博碩士論文 110353025 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉庭銘(Ting-Ming Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 超音波振動輔助啄鑽式二氧化鋯陶瓷微孔加工之研究
(A Study on Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Micro-hole Pecking Drilling of ZrO2)
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摘要(中) 二氧化鋯陶瓷具有硬度高、耐高溫、耐磨耗、抗腐蝕等特性,屬不易加工之硬脆材料,於進行傳統機械微孔鑽削加工時,螺旋鑽針會因磨耗過大導致切削力急遽的增加,從而使微孔入、出口周圍易產生大面積且不規則的脆裂情形,必須加以克服。本研究是利用超音波振動輔助啄鑽式加工方法,針對二氧化鋯陶瓷材料進行微孔鑽削加工之研究,並探討於各種鑽削加工方式與參數條件下如進給速度、啄鑽量、超音波功率及主軸轉速等,對微孔鑽削加工後材料品質特性的影響,而材料品質特性包含有微孔入、出口破裂面積值、刀具切削刃圓角變化量以及實際微孔平均孔直徑值。微孔鑽削加工實驗後,係以光學顯微影像量測儀(OM)對微孔入、出口周圍破裂形貌進行觀察,再以雷射共軛焦掃描顯微鏡(LSCM)進行微孔入、出口處破裂面積與實際微孔平均孔直徑之量測,最後利用掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)微觀分析微孔出口處破裂形貌與加工後螺旋鑽針切刃形貌。實驗結果顯示,超音波振動輔助啄鑽式加工方法,可以有效的排除鑽削過程中的切屑與加工熱能,從而減少加工時所產生的切削力,達到降低螺旋鑽針磨耗與獲得較佳的微孔品質,根據實驗結果,於進給速度0.15 mm/min、啄鑽量15 μm、超音波功率等級Level 2以及主軸轉速9000 rpm之較佳加工參數組合下,可獲得較小的微孔入口破裂面積16328.06 μm²以及較小的微孔出口破裂面積24951.72 μm²,相較於傳統的機械鑽削加工方法,微孔入口破裂面積值減少了48.99 %,而微孔出口破裂值減少87.73 %,且實際微孔平均孔直徑值及螺旋鑽針切削刃圓角變化量也都得到了改善。
摘要(英) Zirconia ceramics possess characteristics such as high hardness, high temperature resistance, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance, making them hard and brittle materials that are difficult to process. During traditional mechanical micro-drilling, spiral drill bits suffer from excessive wear, leading to a rapid increase in cutting force. This results in large, irregular fractures around the micro-hole entrances and exits, which need to be addressed. This study employs an ultrasonic vibration assisted pecking drilling method to conduct micro-hole drilling on zirconium dioxide materials. It explores the effects of various drilling methods and parameter conditions, such as feed rate, pecking depth, ultrasonic power and spindle speed on the quality characteristics of the drilled micro-holes. These quality characteristics include the chipping area at the inlets and outlet, variation of arc radius of the drill bit and the average hole diameters. After the micro-drilling experiments, an optical microscope (OM) was used to observe the chipping morphology around the micro-hole inlets and outlet. A laser confocal scanning microscope (LSCM) measured the chipping area and the average hole diameters. Finally, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) conducted a micro-analysis of the fracture morphology at the micro-hole outlet and the cutting edge morphology of the drill bits post-machining. The experimental results show that the ultrasonic vibration assisted pecking drilling method effectively discharges chips and machining heat during the drilling process, reducing the cutting force and thereby decreasing drill bit wear and improving micro-hole quality. According to the experimental results, an optimal parameter combination of 0.15 mm/min feed rate, 15 μm pecking depth, Level 2 ultrasonic power, and 9000 rpm spindle speed achieved a smaller micro-hole chipping area of 16328.06 μm² at the inlet and a smaller micro-hole chipping area of 24951.72 μm² at the outlet. Compared to traditional mechanical drilling methods, the micro-hole inlet chipping area was reduced by 48.99%, and the micro-hole outlet chipping area was reduced by 87.73%. Additionally, improvements were observed in the average hole diameter and the variation of arc radius of the drill bit.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二氧化鋯陶瓷
★ 啄鑽加工
★ 超音波振動
★ 微孔加工
關鍵字(英) ★ zirconium dioxide
★ Pecking drilling
★ ultrasonic vibration assist
★ drilling
論文目次 摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究動機與目的 2
1-3文獻回顧 4
1-4論文架構 14
第二章 實驗基礎原理 15
2-1切削加工原理[63] 15
2-2鑽削加工理論[63, 64] 15
2-3啄鑽加工理論[63] 17
2-4超音波振動輔助原理[6, 47] 18
2-4-1超音波加工的分類[18, 40] 18
2-5超音波振動輔助鑽削加工原理[65, 66] 20
2-6脆性材料的移除模式[16] 21
2-6-1脆性材料裂紋形成機制 21
2-6-2高靜壓力下脆性轉變延性[15, 24] 22
2-6-3臨界切削深度中延性切削轉變脆性切削模式[22] 22
第三章 實驗設備與材料 23
3-1實驗簡介 23
3-2實驗設備 24
3-2-1 CNC高速切削加工中心機 24
3-2-2超音波振動設備 24
3-2-3鑽削刀具 26
3-2-4切削液 27
3-2-5超音波清洗機 27
3-2-6金相切割機 28
3-2-7 CBN砂輪切片 28
3-2-8平面磨床 29
3-2-9鑽石砂輪 29
3-2-10超音波振幅量測器 30
3-2-11槓桿式千分錶 31
3-2-12 Z軸高度設定器 31
3-2-13光學顯微影像量測儀 32
3-2-14掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM) 32
3-2-15雷射共軛焦掃描顯微鏡(LSCM) 33
3-3實驗夾具 34
3-4實驗材料 34
3-5實驗流程與方法 35
3-6實驗試片製作 36
3-7參數設定 36
3-8孔徑量測方法 37
3-9破裂面積量測方法 37
3-10刀具磨耗量測方法 38
第四章 結果與討論 40
4-1不同的輔助方法對二氧化鋯陶瓷鑽削之影響 40
4-2不同的進給速度對二氧化鋯陶瓷鑽削之影響 48
4-3不同的啄鑽量對二氧化鋯陶瓷鑽削之影響 54
4-4不同的超音波功率對二氧化鋯陶瓷鑽削之影響 60
4-5不同的主軸轉速對二氧化鋯陶瓷鑽削之影響 67
4-6二氧化鋯陶瓷破裂型態分析 73
4-7鑽針磨耗觀察 76
第五章 結論 78
未來展望 80
參考文獻 81
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指導教授 崔海平(Hai-Ping Tsui) 審核日期 2024-8-16
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