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姓名 陳愷風(Kai-Feng Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 利用航空影像關聯和DSM時間序列測量 台灣西南部車瓜林斷層和旗山斷層之間的地表變形
(Measuring ground deformation across the Chegualin and Chishan faults, Southwestern Taiwan, using aerial image correlation and DSM time series)
★ 利用台灣西南部二仁溪之階地分析探討全新世構造運動★ 利用曾文溪沿岸階地及碳14定年法分析臺灣西南部崙後斷層及口宵里斷層之活動特性
★ 台灣西南部滾水坪的構造活動性和泥火山機制★ 台灣西南部二仁溪緯度一帶活躍變形的西部麓山帶的構造分析
★ 台灣西南部曾文溪一帶跨越西部麓山帶山麓前緣的活動構造及全新世變形速率
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摘要(中) 台灣位於菲律賓海板塊與歐亞板塊的聚合邊界,前者以每年82毫米的速度向東北方與後者碰撞。其中約一半的板塊擠壓變形集中在台灣西南部,主要通過褶皺逆衝和構造脫逸作用來吸收變形。大地測量結果揭示了台灣南部西麓山帶的顯著變形。本區有兩條相距僅500米且平行的向東南傾斜的逆衝斷層。車瓜林斷層截切上新世至更新世的古亭坑層泥岩,並以其低起伏的惡地地形著稱。東側的旗山斷層將中新世晚期的砂岩抬升至古亭坑層之上,並在斷層上盤形成了與植被茂密的顯著山脊,且具有較不穩定的邊坡。根據安裝於國道一帶的全球導航衛星系統(GNSS)、水準測量和導線測量等,跨越這兩個斷層測量結果顯示此二構造的總縮短速率僅為每年15毫米。但在車瓜林斷層的壓縮率達到每年50毫米,而在旗山斷層的伸張速率達到每年32毫米。在這兩個斷層之間的地區,相對於澎湖的抬升速率從每年33毫米往東南方增加到每年100毫米,但在旗山斷層以東,抬升速率下降到每年20毫米。引發這種顯著無震地表變形的機制仍須深入探究。
摘要(英) Taiwan is located at a convergent boundary where the Philippine Sea Plate is moving northeastward to the Eurasian Plate at the rate of 82 mm/year. About half of the convergence is accommodated in southwestern Taiwan through folding and thrusting, as well as tectonic extrusion. Ground-based geodetic observations revealed a remarkable deformation pattern within the Western Foothills of southern Taiwan. There, two sub-parallel southeast-dipping thrusts are separated by only 500 m. The Chegualin fault cuts through the Plio-Pleistocene Gutingkeng mudstone, characterized by a scenic low-relief badland landscape. To the east, the Chishan fault has brought Late Miocene sandstone on top of the Gutingkeng mudstone: the hanging wall consists of a significant ridge topography associated with vegetated and locally unstable slopes. According to GNSS, levelling and traverse measurements along a freeway and tunnel crossing both thrusts, there is limited net shortening across the two major structures at a rate of 15 mm/year, but 50 mm/year of compression across the Chegualin fault and 32 mm/year of extension across the Chishan fault. In-between the faults, uplift increases southeastward from 33 to 100 mm/year relative to Penghu, but drops to 20 mm/year east of the Chishan fault. Sharp deformation gradients indicate aseismic slip on both structures. Such significant aseismic ground deformation has raised the question of the driving mechanism.
To investigate this phenomenon, this study monitors ground-surface deformation using the image correlation technique to quantify horizontal displacements and using DSM (Digital Surface Model) time series to access vertical displacements. This approach aptly complements the existing ground-based transect and regional observations from GNSS and InSAR: it would provide high resolution observations covering a larger area along the strike of the geological structures. We used 8 sets of 8 aerial images acquired from 2008 to 2015 covering a 3 x 3 km area, centered on the freeway and ground-based geodetic network. Images were processed with Micmac, a free open-source photogrammetric software suite.
The estimated horizontal displacements along the freeway closely match ground-based observations. Across the Chegualin fault, we observe during 2008-2015 cumulated horizontal compression along the fault-perpendicular direction ranging from 17 to 44 cm, 13 to 42 cm of right-lateral offset south of the freeway, and slightly left-lateral offset north of the freeway. The compression extends at least 2000 meters along the Chegualin fault and a major branch fault. However, it remains challenging to precisely quantify and locate the displacement discontinuity across the Chishan fault due to poor correlation caused by vegetation. Our results also reveal a previously unknown rotation pattern in-between the two faults, with a clockwise rotation north
of the freeway and a counter-clockwise rotation south of it. Preliminary results on DSM time series also support the previously observed uplift pattern.
Field geological surveys reveal several fault zones with kinematic indicators on the outcrop scale. Along the Chegualin fault, we manage to trace the main shear zones with reverse slip sense for at least 2 km, and geological evidence is consistent with the aerial image correlation results in terms of fault kinematics. Along the Chishan fault, we found steep SE-dipping en echelon pattern normal faults with a right-lateral component up to 1.4 km northwest of the freeway, and these dextral normal faults also present changes in rake, according to the slickenlines on the shear planes.
To conclude on the aerial image correlation and geological survey results, we provide a map of active structures and a 3D ground deformation model with a range of 2.5 x 2.5 km. We propose a mud-piercement-related half-doming system to explain the local ground deformation pattern. The center of the dome is located near the northwestern end of the Zhongliao tunnel and the northwest side of the dome is bounded by the pre-existing Chegualin fault. Further explaining the mechanism may require more geophysical or geochronological research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 影像關聯
★ 攝影測量
★ 地表位移
★ 中寮隧道
★ 活動斷層
★ 潛移斷層
關鍵字(英) ★ Image correlation
★ Photogrammetry
★ Surface displacement
★ Zhongliao tunnel
★ Active faults
★ Creeping faults
論文目次 Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... v
Table of contents ................................................................................................................................... ix
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................ xi
Chapter 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Research background ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Tectonic setting of southwest Taiwan ........................................................................................ 6
1.3 Geological setting of the Zhongliao tunnel area ....................................................................... 8
1.4 Geodetic observations at the Zhongliao tunnel ...................................................................... 12
1.5 Research goal ............................................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 2. Aerial Image Correlation ................................................................................................ 16
2.1 Image acquisition and processing steps ................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 Tie points search ................................................................................................................. 18
2.2.2 Image geometry estimation................................................................................................ 21
2.2.3 Reconstruction of 2008 and 2015 DSM and orthoimage ................................................ 23
2.2.4 2D pixel correlation ............................................................................................................ 27
2.3 Horizontal displacement ........................................................................................................... 29
2.4 Vertical displacement ................................................................................................................ 37
Chapter 3. Geological Field Survey ................................................................................................... 39
3.1 Along the Chegualin fault ......................................................................................................... 39
3.1.1 Outcrops North of the freeway.......................................................................................... 40
3.1.2 Tai-Yang valley transect .................................................................................................... 42
3.2 Along the Chishan fault ............................................................................................................ 44
3.2.1 Coffeeshop outcrops ........................................................................................................... 46
3.2.2 Zhongliao tunnel outcrops ................................................................................................. 49
Chapter 4. Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 53
4.1 Validation of the image correlation results ............................................................................. 53
4.2 The connection between image correlation results and shear zones activity ....................... 55
4.3 Spatial distribution of active geological structures ................................................................ 58
4.4 Regional tectonic implications .................................................................................................. 61
Chapter 5. Conclusions and suggestions ........................................................................................... 62
References ............................................................................................................................................ 63
Appendix 1: Image Catalogue ............................................................................................................ 66
Appendix 2: MicMac processing pipeline ......................................................................................... 67
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指導教授 波玫琳(Maryline Le Béon) 審核日期 2024-8-23
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