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姓名 許良敬(Liang-Jing Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 發泡聚乙烯包裝緩衝結構最佳化設計與分析
(Optimal Design and Analysis of Packaging Structure on Cushioning Capacity of Expanded Polyethylene Foam)
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摘要(中) 本研究主要透過有限元素分析與實際落下試驗,對EPE緩衝包裝結構的緩衝能力進行設計參數最佳化分析,首先,對原始EPE緩衝結構設計在三個面向中,進行有限元素模擬分析並與實際落下試驗最大加速度值之結果進行比對,以確認有限元素分析模型的有效性。透過有限元素模擬分析,觀察原始EPE緩衝結構所保護之受測物在各面向中的應力分佈狀況,從中可得知受測物之最大等效應力值皆遠小於受測物本身的降伏強度,說明受測物本身並不會產生塑性變形。接著利田口實驗方法與變異數分析對各面向的EPE緩衝結構進行設計參數最佳化分析,最後再藉由灰關聯分析與變異數分析,找出綜合三面向EPE緩衝結構的最佳設計參數組合,並進行實體的樣品製作,經實際最大加速度量測值與有限元素分析結果比較,各面向的誤差值皆在12 %以內,說明綜合三面向EPE緩衝結構最佳化設計參數的有限元素分析模型是的有效性。
最後,將其與原始EPE緩衝結構在實際落下試驗中各面向最大加速度值進行比較,結果顯示,在Bottom-Top面向中最大加速度值由原始設計的73.2 g下降至68.2 g,減少了6.8 %;在Front-Rear面向中最大加速度值由原始設計的54.6 g下降至38.8 g,減少了28.9 %;在Right-Left面向中最大加速度值由原始設計的51.9 g下降至44.8 g,減少了13.6 %,在三個面向中皆有明顯的降幅,從而確認本研究使用田口方法結合灰關聯分析進行EPE緩衝結構設計最佳化設計是可行的。
摘要(英) This study aimed to optimize the cushioning capability of EPE (Expanded Polyethylene) packaging structures through finite element analysis (FEA) and real drop tests. Initially, the original EPE packaging structure design was evaluated in three orientations by comparing the maximum acceleration values obtained from FEA simulations and real drop tests to validate the effectiveness of the FEA model. Furthermore, the stress distribution of the protected object within the original EPE packaging structure was observed through FEA. It reveals that the maximum von Mises equivalent stress values were significantly lower than the yield strength of the protected object, indicating no plastic deformation would occur. Subsequently, the Taguchi method of experiment design and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were utilized to perform optimization of design parameters for the EPE packaging structure in each orientation. Finally, grey relational analysis and ANOVA were conducted to determine the optimal design parameter combination for the EPE packaging structure across all three orientations. Physical samples were then created based on these optimized parameters. The maximum acceleration values measured from real tests were compared with the FEA results, showing that the differences in all orientations were within 12 %. It thus confirmed the effectiveness of the FEA model for optimizing the EPE packaging structure design parameters.
Finally, a comparison was made between the original EPE packaging structure and the multi-objective optimized one in terms of the maximum acceleration in real drop test for each orientation. The results showed that in the Bottom-Top orientation, the maximum acceleration decreased from 73.2 g to 68.2 g, namely a reduction of 6.8 %. In the Front-Rear orientation, it reduced from 54.6 g to 38.8 g, with an improvement of 28.9 %. In the Right-Left orientation, it decreased from 51.9 g to 44.8 g, with a reduction of 13.6 %. These significant improvements in all three orientations confirm the feasibility of using the Taguchi method combined with grey relational analysis for the optimization of EPE packaging structure design.
關鍵字(中) ★ 發泡聚乙烯
★ 包裝緩衝結構
★ 最佳化設計
★ 落下測試
關鍵字(英) ★ Expanded Polyethylene Foam
★ Packaging Structure on Cushioning Capacity
★ Optimal Design
★ Drop test
論文目次 摘要-I-
第一章 簡介-1-
1.1 緩衝包裝元件與功能-1-
1.2 緩衝包裝設計程序-2-
1.3 發泡聚乙烯-4-
1.3.1 發泡聚乙烯特性-5-
1.3.2 發泡聚乙烯之製程-6-
1.4 發泡聚乙烯文獻回顧-6-
1.5 研究目的-10-
第二章 數值模擬-11-
2.1 研究流程-11-
2.2 實驗方法-13-
2.2.1 田口實驗設計方法-13-
2.2.2 變異數分析簡介-15-
2.2.3 灰關聯分析簡介-18-
2.3 有限元素分析模型-21-
2.3.1 模型建構與材料參數設定-21-
2.3.2 邊界與接觸條件設定-23-
2.3.3 網格條件設定-27-
2.4 最佳化設計-28-
2.4.1 田口實驗設計-28-
2.4.2 變異數分析-34-
2.4.3 灰關聯分析-35-
第三章 落下試驗-37-
3.1 落下試驗高度-37-
3.2 試驗設備及方法-38-
3.2.1 氣臂式自由落下試驗機-39-
3.2.2 密蠟及其使用-39-
3.2.3 訊號擷取系統-40-
3.2.4 壓電式加速規-41-
3.3 待測物-43-
3.4 濾波原理及濾波截止頻率-44-
第四章 結果與討論-45-
4.1 有限元素模擬與實驗比較-45-
4.1.1 最大等效應力值分析-45-
4.1.2 變形量分析-47-
4.1.3 最大加速度值分析-54-
4.2 最佳化設計參數分析-56-
4.2.1 Bottom-Top面向之最佳化設計參數分析-57-
4.2.2 Front-Rear面向之最佳化設計參數分析-61-
4.2.3 Right-Left面向之最佳化設計參數分析-65-
4.2.4 三個面向綜合分析-69-
4.2.5 多目標最佳化之灰關聯分析-70-
4.3 最佳化設計有限元素模擬分析-75-
4.3.1 Bottom-Top面向最佳參數有限元素模擬分析-75-
4.3.2 Front-Rear面向最佳參數有限元素模擬分析-76-
4.3.3 Right-Left面向最佳參數有限元素模擬分析-76-
4.3.4 多目標最佳化限元素模擬分析-77-
4.4 多目標最佳化結果驗證-79-
第五章 結論-82-
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指導教授 林志光(Chih-Kuang Lin) 審核日期 2024-8-22
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