博碩士論文 111323047 詳細資訊

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姓名 林杰楓(LIN,CHIEH-FONG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 316L不銹鋼歧管精密鑄造殼模變形及補償措施的實驗與數值研究
(Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Shell Mold Deformation and Compensation Measure in Precision Casting of 316L Stainless Steel Manifold)
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摘要(中) 精密鑄造的品質顯著影響其製造成本。在不鏽鋼岐管的製造過程中,鑄件的尺寸精度是評估其品質的重要指標。為了控制精密鑄造過程中鑄件的變形,提出了一種基於反向變形原理的模具改善方法,步驟與方法如下:
1. 首先採用3D掃描技術定量測量蠟模以及相對應的精密鑄造零件的變形情況。
2. 根據反向變形原理,岐管蠟模的長邊(LS)和短邊(SS)部分進行變形補償。LS和SS的補償量分別為1.2mm和1.5mm。
3. 將補償後的蠟模型CAD導入FEM鑄造模擬軟體中,模擬鑄件冷卻後的位移以及方向,同時模擬殼模上的應力分佈。
4. 確認補償蠟模後精密鑄造模擬的尺寸精度在公差範圍內,並對實際蠟模進行修正。
5. 透過實際生產和3D測量技術,驗證零件的尺寸精度保持在±0.3毫米以內。
摘要(英) The quality of investment casting significantly affects its manufacturing cost. During the manifold manufacturing process, the deformation of the casting is an important indicator for evaluating its quality. To control the deformation of castings during investment casting, a mold improvement method based on the deformation compensation principle is proposed: 1. First, perform 3D scanning technology to quantitatively measure the deformation of the wax model and the corresponding investment casting parts. 2. Based on the reverse deformation principle, perform deformation compensation on the long side (LS) and short side (SS) of the manifold′s wax pattern. The compensation amounts for the LS and SS are 1.5 mm and 1.2 mm, respectively. 3. Import the compensated wax model CAD into FEM software to simulate the displacement of the casting after cooling and simultaneously simulate the stress on the shell mold. 4. Confirm that the dimensional accuracy of the compensated wax model investment casting simulation is within the tolerance range, and make corrections to the actual wax mold. 5. Through actual production and 3D measurement technology, verify that the dimensional accuracy of the parts is maintained within ±0.3 mm. The main contribution of this paper aims to study the reverse deformation principle and improve the mold based on numerical simulation. Through experimental verification, the maximum deformation of the LS was reduced from 1.21 mm to 0.13 mm, a reduction of 89.1%, and the maximum deformation of the SS was reduced from 1.22 mm to 0.12 mm, a reduction of 89.7%, controlling deformation errors within ±0.3 mm. Ultimately, the proposed geometrically compensated wax pattern and investment casted products were successfully accomplished the pilot run and smooth transitions into actual mass production in the casting foundry. In the end, although stress-induced cracks do exist and have been experimentally confirmed, they do not affect the production quality of the castings.
關鍵字(中) ★ 精密鑄造
★ 蠟模
★ 變形補償
★ 位移
★ 應力
★ 316L不鏽鋼
論文目次 摘 要 I
Abstract III
誌 謝 V
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XIV
第一章. 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與方法 4
第二章. 文獻回顧 6
2-1 精密鑄造 6
2-2 電腦輔助工程 6
2-3 鑄造變形的預測和數據分析 7
第三章. 材料與實驗設置 8
3-1 實驗設備 8
第四章. 不鏽鋼岐管模擬結果與探討 14
4-1 緒論 14
4-1-1 鑄件基本資料與常見缺陷 14
4-1-2 鑄造組樹方案 17
4-1-3 基本鑄造參數 18
4-2 實驗與模擬 21
4-2-1 岐管的位移模擬 21
4-2-2 變形補償原理 24
4-3 蠟件補償實驗與模擬 26
4-3-1 蠟模補償尺寸 26
4-3-2 補償後岐管位移模擬 28
4-3-3 補償後岐管實際位移 31
4-4 殼模應力之模擬結果 34
第五章. 結論 38
參考文獻 40
第六章. 附錄 44
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指導教授 傅尹坤(Yiin-kuen Fuh) 審核日期 2024-8-14
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