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姓名 葛蕾蒂(Gladys Yolanda Hasugian)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士班
論文名稱 運用譜分群分析桃園市土壤污染模式之研究
(Pattern Analysis for Soil Contamination in Taoyuan City using Spectral Clustering)
★ 運用深度神經網路建立H型鋼構件自動辨識系統之研究★ 運用關聯法則探討協力廠商對營造廠報價行為之研究
★ 探討影響台灣工程顧問公司落實法律遵循反貪腐關鍵因素之研究★ 以分包商角度探討對營造廠報價行為策略之研究
★ 運用SOMCM分群演算法開發設計雲端智慧平台之營運維護產業介面-以桃園市某園區為例★ 專案管理在履約爭議處理機制之比較與研析
★ H型鋼構件智慧塗裝路徑優化研究★ 以資料包絡分析法評估大型統包營造廠之經營績效-以上市櫃公司為例
★ 運用組織特徵映射圖動作軌跡相似度測量法探索預鑄工項生產效率與資源規劃之研究★ 預鑄專案成本估算策略之研究
★ 新建工程建造執照查核缺失要項之探討--以台北市為例★ 灰關聯分析探討古蹟與歷史建築再利用之研究
★ 營造工地管理人資量化與預測★ 公共建設專案現金管理與控制之研究
★ 營建業ERP整合PDA模型之研究★ 水庫營運效益評估之研究-以石門水庫為例
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摘要(中) 目前檢測污染涉及收集和分析土壤樣本的漫長程序,使其成為一個緩慢且勞動密集的過程。本研究旨在開發一個模型來預測再污染和污染增量的機率。該研究以台灣桃園市為重點,特別是歷史上農田受到污染的地區,使用2004年至2022年的數據。管制農田。總共分析了 1,555 個數據點以進行聚類建模。使用 13 個輸入變量,光譜聚類模型識別出 4 個聚類,顯示銅、鋅和鎘的特定分佈。主要發現包括:(1) 由於金屬溶解度增加,低 pH 值與較高的金屬濃度有關; (2) 高電導率 (EC) 水平表示金屬濃度和礦化程度較高; (3) pH 值的變化顯示土壤條件不穩定,影響金屬的溶解度和流動性。
摘要(英) Currently detecting pollution involves lengthy procedures for collecting and analysing soil samples, making it a slow and labour-intensive process. This research aims to develop a model to predict the probability of recontamination and pollution increments. The study focuses on Taoyuan City, Taiwan, particularly areas with historical farmland pollution, using data from 2004 to 2022. It concentrates on assessing heavy metal contamination, specifically the increments of copper, zinc, and cadmium in agricultural land, covering 2,827 regulated farmland parcels. A total of 1,555 data points were analysed for clustering modelling. Using 13 input variables, the Spectral Clustering model identified 4 clusters, indicating specific distributions for copper, zinc, and cadmium. The major findings include: (1) low pH levels are associated with higher metal concentrations due to increased metal solubility; (2) high Electrical Conductivity (EC) levels indicate higher metal concentrations and mineralization; and (3) pH value variability suggests unstable soil conditions, affecting metal solubility and mobility.
關鍵字(中) ★ 農場污染、光譜聚類、重金屬、環境管理
★ 農場污染
★ 光譜聚類
★ 重金屬
★ 環境管理
關鍵字(英) ★ farm pollution, spectral clustering, heavy metal, environmental management
★ farm pollution
★ spectral clustering
★ heavy metal
★ environmental management
摘要 ii
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Research Objectives 2
1.4 Research Scope and Limitations 3
1.5 Research Methodology and Flowchart 4
1.6 Thesis Organization 4
2.1 Introduction to Soil Pollution and Land Monitoring 6
2.1.1 Overview and Importance of Addressing Soil Pollution 6
2.1.2 Challenges & Solutions in Establishing a Sustainable & Smart Urban Environment 6
2.1.3 Navigating Environmental Challenges: Pollution Control & Public Well-being… 7
2.2 Soil Pollution and the Impact 8
2.2.1 Definition and Types of Pollution 8
2.2.2 Factors Contributing to Soil Pollution 11
2.2.3 Heavy metals: zinc, copper, and cadmium 14
2.2.4 Interconnected Nature of Environmental Contamination 17
2.2.5 The Correlation of Soil Pollution Sources and Industrial Areas 17
2.2.6 Overview of Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Measures 18
2.2.7 Harnessing Advanced Technology for the Monitoring and Remediation of Soil Pollution. 18
2.2.8 Principles and Advantage of Spectral Cluster in Pollution Analysis 18
3.1 Data Collection 20
3.2 Data Analysis 20
3.3 Feature Identification and Selection 21
3.4 Model development 26
4.1 Analysis Result 33
4.2 Key Features for Each Cluster 46
4.3 Discussion 47
4.4 Research Findings 48
5.1 Conclusion 51
5.2 Suggestion 51
References 52
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指導教授 陳介豪(Jieh-Haur Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-1
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