傳輸現象探討★ 熱輻射對多孔性介質爐中氫、甲烷燃燒之影響
★ 高溫衝擊流熱傳特性之研究★ 輻射傳遞對磁流體自然對流影響之研究
★ 小型燃料電池流道設計與性能分析★ 雙重溫度與濃度梯度下多孔性介質中磁流體之雙擴散對流現象
★ 氣體擴散層與微孔層對於燃料電池之影響與分析★ 應用於PEMFC陰極氧還原反應之Pt-Cu雙元觸媒製備及特性分析
★ 加熱對肌肉組織之近紅外光光學特性影響之研究★ 超音速高溫衝擊流之暫態分析
★ 質子交換膜燃料電池陰極端之兩相流模擬與研究★ 矽相關半導體材料光學模式之實驗量測儀器發展
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摘要(中) 電力電子產品不斷追求高功率密度設計,但並非每個產品都能使用水冷
用兩顆9038 風扇。在有限的空間下,通過優化散熱片的幾何參數和散熱鰭
到3 之間時,可達到最佳設計效果。前置傾角對風扇壓降的改善較為顯著,
在45 度傾角條件下,特性接近於無傾角情況。後置傾角容易增加系統壓降,
摘要(英) Power electronic products continuously strive for high power density designs;
however, not every product can employ liquid cooling solutions. In practical
applications, factors such as reliability, ease of maintenance, and customer
requirements must be considered. Therefore, optimizing air-cooled heat sinks is
necessary from a practical standpoint. Additionally, for high-power models,
weight and cost are often critical design considerations. This study heat sinks
within fixed dimensions. The overall height is 90mm, the total width is 204mm,
and the length is 90mm. Each heat source generates 720W, with two heat sources
in. The heat dissipation module with two 9038 fans. Within the limited space, the
heat sink design is optimized by adjusting the geometric parameters and
inclination angles of the fins. The results show that with heat pipes, changing the
base thickness of the heat sinks has no significant impact on performance. When
the fin spacing is fixed, increasing the thickness of the heat sinks significantly
improves performance. Under conditions with variable fins, the optimal ratio of
fin spacing to fin thickness is between 2 and 3. The pre-angled fins significantly
improve the fan pressure drop, with characteristics close to those of non-angled
fins at a 45-degree angle. The post-angled fins tend to increase the system pressure
drop, thereby affecting the overall airflow of the fan, and provide no significant
benefit to performance. The mid-angled fins slightly increase the pressure drop
but are expected to improve the temperature rise of the heat sinks. The optimized
parameters proposed in this study improve performance by approximately
57%.and keep the same temperature.
關鍵字(中) ★ 強制對流 關鍵字(英) ★ thermal analysis
★ Heat Sink
論文目次 摘 要 ....................................................... 2
ABSTRACT ..................................................... 3
誌 謝 ....................................................... 5
目 錄 ....................................................... 6
圖目錄 ....................................................... 8
表目錄 ...................................................... 11
第一章 緒論 .................................................. 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 ......................................................................................... 1
1-2 文獻回顧 ..................................................................................................... 3
第二章 研究方法 ............................................. 16
2-1 數值方法 .............................................. 16
2-2 研究流程 .............................................. 17
2-3 物理模型 .............................................. 18
2-4 模擬條件 .............................................. 20
2-3 網格獨立性 ............................................ 27
第三章 模擬結果與討論 ....................................... 29
3-1 散熱片幾何討論 ........................................ 29
3-2 鰭片傾斜角度討論 ...................................... 36
3-2.1 前置傾角 ......................................... 36
3-2.2 中置傾角 ......................................... 37
3-2.3 後置傾角 ......................................... 39
第四章 實驗設備與方法 ....................................... 42
4-1 實驗規劃 .............................................. 42
4-2 實驗設備 .............................................. 43
4-3 實驗步驟 .............................................. 47
第五章 結果與討論 ........................................... 51
5-1 實驗結果 ............................................... 51
5-2 模擬與實驗結果比較 .................................... 54
5-3 結論 .................................................. 55
第六章 參考文獻 ............................................. 56
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指導教授 曾重仁(Chung-jen Tseng) 審核日期 2024-7-30
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