博碩士論文 111323068 詳細資訊

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姓名 林仁謙(Jen-Chien Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 利用化學氣相沉積法於合成可控性且高密度陣列之二硫化鉬的研究
(Study on the Synthesis of Controlled and High-Density Arrays of Molybdenum Disulfide Using Chemical Vapor Deposition Metho員)
★ 利用化學氣相沉積法於規模化合成大面積石墨烯之研究★ 電化學輔助剝離於乾轉印大面積與超潔凈石墨烯之研究
★ 利用網印方法製備全固態石墨烯複合電極於高能量密度之微型電容的研究★ 有效披覆黑磷烯的穩定性之研究
★ Phosphorus and Nitrogen Dual-doped Graphene Oxide as Metal-free Catalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction★ 利用氟化自組裝膜增強石墨烯與二硫化鉬的電傳輸特性之研究
★ 批量繞捲方法於化學氣相沉積法合成大面積單層與多層石墨烯之研究★ 石墨烯之複合電極於全固態纖維式微型超電容的研究
★ 利用改良液相剝離法提高銻烯合成產率與均質性之研究★ 石墨烯的霍爾效應感測器應用於快速且無標記DNA之研究
★ 利用低損傷電漿改質於提升二硫化鉬電晶體之電傳輸特性★ 石墨烯場效應電晶體應用於鼻咽癌循環腫瘤細胞生醫感測晶片之研究
★ 化學氣相沉積法合成二硫化鉬於矽基材料之可控性及變異性研究★ 使用低損傷電漿改質於提升二維通道電晶體電傳輸特性
★ 利用電化學剝離石墨烯之三維多孔隙電極於製作可撓式超級電容★ 懸空石墨烯之特性研究與應用
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摘要(中) 近年來,二維(2D)材料因其優異的材料特性,包括原子層厚度、尺寸縮小時的高遷移率以及可控能帶結構,而受到廣泛關注和研究,使其被認為是下世代半導體的關鍵候選材料。其中,過渡金屬二硫化物(TMDs)中的二硫化鉬(MoS2)已得到了廣泛的研究,其具有高機械強度、良好熱穩定性與高載子遷移率,在光感應、邏輯電路元件以及高頻通訊等領域都具有廣泛的應用前景。
摘要(英) In recent years, two-dimensional (2D) materials have garnered significant attention and research interest due to their exceptional material properties, including atomic layer thickness, high mobility at reduced dimensions, and tunable band structures. These attributes position 2D materials as promising candidates for next-generation semiconductor technologies. Among these materials, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) within the transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) group has been extensively studied. MoS2 exhibits high mechanical strength, excellent thermal stability, and high carrier mobility, making it highly suitable for applications in photodetection, logic circuits, and high-frequency communications.
Monolayer MoS2 features a semiconductor bandgap of approximately 1.85 eV and can be synthesized into high-quality, large-area, and uniform continuous films through chemical vapor deposition (CVD). This capability enhances its prospects in the semiconductor industry. Traditionally, sapphire substrates have been employed for MoS2 synthesis due to the crystal lattice matching mechanism. However, subsequent processes necessitate the transfer of the MoS2 layer from the sapphire substrate to target substrates such as silicon dioxide (SiO2) or silicon nitride (Si3N4). This transfer introduces numerous defects, including polymer residues, wrinkles, and cracks, which degrade the material′s electrical properties. Consequently, synthesizing MoS2 directly on insulating substrates is of significant importance. Traditional CVD methods have limitations, such as uncontrollable growth locations and non-uniform material sizes.
Therefore, in this study, we propose a highly controllable crystal growth method using gold as a heterogeneous nucleation site. By exploiting differences in reaction energy barriers, we can grow monolayer MoS2 crystals with a size of 10 micrometers at predetermined nucleation sites on a SiO2 substrate. Photoluminescence (PL) analysis reveals that these crystals exhibit high crystallinity with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 61 meV. Additionally, Raman spectroscopy and PL mapping indicate that these single crystals are monolayers with high uniformity and crystallinity. Using this method, we can achieve uniform-sized and large-area single-crystal MoS2 arrays (50×50), subsequently fabricating gate, drain, and source electrodes to produce two-dimensional field-effect transistors (FETs). This method avoids transfer and transistor area etching steps, is compatible with current semiconductor processes, and significantly reduces process complexity and cost.
關鍵字(中) ★ 化學氣相沉積
★ 二硫化鉬
關鍵字(英) ★ Chemical Vapor Deposition
★ Molybdenum Disulfide
論文目次 學位論文授權書 i
學位論文延後公開申請書 ii
指導教授推薦書 iii
口試委員審定書 iv
摘要 v
Abstract vi
致謝 viii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xiii
表目錄 xvi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
第二章 文獻回顧與研究動機 5
2-1 過渡金屬二硫屬化物 5
2-2 二硫化鉬簡介 6
2-3 二硫化鉬合成方式 9
2-3-1 物理氣相沉積 9
2-3-2 化學氣相沉積 10
2-4 化學氣相沉積之限制與改善方式 10
2-4-1 成長基板選擇 11
2-4-2 改善沉積均勻度 11
2-4-3 降低反應溫度 13
2-4-4 選擇性成長 15
2-5 研究動機 19
第三章 實驗架構與流程 20
3-1 實驗架構 20
3-2 實驗用品與儀器 20
3-2-1 實驗用品 20
3-2-2 實驗儀器及原理 22
3-3 實驗流程 25
3-3-1 點陣列試片製備 25
3-3-2 試片熱退火與表面處理 26
3-3-3 碳布熱退火 27
3-3-4 化學氣相沉積 27
3-4 材料分析方法 28
3-4-1 光學顯微鏡 28
3-4-2 拉曼光譜 30
3-4-3 光致發光 33
第四章 結果與討論 35
4-1 點陣列試片製備 35
4-1-1 光阻旋塗參數調整 35
4-1-2 曝光劑量調整 35
4-2 試片熱退火製程參數調整 36
4-3 化學氣相沉積 38
4-3-1 利用物理遮罩改善沉積均勻度 38
4-3-2 擺放位置調整 40
4-3-3 載流氣體流量調整 43
4-3-4 前驅物比例調整 45
4-3-5 硫引入參數調整 47
4-4 鹼金屬鹵化物輔助化學氣相沉積 49
4-4-1 添加劑比例調整 49
4-4-2 缺陷分析 50
4-4-3 降低製程溫度效果 51
4-5 控制二硫化鉬生長位置 52
4-5-1 金點位控制效果與分析 52
4-5-2 其他點位材料控制效果與分析 59
4-6 點陣二硫化鉬驗證分析 61
4-6-1 選擇性生長與碳殘留驗證 61
4-6-2 金點位生長機制驗證 62
4-6-3 材料厚度與表面形貌分析 64
4-6-4 材料元素比例分析與鈉殘留驗證 64
4-7 元件製作與電性量測 66
第五章 結論與未來展望 67
5-1 結論 67
5-2 未來展望 68
參考資料 69
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指導教授 蘇清源(Ching-Yuan Su) 審核日期 2024-8-15
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