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姓名 陳逸倫(Yi-Lun Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 鑽石碟碳足跡與物質流成本分析之探討 -以A廠為例
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★ 更換低噪音工具以改善廠房噪音之研究-以汽車製造A廠為例★ 以高溫熔融還原法回收不銹鋼集塵灰中鉻與鎳之效益探討
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摘要(中) 隨著全球氣候變遷和環境保護意識的提升,企業日益關注其產品對環境的影響。碳足跡與物質流成本分析作為評估產品生命周期環境影響的重要工具,已成為企業可持續發展的重要考量之一。本研究旨在以A廠鑽石碟製程為例,探討該製程在碳足跡和物質流成本方面的表現,以期提供企業制定環境保護策略的參考和啟示。結果顯示,鑽石碟碳足跡為12.68 kgCO2e/pc,以製造階段之61.5%貢獻最高,原料取得階段為38.5%次之。其中,QC3(脫蠟硬銲過程)是主要碳排放來源,排放量為5.44 kgCO2e/pc,主要由於該階段需大量電力和高溫維持。QC1(鑽石篩選過程)則以4.33 kgCO2e/pc次之,主要來自於金屬台金的切割和手工加工過程。QC4(鑽石銳利度平整化過程)的碳排放為1.51 kgCO2e/pc,主要源於研磨過程的能源消耗。物質流成本分析顯示,正產品占55%,負產品占45%。QC3的正產品成本為29.8百萬元,而負產品成本達22.2百萬元,兩者差距不大,反映出該階段大量使用輔助材料和化學品,廢液處理費用較高。QC2的正產品成本為13.0百萬元,負產品成本為7.4百萬元,表明篩選過程中存在一定的廢料處理空間。QC4的正產品成本為35.6百萬元,負產品成本僅為7.5百萬元,顯示出研磨修整階段的資源利用效率較高。基於上述分析,提出的改善方向包括,在QC3階段優化輔助材料和化學品的使用,採用更高效的技術和設備以減少浪費和能資源消耗;在QC4階段提高研磨設備的效率和使用方式,降低能源消耗。此外,QC1階段建議供應商優化材料使用和製造方法,或尋找碳排放較低的供應商,以進一步降低整體碳足跡。
摘要(英) With global climate change and growing environmental awareness, industries are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their products. As key tools for evaluating the environmental impact of a product′s life cycle, carbon footprint and material flow cost analysis have become crucial considerations for sustainable development. This study aims to examine the carbon footprint and material flow cost performance of the diamond disc manufacturing process at Factory A, providing insights and references for companies in formulating environmental protection strategies. The results show that the carbon footprint of the diamond disc is 12.68 kgCO2e/pc, with the manufacturing stage contributing the most at 61.5%, followed by the raw material acquisition stage at 38.5%. Among these, QC3 (dewaxing and hard soldering process) is the primary source of carbon emissions, with a discharge of 5.44 kgCO2e/pc, mainly due to the high electricity usage and prolonged high-temperature maintenance required in this stage. QC1 (the process of diamond sorting) follows with 4.33 kgCO2e/pc, primarily from the cutting and manual processing of the metal base. QC4 (the process of diamond sharpening and flattening) has a carbon emission of 1.51 kgCO2e/pc, mainly due to energy consumption during the grinding process. Material flow cost analysis reveals that 55% of the products are positive outputs, while 45% are negative outputs. The positive product cost for QC3 is 29.8 million NTD, whereas the negative product cost is 22.2 million NTD, indicating slight difference. This reflects the extensive use of auxiliary materials and chemicals in this stage, leading to high costs for waste liquid treatment. Positive product cost of QC2 is 13.0 million NTD, with a negative product cost of 7.4 million NTD, suggesting some room for waste treatment optimization in the screening process. QC4 shows a positive product cost of 35.6 million NTD and a negative product cost of only 7.5 million NTD, indicating high resource utilization efficiency during the grinding and trimming stage. Based on the above analysis, the proposed directions improvement include optimizing the use of auxiliary materials and chemicals in QC3, adopting more efficient technologies and equipment to reduce waste and energy consumption; enhancing the efficiency and usage of grinding equipment in QC4 to reduce energy consumption. Additionally, for QC1, it is recommended that suppliers optimize material usage and manufacturing methods or seek suppliers with lower carbon emissions to further reduce the overall carbon footprint.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鑽石碟
★ 溫室氣體盤查
★ 碳足跡
★ 物質流成本分析
關鍵字(英) ★ diamond disc
★ greenhouse gas inventory
★ carbon footprint
★ material flow cost analysis
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 研究源起與目的 1
1-1研究緣起 1
1-2研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1氣候變遷的影響 4
2-2聯合國氣候峰會 7
2-3我國溫室氣體排放現況 8
2-4化學機械拋光 10
2-5鑽石碟 12
2-6溫室氣體盤查 14
2-7碳密集度 18
2-8能源密集度 19
2-9產品碳足跡 20
2-10物質流成本會計(MFCA) 23
第三章 研究方法 30
3-1鑽石碟製程 30
3-2產業溫室氣體排放現況說明 31
3-3鑽石碟碳足跡 32
3-3-1鑽石碟碳足跡範疇 32
3-3-2鑽石碟碳足跡計算方法 34
3-4物質流成本分析(MFCA)說明 35
3-4-1物質流成本分析範疇 35
3-4-2各物量中心(QC)的投入與產出 36
3-4-3物質流成本費用 39
第四章 結論與討論 41
4-1溫室氣體盤查結果 41
4-1-1溫室氣體排放數據分析 41
4-1-2碳密集度及能源密集度分析 43
4-1-3碳密集度與能源密集度比較 45
4-1-4能源使用比率 47
4-1-5電力使用分析 48
4-2鑽石碟碳足跡盤查結果 50
4-2-1原料取得階段碳足跡 51
4-2-2製造階段碳足跡 53
4-2-3運輸階段碳足跡 53
4-2-4碳足跡計算結果 54
4-3物質流成本分析 57
4-3-1 QC單元的投入與產出說明 58
4-3-2 物質成本分析 66
4-3-3 能源成本分析 67
4-3-4 系統成本分析 68
4-3-5 廢棄物處理成本分析 68
4-3-6 物質流成本分析結果 68
4-4碳足跡與物質流成本合併分析 71
第五章 結論與建議 76
5-1結論 76
5-2建議 78
參考文獻 79
附錄一 能源消耗量計算 82
附錄二 金屬台金碳排係數計算 83
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中央研究院,「臺灣淨零科技研發政策建議書 No.17」,2022。
指導教授 張木彬 審核日期 2024-7-26
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