博碩士論文 110323033 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳俊樺(Jun-Hua Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 微細片狀電極結合超音波輔助電化學放電加工於石英玻璃加工微槽之研究
(Investigation of Ultrasonic-Assisted Electrochemical Discharge Machining for Quartz Micro-slot by Using Micro-sheet Electrode)
★ 混氣放電線切割加工 N-Type 單晶碳化矽之研究★ 鎳鈦記憶合金電極應用於不鏽鋼彎管內表面電化學拋光之研究
★ 磁場輔助電化學加工法於不銹鋼陣列微孔拋光之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究利用電化學放電加工 (Electrochemical Discharge Machining,
碳化鎢工具電極,工件為厚度 0.3 mm 之石英玻璃,進行加工特性之研究,
等加工參數對加工品質之影響,第一階段加工 UA-ECDM 搭配自製之荷重
度較工具電極進給速度緩慢而導致破裂之現象,UA-ECDM 加工通槽後,維
持相同的加工配置下,直接進行第二階段 UVAG 加工,免除更換刀具與避
研磨實現入口長寬分別為 0.459 mm、3.063 mm,出口長寬分別為 0.446 mm、
3.064 mm 之微槽尺寸,電極消耗率為 0.776 %。
摘要(英) This study employs Electrochemical Discharge Machining (ECDM) combined
with ultrasonic vibration assistance, using a stepped, flat tungsten carbide tool
electrode to machine through-slots in 0.3 mm thick quartz glass. The research
investigates the effects of various machining parameters on machining quality,
including working voltage, concentration of surfactant, ultrasonic output power
level, and feed rate.
In the first stage, the UA-ECDM, equipped with a self-made load cell feedback
control system, automatically adjusts the feed rate during machining to prevent
cracks caused by the material removal rate of the workpiece being slower than the
feed rate of the tool electrode. After machining the through-slot with UA-ECDM,
the second stage involves UVAG machining using the same setup to avoid tool
change and maintain positioning accuracy. This stage continues the feed on a
precision moving platform, introducing diamond abrasive slurry, and employs
high-frequency ultrasonic vibration to continuously grind the workpiece.
Ultrasonic grinding is used to deburr the through-slot edges formed in the first
stage of electrochemical discharge, completing the second stage of machining.
Finally, the study observes the inlet and outlet dimensions, the amount of outlet
burrs, and the electrical discharge consumption after machining.
The use of ultrasonic vibration-assisted micro-groove machining utilizes highfrequency ultrasonic vibrations to cause pressure changes in the electrolyte, which
creates a pumping effect and disturbs the electrolyte. This disturbance accelerates
the removal of reaction heat and various machining by-products from the
machining area, thereby improving the efficiency of electrolyte circulation as the
machining depth increases. Additionally, adding surfactants enhances the
wettability of the tool electrode surface, contributing to improved machining
efficiency. Experimental results show that surfactants help increase machining
depth, and ultrasonic vibration assistance can reduce the affected area of etching.
By combining the advantages of both auxiliary media, it is possible to machine
through-grooves and improve the fragmentation at the groove exit by adjusting
the feed rate. Finally, ultrasonic grinding achieved micro-groove dimensions of
0.459mm * 3.063mm at the inlet and 0.446mm * 3.064mm at the outlet, with an
electrode wear rate of 0.776%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 精密電化學放電加工
★ 石英
★ 微槽加工
★ 界面活性劑
★ 超音波研 磨
★ 荷重元回饋
★ 有限元素分析
論文目次 目 錄
摘 要................................................................................................................I
目 錄.............................................................................................................VI
表目錄.......................................................................................................... XIII
第一章 緒論..................................................................................................... 1
1-1 研究背景................................................................................................ 1
1-2 研究動機及目的 ................................................................................... 2
1-3 文獻回顧................................................................................................ 3
1-4 論文架構.............................................................................................. 12
第二章 實驗基礎理論................................................................................... 13
2-1 界面活性劑.......................................................................................... 13
2-2 臨界微胞濃度 ..................................................................................... 15
2-3 表面張力原理 ..................................................................................... 16
2-4 潤濕作用.............................................................................................. 18
2-5 極化...................................................................................................... 20
2-6 超音波振動輔助加工原理 ................................................................. 22
2-7 化學蝕刻原理 ..................................................................................... 24
2-8 放電加工原理 ..................................................................................... 27
2-8-1 放電加工材料移除機制.................................................................. 27
2-9 電化學放電加工基本配置 ................................................................. 30
2-9-1 電化學放電加工之放電火花形成機制.......................................... 31
2-9-2 電化學放電加工之材料移除機制.................................................. 34
第三章 實驗設備與方法............................................................................... 35
3-1 實驗設備.............................................................................................. 35
3-2 實驗材料............................................................................................... 45
3-3 線切割修整工具電極 ......................................................................... 51
3-4 試片製作............................................................................................... 51
3-5 電解液配製........................................................................................... 52
3-6 研磨液配製........................................................................................... 52
3-7 實驗流程與方法 ................................................................................. 53
3-7-1 實驗參數設定................................................................................... 54
3-7-2 量測方法........................................................................................... 56
第四章 多重物理耦合模擬........................................................................... 57
4-1 片狀電極熱伸長之分析 ..................................................................... 57
4-1-1 工具電極之熱膨脹........................................................................... 59
4-1-2 工具電極之溫度分布....................................................................... 60
第五章 結果與討論....................................................................................... 61
5-1 不同加工參數對電化學放電於石英玻璃加工微槽之影響............. 61
5-2 工具電極氣膜之觀察 ......................................................................... 63
5-3 片狀工具電極 ECDM 之材料移除機制........................................... 67
5-4 荷重隨電源開啟時間之變化 ............................................................. 68
5-5 不同初始加工間隙工件表面之加工情形 ......................................... 69
5-6 工作電壓.............................................................................................. 70
5-7 界面活性劑濃度 ................................................................................. 74
5-8 超音波輸出功率 ................................................................................. 84
5-9 進給速度.............................................................................................. 92
5-9-1 等速進給.......................................................................................... 92
5-9-2 調速進給.......................................................................................... 97
5-10 超音波研磨...................................................................................... 100
5-11 電極消耗........................................................................................... 101
第六章 結論................................................................................................. 103
未來展望....................................................................................................... 105
參考文獻....................................................................................................... 106
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指導教授 洪榮洲 審核日期 2024-8-23
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