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姓名 羅新昇(Shin Sheng Lo) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班 論文名稱 考量剛/柔體轉軸狀態下顆粒阻尼器轉子 系統動力學模型之振動響應分析 相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 (2027-8-31以後開放) 摘要(中) 本研究設計一組具顆粒阻尼之偏心轉子系統,目的於旋轉過程中產生振動進行本論文之探討。過程中主要針對顆粒阻尼減振技術應用於柔體轉軸分析中的重要性,經研究證實顆粒阻尼減振技術配合柔體轉軸雙向耦合模擬分析與試驗結果最為接近。藉由柔體轉軸模擬搭配不同顆粒阻尼減振材質及粒徑之研究,提出適合減振之材質及粒徑範圍,作為後續對抑制振動之參考。
於傳統模擬分析採用的是剛體構件轉軸,在受到力的作用不會產生變形,現實中把大部分構件當做剛體處理是可以滿足要求的,因各構件之間對於動態特性變形影響微乎其微。透過顆粒阻尼減振技術分別與柔體轉軸做獨立之模擬研究,本研究利用轉子系統首將顆粒阻尼減振技術與柔體轉軸結合,並透過MBD-DEM雙向耦合振動分析模型技術進行動態轉子系統之探討。因此,使用柔性多體動力學來估計動態過程中的軸應變,目的是強調透過剛體轉軸分析與柔體轉軸分析兩者間的差異性,並將成果供後續動態模擬分析設計或是測試階段時之參考。摘要(英) For this research study, a set of eccentric rotor systems was designed to generate vibration during the rotation process. The main focus was on the importance of particle damping and vibration reduction technology applied to flexible rotor shafts. Research has confirmed that particle damping and vibration reducing technology combined with a two-way coupling of flexible body rotating shafts achieved the desired results. Through a simulation of the flexible body rotation axis and the study of different particle damping materials and particle sizes, we found materials and particle size specifications suitable for vibration damping, which can serve as a reference for subsequent vibration suppression.
Traditional simulation analysis uses rigid rotating shafts, which will not deform under force. Most components can be treated as rigid bodies to meet requirements because the influence of each component on the dynamic characteristic deformation is minimal. For this study, both traditional rigid techniques and flexible techniques were independently simulated and studied. The flexible shaft applied a dynamic rotor system by using the MBD-DEM bi-directional coupling vibration analysis modeling technique. Flexible multi-body dynamics were used to estimate axial strain during the dynamic process to emphasize the difference between rigid shaft analysis and flexible shaft analysis and to provide the results for subsequent dynamic simulation analysis design or testing stages.關鍵字(中) ★ 動平衡
★ 阻尼顆粒
★ 抑制振動
★ 多體動力學
★ 離散元素法
★ 剛柔性體分析關鍵字(英) ★ Dynamic balance
★ particle damping
★ vibration suppression
★ ultibody dynamics
★ discrete element method
★ rigid flexible body axis論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 文獻回顧 2
1-4 研究架構 4
第2章 試驗設計與模擬架構 6
2-1 試驗設備與架構 6
2-2 訊號控制與量測方法 11
2-3 試驗流程規劃 14
第3章 MBD-DEM雙向耦合模擬分析 18
3-1 模型定義 18
3-2 MBD模型參數設定 23
3-3 DEM模型參數設定 29
3-4 MBD-DEM 耦合模型參數設定 32
第4章 模擬與試驗之結果分析討論 35
4-1 轉軸變形量模擬趨勢分析 35
4-2 剛/柔性體分析與試驗之比對 38
4-3 材質及粒徑對減振效果影響分析 45
第5章 總結與未來展望 49
5-1 總結 49
5-2 未來展望 50
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